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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • One of the biggest reasons I always preferred RE to say Silent Hill and games like it is because RE did it with the lights on, I personally think having complete darkness is the cheapest trick in the book. Also because I could actually see the beautiful design of the environment's in RE :p

    So darkness is scarier but also a cheap trick to scare people and at this stage of my life I'm just sick of it.


    • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
      there are more enemies than ever
      my great dude, in fact, we all know this isnt all true. from RE4 to 5 there arent so much enemies. in RE5 they are lesser than RE4. lets wait for RE6.

      in fact, instead normal hard, we could choose between normal/large number of enemies. like 1.5


      • I hope to be able to not to choose a partner in RE6, because partner AI is dumb as hell and always cause me to lose constantly !
        Last edited by Guest; 09-10-2012, 02:45 AM.


        • Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
          I hope to be able to not to choose a partner RE6, because partner AI is dumb as hell and always cause me to lose constantly !
          you mean in RE6 demo? its not good, because it will ruin the plot+gamplay.

          anyway, i think you will not to be able to get rid of the partner because you cant handle all the enemies just like in RE4. the camera itself is very close, so you must to have someone to cover you sides and back. with the jumping zombies it will be worse, this RE4 dumped crappy zombie skill may reduce or even nulls your dodge ability. the AI is not that bad, remeber how good sheva can dodge the executioner and eliminator?


          • You people do realize the AI cannot die or take ammo or items from you when you play the game in singleplayer right? it's been obvious since Revelations.


            • Well i used to handle horde of zombies, tyrants, nemesis and all kind of monsters by myself even when i play resident evil 5, i can handle all enemies with ease even when i play in professional mode until this stupid AI die, ruining my progress, does anyone remember wesker and jill boss battle, after few minutes shiva starts babbling about handling jill by herself, then she keep taking a hit after hit from jill until she die, the funny thing is even if she got first aid and herbs in her possession, she wont use it at all ! so she kept dieing and dieing until i realized suddenly that there is split screen ! so i let my 10 year old brother join me to beat the stupid boss who gave her the beat without breaking a sweat, my 10yr old brother !


              • I have a very important question about BH1.5, does anyone knows if there was originally lickers creatures planned in the game ? or they came up with this creature when they started the game development from scratch ? if not i believe the spider creature dude where originally the licker creature because in the old videos because he always hide and appear from air shafts just like the licker !


                • I've played years ago Fatal Frame for Wii... really scary!
                  I'm looking for Resident Evil 3.5 (BioHazard 4 "Progenitor" and "Hallucination"-"Hookman" Version) or scans, articles! Resident Evil 1.5 release info =


                  • I don't like hide and seek games like fatal frame and clock tower, because running away from danger is not my style, i prefer to fight back and kick their asses like a mule !


                    • Guys i need your help ! i've downloaded biohazard 2 beta v2 fixed version yesterday which is 744mb, can i burn it on 700mb CD-r ?


                      • Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
                        Guys i need your help ! i've downloaded biohazard 2 beta v2 fixed version yesterday which is 744mb, can i burn it on 700mb CD-r ?
                        maybe a 800mb CD rom?

                        ps1 games apparently works with .cue,.img, .iso, .sub files, cant let anyone of them out.
                        Last edited by yurieu; 09-10-2012, 06:27 AM.


                        • Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
                          I don't like hide and seek games like fatal frame and clock tower, because running away from danger is not my style, i prefer to fight back and kick their asses like a mule !
                          Fatal Frame is not hide-and-seek. In big part of the game, you have to fight the ghosts.
                          Just only 1 or 3 times, there's a chase scene between a really powerful ghost and you. But in the final area, you have to fight it.

                          Just like Resident Evil or Silent Hill, there's sometimes a little chase, but you can always fight if you want to.


                          • Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
                            Guys i need your help ! i've downloaded biohazard 2 beta v2 fixed version yesterday which is 744mb, can i burn it on 700mb CD-r ?
                            You should be able to yes. Try burning with nero (nero is not great but it's fine for most ps1) CD 2/XA mode at low write speed (1-2x. Faster can lead to problems like video speed and sync issues) with 'Overburning' option. It should prompt you to use overburning or you can select it.

                            If that fails then try 'CDRWIN'. The best software for burning any PS1 backups. Not sure if it has the overburn option but might still burn it.

                            Here is a guide to using CDRwin. Peace
                            Last edited by braders1986; 09-10-2012, 06:36 AM.


                            • Thanks mate, i will try nero later, because imageburner has failed to burn the image because the source size is 744mb ! maybe overburning option will work...
                              Last edited by Guest; 09-10-2012, 06:54 AM.


                              • Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
                                I have a very important question about BH1.5, does anyone knows if there was originally lickers creatures planned in the game ? or they came up with this creature when they started the game development from scratch ? if not i believe the spider creature dude where originally the licker creature because in the old videos because he always hide and appear from air shafts just like the licker !
                                I'd say the enemy design/purpose process probably was initially; Hunter -> Gorilla -> Licker

