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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Lebowski View Post
    dass du/ihr deutsche seid, macht das ganze ja gleich noch 'n stück interessanter ;) weiterhin viel erfolg und evtl. auch ein bisschen spaß beim coden! freu mich aufs endresultat.
    Naja, heißt nicht gleich, dass sie deutsch sind ;) Können ja auch den gefragt haben, der für die deutsche Übersetzung des Projektes verantwortlich ist.. Ich denke eher, das ist ein internationales Team ist, da die Übersetzungen (z.B. auf Italienisch, Spanisch oder Französisch) einfach viel zu fehlerfrei sind

    Okaaay, enough german for this decade
    Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


    • ^Hssssssss!!

      Originally posted by MiLØ View Post
      Why being so afraid when internet is full of way to conceal your identity if you have to.
      Look at it this way; it is a known fact that Leon Black owns the last pastel version of the famous Edward Munch painting Skrik (Scream). How exactly would he go about "conceiling his identity" if he were to have that thing put on display at the Museum of Modern Art again? His copy of Skrik is unique. He's the known/proven owner of that copy. (Despite it initially being an anonymous purchase). Yeah. It's not really that easy to hide your identity when what you're trying to shop around is the one thing that more or less has your name written all over it
      Last edited by Carnivol; 09-21-2013, 04:30 PM.


      • Probably why IGAS keeps saying that is not ready yet or it will be ready when it's ready. They more then likely will release the demo as well as in the future the "Prototype Edition" without any announcements just to so Capcom doesn't see every move they make. In other words IGAS holding the ace up their sleeves.


        • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
          Mr. Seven Builds? Who is this person?
          There was someone a while ago who is a huge collector of beta and prototype stuff. He claims to own all seven builds of 1.5, including the Grant Bitman ones and the 80% build. But he was too afraid to release them because of Capcom.


          • Is he someone from the hold hunt for 1.5? I do not remember a person with that nick.
            “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


            • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
              Is he someone from the hold hunt for 1.5? I do not remember a person with that nick.
              It's an unofficial nick given by RMandel in his Hunt for RE15 timeline.
              Also I should put a "not_sure_if_serious.jpg" here because isn't D.Birkin someone associated with team IGAS and therefore would know about seven builds?
              Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
              Look at it this way; it is a known fact that Leon Black owns the last pastel version of the famous Edward Munch painting Skrik (Scream). How exactly would he go about "conceiling his identity" if he were to have that thing put on display at the Museum of Modern Art again? His copy of Skrik is unique. He's the known/proven owner of that copy. (Despite it initially being an anonymous purchase). Yeah. It's not really that easy to hide your identity when what you're trying to shop around is the one thing that more or less has your name written all over it
              Good comparison and if Leon Black is Mr.Seven Builds and Skirik is 1.5 then yes it wouldn't be easy to stay anonymous. I suppose we should assume that Mr. Seven Builds had to be in direct contact with Capcom employees to get hold of his possessions, what ever the reasons could be (journalistic or friendship) for him to obtain his builds they must have been documented, and so his identity would be exposed if leaks of those particular builds happened.


              • Originally posted by Renard View Post
                There was someone a while ago who is a huge collector of beta and prototype stuff. He claims to own all seven builds of 1.5, including the Grant Bitman ones and the 80% build. But he was too afraid to release them because of Capcom.
                Do you know if this person have the 1.5 build that Leon have the short hair and with that lobby with chairs in the middle?

                Click image for larger version

Name:	evil4.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	43.9 KB
ID:	403277

                What build is that one with this lobby????


                • Originally posted by Renard View Post
                  There was someone a while ago who is a huge collector of beta and prototype stuff. He claims to own all seven builds of 1.5, including the Grant Bitman ones and the 80% build. But he was too afraid to release them because of Capcom.
                  It was ironic, Birkin knows much more on the topic than any of us do. It implies nobody is known to possess "7 builds" of the game.
                  Last edited by Rick Hunter; 09-21-2013, 05:48 PM.


                  • Originally posted by Renard View Post
                    There was someone a while ago who is a huge collector of beta and prototype stuff. He claims to own all seven builds of 1.5, including the Grant Bitman ones and the 80% build. But he was too afraid to release them because of Capcom.
                    do you believe in santa? i think there is something to this sound
                    Originally posted by Santa
                    ho ho ho ho
                    no? i think santa not real


                    • Originally posted by PROTOBOY View Post
                      Do you know if this person have the 1.5 build that Leon have the short hair and with that lobby with chairs in the middle? What build is that one with this lobby????
                      Yes, that's what I've heard. And when Leon had short hair, his name was "Grant Bitman".

                      Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                      It was ironic, Birkin knows much more on the topic than any of us do. It implies nobody is known to possess "7 builds" of the game.
                      Oh? I can't really sense sarcasm through text.

                      Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                      do you believe in santa? i think there is something to this sound

                      no? i think santa not real
                      Of course Santa is real. Team IGAS is Santa.


                      • Originally posted by PROTOBOY View Post
                        Do you know if this person have the 1.5 build that Leon have the short hair and with that lobby with chairs in the middle?


                        What build is that one with this lobby????
                        Hmm, where did you find this image? I've never seen it before. :/


                        • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                          It was ironic, Birkin knows much more on the topic than any of us do. It implies nobody is known to possess "7 builds" of the game.
                          I do not know of a person with seven builds. Our contact said to have access to an unspecified quantity of builds with no detail about contents. This contact disappeared I think in January 2013 and then nothing for other contacts. Nobody from our team knows this other man.
                          “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


                          • the man with the seven builds is a cool name though.
                            Last edited by warren; 09-21-2013, 07:05 PM.


                            • It's a cool name but does he exists? I guess we'll never know.


                              • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                                Hmm, where did you find this image? I've never seen it before. :/
                                I find in bioflames some time ago, now I don't remember the link but if I find I will show for you, in this version have the Leon with short hair, or like Renard said "
                                Grant Bitman" in that build.

                                I am so curious to know more about this build, of course I prefer the build with the lobby present in THE TEAM and 80% build, but this old one is quite

