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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Wow! Those look pretty good for next generation graphics. The lab reminds me of black mesa a bit.


    • Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
      Yeah, fuck all that; I don't even care to try... so, don't count on me to produce anything for this.
      Some of us are still stuck with biofat_svn06232011
      because BioFAT_SVN_6_(November_14_2012) fails on startup, did you change
      anything between these two builds related to MadExperiment's DirectX support that might cause problems with BioFAT's initial initialization? making a test build of BioFAT_SVN_6_(November_14_2012) without MadExperiment might solve this? it's the only thing I could think of that causes the memory leak.


      • Originally posted by Mikhail View Post
        Some of us are still stuck with biofat_svn06232011
        because BioFAT_SVN_6_(November_14_2012) fails on startup, did you change
        anything between these two builds related to MadExperiment's DirectX support that might cause problems with BioFAT's initial initialization? making a test build of BioFAT_SVN_6_(November_14_2012) without MadExperiment might solve this? it's the only thing I could think of that causes the memory leak.
        Mad Experiment has nothing to do with it.

        ...those kinds of problems didn't arise until I added PmData's reevengi tools into the mix. PmData's code is not to blame, but rather, the usage of the SDL lib in a Win7+ environment. For those unaware, PmData's code is written with some obscure SDL functionality, and something else even more awful than that - "PhysFS", which is a total TURD of programming, and a complete waste of anyone's time. For record, the SVN after the one you mentioned is the first to contain support for PmData's code, and those shitty libs required to run his code.

        I have since removed SDL, PhysFS (and PmData's code) all together, and completely restructured the entire application source. I have sent it to several trusted testers who run it in Win7 and Win8 environments, both x64 and x86 architecture. In other words, those bugs are apparently smashed, and long gone.

        To spite those hilarious rumors mentioned in this thread, only one thing keeps me from releasing the latest subversion - RDT support isn't finalized, and my interest varies (I haven't even looked at the source for about a month, now). If I release it as-is, right now, people will bitch about non-final RDT support... so, it's a "damned if I do, damned if I don't" situation. In addition, I've been busy with other major projects.

        Regardless, a new version will be released within the next few months... just don't expect any support for IGAS work, ever.
        I'm a blackstar.


        • Good stuff, i'm running on XP though.
          Can you re-up your reevengi BioHazard 2 Beta & SourceNext patched versions too, please.


          • @MarkGrass: is RDT conversion going to be implemented in the next release?
            and you shouldn't worry about people complaining, its like worrying about the sun setting, it's going to happen no matter what you do.


            • I can totally see his reasons. Problem is that those types of complaints will follow and haunt your identity for all of time (if not just for a long time). Heck, sometimes even invade your privacy. It's annoying and zaps energy.


              • Hey MarkGrass, care to bring to light (for me anyway) your project. Sorry I haven't been on in a while.

                Also has anything new been posted recently on IGAS build? I do say sound test would be an awesome feature. Maybe even a 3D Model Viewer like in later games however that's just me.
                Last edited by Ultimacloud123; 07-24-2013, 02:10 PM.


                • Originally posted by Mikhail View Post
                  Good stuff, i'm running on XP though.
                  Can you re-up your reevengi BioHazard 2 Beta & SourceNext patched versions too, please.
                  No surprise, there.

                  ...I don't have it, anymore - no source, no libraries to compile. I don't even think I have it on backup (I never used it). I'm sorry!

                  Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
                  @MarkGrass: is RDT conversion going to be implemented in the next release?
                  and you shouldn't worry about people complaining, its like worrying about the sun setting, it's going to happen no matter what you do.
                  Most likely, though, I don't think there's going to be a strait-forward "Convert to BioX" function - the app can't do everything for you. The algorithms are there, meaning that all data is disassembled to be compliant with Bio2/3, the rest, you'll have to do for yourself.

                  Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                  I can totally see his reasons. Problem is that those types of complaints will follow and haunt your identity for all of time (if not just for a long time). Heck, sometimes even invade your privacy. It's annoying and zaps energy.
                  The real problem is that people give me way too much credit.

                  I've said it before, and I'll likely have to say it again - I do not have a formal education. I'm self-taught. Every bit of knowledge I have was obtained from reading books and studying code. I never attended class, etc, for any of this. That said, I don't know everything - that's impossible. With that in consideration, I need time to complete this, to learn - I can only ask for patience while I do so.

                  Of course, any help would be appreciated.

                  ...and yes, it has got personal, at times. I hate starting something, never to finish it - that kinda crap keeps me up at night. It especially doesn't help that I don't use an online 'alias', as I should have (those GameStop and WalMart employees... )

                  Originally posted by Ultimacloud123 View Post
                  Hey MarkGrass, care to bring to light (for me anyway) your project. Sorry I haven't been on in a while.

                  Also has anything new been posted recently on IGAS build? I do say sound test would be an awesome feature. Maybe even a 3D Model Viewer like in later games however that's just me.
                  I'd really rather not; I've learned my lesson, on that matter (saying "I'm doing this!" or "This is almost done", and being setback by some unforeseen circumstance). Quite simply, I don't want to let you or anyone else down, should something happen, or I get in too deep, over my head.

                  I will say, however, that one project isn't Bio-related, yet related to some other CAPCOM property I've always wanted to do something with.

                  ...and I agree with the Sound Test option.
                  I'm a blackstar.


                  • For what it's worth, I finally finished my "Leon walkthrough" videos on YouTube. Start to finish, with a Prologue and Epilogue to put RE15 in a current (post-RE6) context and hook it to my earlier semi-canonized "Story of RE15 - Elza's Tale" series. Just do a search on YouTube for "resident evil 1.5" and you'll find them - if you're interested.

                    No more - I promise, Team! Thanks for not saying anything, and letting me get this out of my system once and for all. Now I can move on to other projects.

                    As for everyone else, I hope they prove helpful - like SurvivHor's old walkthrough. I hope they also make you thirsty for the even better stuff the Team's going to deliver in the near future.

                    P.S. In case anyone was wondering, I did a LOT of model and background swapping with the MZD build, DB's PMOD, SeiyaKou's PMOD, and RE2 retail to get some of my footage. That's why you'll see a lot of things that are not in the MZD build.
                    Last edited by RMandel; 07-26-2013, 03:56 AM.


                    • Where can I find the playthrough? I'd be interested in watching it.

                      ...Never mind, I found it. For anyone who's interested, you can find Mandel's videos here.
                      Last edited by skyrunner14; 07-26-2013, 09:58 AM.


                      • Well... looks like TEAM I.G.A.S. are very busy... maybe they are preparing a surprise for this Summer... like they did before...
                        RMandel... i watiched your walkthroughs based on your opinion and your friends and fans, and looks like RE 2 retail is just an upgraded game from RE 1.5... The story of the Lab is almost the same story based on retail just for minor and other big changes from the Retail.

                        Several changes like the Item box (IN 1.5 SECURITY BOX) is missing in the stairs to the FUEL ROOM and was just a control panel in 1.5, the Elevator from the TRAIN BAY in Retail is a replaced with a Little Control Pannel and something... like a Ventilation Hole, and in the train the White Wall in the other section of the train like a missing room and suddenly changes to the broken third section where William on his last form enter. The form like you descaribe the final of the game... and i image how it would be in the original 1.5 engine, it have a lot of sence... Well... great videos... but as you said, they are opinions of what would be the game... Lets wait for the I.G.A.S. team and in an uncertainly future the original 80% build...
                        Last edited by STARSRedfield; 07-26-2013, 01:33 PM.


                        • I´ve just noticed that currently the first five non-sticky threads in this forum are 1.5 related, so in some way IGAS´ project is now catching more attention from the community than Capcom itself.

                          MrBzork made a comment on his Youtube channel recently, but nothing revealing.
                          The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                          • You folks have probably seen these before already, but regardless, some 1.5 Hyper PlayStation Re-mix videos.

                            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                            • DAT mono audio.

                              Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                              , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                              • Getting back to 1.5, since IGAS is adding more zombie variants, why not make ones in the sewers look like they work down there? Or the ones in the factory have hard hats and other factory related apparel? It'd add nice variety IMO.
                                My Head-Fi Page

