Not too much honestly, just a few tidbits from IGAS, more of the silly people stirring up trouble. Also, IGAS has an official Facebook page now, which you can find here.
No announcement yet.
Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Originally posted by Graco View PostI personally think Capcom are in favor of this for a few reasons:
1. It's good PR for a soiled reputation over the past several years. Megaman Legends 3 comes to mind. Capcom needs to win backs fans and stop the dissatisfied ones from leaving for good. Canning this project would further alienate many of their core RE franchise fanbase.
2. Fans and critics alike have lamented the loss of survival horror in the series over the past several years, and Capcom have stated that they intend to push the series back into that direction. Team IGAS is basically giving them a free headstart with this game considering that it's generated enough attention to have articles written by several online gaming sites and word of mouth between communities. It's brought some of us back into the community (myself included) after a long-term absence. If this release is well-recieved by fans old and new alike, then it will be a strong indication as to what Capcom should do with RE7. And this release isn't costing them a penny. Not to mention eople have been asking and petitioning Capcom to release 1.5 (finished or not) for years. It'd be foolish to piss away so many opportunities and fans just to throw their weight around and "show people who's boss".
"I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key
Originally posted by Ultimacloud123 View PostI see IGAS doing well in the future. For all we know they may end up adding endings to the prototype RE for Gameboy since it never had them.
Chinese version.
Originally posted by Ultimacloud123 View PostI see IGAS doing well in the future. For all we know they may end up adding endings to the prototype RE for Gameboy since it never had them.
as i said in the past, i wish igas used their talent to translate great psx games that were never released in the west, like mizzurna falls, aconcagua, yuuyami doori takentai, suda first games, boku no natsuyasumi, etc etc
but i understand that they aren't just a translation group, they are much more than that. So i don't know. What if they started a kickstarter for an original survival horror with HD cg backgrounds? that would be the tits.
I have another idea for the 1.5 mod.
If you go to the very front of the roof (behind Leon), and press action, the camera angle will change to a front view of the city, with zombies being shown in the streets below. Then you simply press action or some other button to return to the gameplay.
Even though I find 1.5 a bit boring to play, and while it was a good idea to restart development of the game, two of the things I liked a lot about 1.5 were left behind when they scrapped it. The lighting and the atmosphere that made it feel like RE1. RE1 (PSX verison), had excellent lighting and atmosphere that made you feel unsettled. 1.5 had it too. The graphics are great in RE2, but the lighting and atmosphere, the RE1-mood feeling is just absent.
we do have skill and talent for translation efforts. this is why you see many languages in 1.5 at once. problem is the motivation and interest and time. most probably never even heard of games you mention. probably not care. personally. i never hear anyone else than staff on this site, hardcore gaming 101 and retro youtube people talk of some of those games you mention.
Now after I think about it I understand that is so early to talk about it, they have so many work and so many progress, after the preview edition they will have
many and many months to have their life, jobs and this project.
Maybe we just have consider about it, this question of time, letting the time pass and keeping following this project ;).
Sorry for this question but I need to know, does it possible to add Russian language in the future??
Yes I saw the video about enplaning about that languages because was following the pattern of Resident Evil 4, this is a good idea, but
since there are many Russian speaking people as German speaking.
I mean for the future, not soon of course.
lol Sorry for this I am just curious about it.
Originally posted by B.Zork View Postwe do have skill and talent for translation efforts. this is why you see many languages in 1.5 at once. problem is the motivation and interest and time. most probably never even heard of games you mention. probably not care. personally. i never hear anyone else than staff on this site, hardcore gaming 101 and retro youtube people talk of some of those games you mention.i am already thankful that there are people out there that use their time and money for game that probably are gonna to be played just by a few hundreds or thousands users.
Last edited by warren; 09-23-2013, 05:42 AM.
Originally posted by PROTOBOY View PostSorry for this question but I need to know, does it possible to add Russian language in the future?
Originally posted by warren View Postyes i knowi am already thankful that there are people out there that use their time and money for game that probably are gonna to be played just by a few hundreds or thousands users.
I see, if use KOI8-R, or KOI8-U will be complicated, if is possible to use UTF-8 in the script of that game like RE1 to RE3 Russian version do, if 1.5 game engine also support this encoding will be possible to use all languages fonts just with this same method, since with UTF-8 can use and show German, Russian,English(and some more languages like Spanish & etc) letters it can be done with the same
language selection.
I don't know if the old translated Russian RE games used KOI8-R, because Ii believe if they did this way instead to show letters was to appears symbols similar
like these ???š?รครต?й??? but I guess if will be present more languages of Russian at the same engine with UTF-8 will be possible to show all languages
I asked in the future, not now, not for Christmas, not for planned time, just fr future and only if is possible, only if you do it.
Thanks for the answer, was just a curious question that I wanted to ask a long time.