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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
    Seems so. There's a few more than me who have it.

    Anyways, anyone want any info on the build?
    Sure, I'll start and ask a question I guess.

    Does the room # id debug (thats displayed when you enter an area) correspond to the Stage and stage number? e.g. like 103, 1 being stage 1, 03 being the id for the area, this is the lobby I think
    Last edited by Guest; 09-23-2013, 06:26 PM.


    • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post

      I see... So can I. I can't release it online because of the agreement I had with my contact. The 40% build is not released publicly yet. Don't ask me or Joshua to release it. It's not ours to do so. Only the original owner of it has that power.

      Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post

      i love the atmosphere, but it seems like it feels the same the whole time no matter where you are at. makes sense they change everything but the lab.
      Call me crazy or whatever else, but having it and not sharing, i dont see a reason to come here and tell us you have it.
      Last edited by yurieu; 09-23-2013, 06:31 PM.


      • Geez!

        Here: link

        Everyone has it anyway. "We" get nothing because "We" give nothing. Agreements, I didn't agree to anything (Yeah, like I'll agree with someone I dont even now who probably got it through illegal means in the 1st place, if he got it from someone else, then he's a hypocrite). Some dude paid for this, it's worth nothing. People already have it. By holding off these releases, we are only yearning for it and have 1000+ page threads about it. Anyway, why am I trying to give an explaination, it should have been leaked over a year a go, and it would have if I had my hands on it. If it wasnt me to do it, we'd waste more time and some one else would do it anyway. Anyway, enjoy and share.
        Last edited by Carnivol; 09-23-2013, 06:41 PM. Reason: fix yo shit yo! (ie. no need for insults)


        • MEH. not even gonna download.


          • Originally posted by curse420 View Post
            Sure, I'll start and ask a question I guess.

            Does the room # id debug (thats displayed when you enter an area) correspond to the Stage and stage number? e.g. like 103, 1 being stage 1, 03 being the id for the area, this is the lobby I think
            So far they have not matched. I'm not sure on how the number corresponds with the stage, but I think it might be something to do with camera angles.

            Here's some examples:

            Click image for larger version

Name:	PSX.EXE_23092013_172508_0509.png
Views:	1
Size:	67.5 KB
ID:	403284 Click image for larger version

Name:	PSX.EXE_23092013_172648_0291.png
Views:	1
Size:	73.5 KB
ID:	403285 Click image for larger version

Name:	PSX.EXE_23092013_172717_0209.png
Views:	1
Size:	70.8 KB
ID:	403286

            EDIT: Well meh, it leaked out.
            Last edited by Zombie_X; 09-23-2013, 06:37 PM.
            My Head-Fi Page


            • Well, I'd dare say that the included "extra" file was what I'd dare call unneccessary. Let's try this again :p


              • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                Well, I'd dare say that the included "extra" file was what I'd dare call unneccessary. Let's try this again :p
                I see you changed the link. I'm not the original uploader btw, that extra file was already in there.

                *SILENCED BY GESTAPO!11!*
                Last edited by Carnivol; 09-23-2013, 07:02 PM.


                • True, that was the original file Carnivol. It has the extra text file already. Unless someone wants to repack it...
                  My Head-Fi Page


                  • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                    True, that was the original file Carnivol. It has the extra text file already. Unless someone wants to repack it...
                    Yeah. Guess its inclusion speaks loudly for where this came from and why. And people actually still wonder why good folks like Dot50Cal lost interest and jumped ship?


                    • meh...... I just want the teams game I know some people will go crazy for the 40% build because it's pure and holy and all that jazz.

                      but I'm happy with the versions I have while I wait for the teams trial demo. anyway there is a full video out now of the 40% version and from what I saw there wasn't much difference. But good luck to who ever else get's it.


                      • i will play the team build great work from Bzork and co


                        • I went digging in the files and Leons Fire and Umbrella armor are already there. So they aren't a team created asset as we originally thought, but Curator already said Elza's vests were on there.

                          I was hoping to find era 2 assets like the German Shepherds, but nothing
                          Last edited by Zombie_X; 09-23-2013, 07:03 PM.
                          My Head-Fi Page


                          • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                            I see... So can I. I can't release it online because of the agreement I had with my contact. The 40% build is not released publicly yet. Don't ask me or Joshua to release it. It's not ours to do so. Only the original owner of it has that power.
                            And you're already bragging about it haha. Some people really don't change


                            • So, it was leaked then un-leaked? I guess that happened. Just as well, I'm only interested in the team's version anyway.


                              • Delicious tears

                                ^Let us know if anything cool pops up! Something tells me there's not really gonna be any stones left unturned in that thing.

                                Either way, I guess if someone actually paid for that thing, after several indicators pointing towards it being subjected to public availability post-IGAS' project completion, and even after that other old build leaked ...
                                Attached Files
                                Last edited by Carnivol; 09-23-2013, 07:13 PM.

