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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • ^ Are you guys STILL arguing? Jesus. Even I'm starting to suspect people of various things now. Welcome to Paranoiaville.

    Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
    Oh by the way, how many were butthurt about our so called "fake masks" pictures ? GO GRAB THE TOOL NOW from 123 and see for yourself.
    Saw someone link to that. Seems like it's still got a way to go, but a nice enough proof of concept (better than most). But regardless, I guess current version/development on it wont produce the same results as those photoshopped pictures from before, though (I mean, c'mon, those pics of masks operating on a 640x480 pixelgrid were totally fake. No matter how people twist and turn things ;D)
    Last edited by Carnivol; 06-12-2013, 09:52 AM.


    • Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
      I don't care about what you think, just stop pointing fingers and saying that something is fake while you clearly don't have any Idea what you're talking about.
      You don't care yet you try to prove me wrong any occasion you got? Funny, very funny, especially with the rest of the crowd trying to follow this trend. Seems like I might have hit a nerve. And about "you clearly don't have any Idea", you need to look in a mirror - also nice attempt at distorting reality with "clever" edits on messages. Makes me realize what I was only supposing about the last fake-drama was actually true. Go bash something which can't react, like plushes or a pillow.
      Last edited by Gemini; 06-12-2013, 10:16 AM.

      Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
      , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


      • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
        You don't care yet you try to prove me wrong any occasion you got? Funny, very funny, especially with the rest of the crowd trying to follow this trend. And about "you clearly don't have any Idea", you need to look in a mirror - also nice attempt at distorting reality with "clever" edits on messages. Makes me realize what I was only supposing about the last fake-drama was actually true. Go bash something which can't react, like plushes or a pillow.
        What is wrong with you ? do you have a problem with me ? go argue with someone else, I don't want to help in making this drama bigger, Kthx Bye.
        Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
        ^ Lol ...


        • Yup, I do have a problem with people who strike personal attacks repeatedly and then act as if they didn't. "how many were butthurt about our so called "fake masks" pictures ?"<-- try harder next time. Kthnxbye.
          Last edited by Gemini; 06-12-2013, 10:21 AM.

          Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
          , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


          • Children, children. Behave yourselves.


            • Following picture contains violence and core. You have been warned.
              Last edited by Marvin; 06-12-2013, 11:41 AM.
              ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


              • Zombies...zombies everywhere...


                • Originally posted by RMandel View Post
                  I seem to recall somebody doing the RE15 RPD Lobby in either L4D or L4D2. It looked quite impressive. Can't remember if the project was ever finished, but maybe a Google search would turn up something.
                  I made sure to do a check before i started so i didn't waste my time on a map someone else was already doing, nothing came up.

                  Originally posted by Marvin View Post
                  That sure sounds interesting. Have played retail R.P.D. for L4D and it was nice. Got any screenshots already? And you should do a separate thread for it i think.
                  No, i don't have very much at the moment, the only room that exists right now is an untextured version of the lobby. Part of the reason for that is i'm having a difficult time getting the size down. Now that i have a more complete map it should be a little easier but its gonna be awhile before theres anything playable. The goal on the map is to reach the helipad.

                  Oh, and yeah i could of posted about this somewhere else but i figured people could use a positive 1.5 subject to discuss.


                  • Originally posted by OfficerRedfield View Post
                    Part of the reason for that is i'm having a difficult time getting the size down.
                    Check your PMs; I have all of the measurements down to 0.25m accuracy based on the legitimate uncompressed map textures and accompanying rulers. Don't reinvent the wheel buddy!


                    • Impossible to follow this thread. Can´t just people ignore doubtful screenshots and swindlers on eBay and just keep waiting in peace?
                      The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                      • What's with all the whining?

                        Do you really want to be this?
                        Click image for larger version

Name:	arnold-schwarzenegger-love-child.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	102.0 KB
ID:	403092


                        • I like elza walker she's purdy.


                          • *sigh*


                            • UNFINISHED BACKGROUNDS:



                              • Not bad. I look forward to the completed ones. What software are you using?

