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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • It was leaked by a page
    sigpicYou have once again entered the world of survival horror...GOOD LUCK!


    • leaked or notwhat is the problem with this?


      • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
        Facebook leak happened around March or June 2012 but our contact approached us around August or September 2012. Our contact disappered when concrete proof of one build spreading appeared. He became silent shorly after that accident.
        I see. Thank you for clarifying that.

        Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
        If the plan was to trade the original disc of RE 1.5 40% for RE 1.5 80%, then yeah, the contact finding out the 40% iso had already been spread among multiple people would certainly be a reason for breaking contact.
        That's not the problem. The private collector probably had the Era 4 Build in his possession already. The thing is, the build that was being used to model the project was spreading around. I'm not sure if the private collector intended to release or give away his (or all of his) build(s) or if he was going to provide TeamIGAS with assets instead. Furthermore, one has to consider the possibility that the build(s) were tagged and if it were leaked, it could be backtraced to the private collector (or whoever made it available to him in the first place). Whatever his intentions were, the spread of the build put in check the confidence he had in the people handling the project - after all, if one build was spreading, what's to say that the other(s) wouldn't follow?

        That's my theory on it, anyway. Maybe not even TeamIGAS know the real reason why the private collector vanished if he did so without providing an explanation.
        Last edited by Kegluneq; 09-23-2013, 11:01 PM.

        BioHazard YouTube Channel
        BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


        • It feels like doing nothing but running on circles. I´m gradually losing my interest in 1.5 with each new shitstorm and cheap drama on the web...
          The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


          • this is a nursery !
            but 2 version of 1.5

            The old version

            and the new team build from bzork and co a final game ! Nice Works

            i not understand People hate this leak this is not the team version of the game

            i wait for the new version of 1.5

            i hate capcom for this

            thank you team igas
            Last edited by redman; 09-23-2013, 11:21 PM.


            • I havnt been around in a while, do we have a date when there finished copy would be out yet? or are we still doing this day by day?
              See No Evil


              • Resident Evil fans will 1.5 capcom not give it 15 years
                this is a game not more
                the team make a new 1.5 better as the old version !

                I hate nursery


                • I'm sure once IGAS's finishes their project that these folks holding the other builds will feel more relaxed and in theory be more interested in setting contacts. As far as I see the build will be released if it's not during our life times then it will be the next generation or so.


                  • D.Birkin and/or B.Zork, please correct me if I'm wrong, but this is what I know to be true:

                    This contact never intended to provide IGAS with the final build itself, but rather a generous selection of assets from it (for free). IGAS had planned to use the PSM build as the base for their project, and then integrate various assets from the "later" build, thus concocting the so-called "Frankenstein" build; the origins of such a build would be more difficult for Capcom to trace, thus lessening the chance of retribution against the contact and the contact's source. This initial arrangement would have also precluded the devaluation of the contact's build(s).
                    Last edited by Enigmatism415; 09-24-2013, 12:31 AM.


                    • Originally posted by Ultimacloud123 View Post
                      I'm sure once IGAS's finishes their project that these folks holding the other builds will feel more relaxed and in theory be more interested in setting contacts. As far as I see the build will be released if it's not during our life times then it will be the next generation or so.
                      I really hope so, I am curious to see the first one, the V-Jump build and 80% build in action.

                      I know that the IGAS version will be great but I want also to see these builds.


                      • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                        It feels like doing nothing but running on circles.
                        It really does. After a long painful history of 1.5 it's not a good idea to be once again waiving a copy above people's heads and saying: hey I got it, can answer any questions but you can't have the game. If you were trusted with a secret then it's better to be quite and keep it to yourself. Teasing others with some info just gives them blue balls. Blue balls lead to balls on fire, and balls on fire lead to balls of fury.
                        But at the same time whoever paid for it and then decided to share it, should have made it public in the first place. As we can see this kind of share with a friend > with a friend > with a friend = eventually leads to a mess of a leakage.

                        Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
                        Furthermore, one has to consider the possibility that the build(s) were tagged and if it were leaked, it could be backtraced to the private collector (or whoever made it available to him in the first place).
                        If builds are tagged then what about today's 40% build - since it was leaked (unleaked), shouldn't the owner/source of it be freaking out and hiding in a bomb shelter right now? I still think that the whole tagging thing is a made up paranoia excuse.


                        • for those who wants the leaked build,here it can be found:

                          Last edited by Robert_Kendo; 09-24-2013, 12:51 AM.


                          • Originally posted by Robert_Kendo View Post
                            for those who wants the leaked build,here it can be found:

                            But why, Robert? Shouldn't we respect how this will affect IGAS? Don't you value your membership here? You're not some nobody.
                            Last edited by TheSelfishGene; 09-24-2013, 12:54 AM. Reason: Removed @ Robert Kendo's request


                            • oh,so its not allowed to show it here??
                              than sorry
                              i remove the link,you should remove yours too


                              • IGAS seems fine with it actually. On Facebook they said they were glad to see it out there. It takes pressure off them I assume. The reason the link was removed was because of the txt file I presume.

                                Mods, would it be possible for someone to repack it and host it without the file? Just curious.
                                My Head-Fi Page

