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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by MichelleRockz View Post
    Where can I find the entire dialogue?
    This is all I have... Maybe someone could direct us to video footage of this cutscene?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	team_1F_Office.png
Views:	2
Size:	82.3 KB
ID:	403348

    エルザ: 「ジョン 通信で助けはよべなかったわ
    Elza: “John, I wasn’t able to call for help via signal transmission.
    The building’s power dropped out...”


    Originally posted by Darkness View Post
    Just look at how authentic that background is. Once you look at theirs and re-look at inflame's photos, you start to realize it looks DEAD on, and you can make out the plant and cig tray in the original inflames photo.
    It's pretty good, especially the details on the walls. When the image was originally posted in this thread, I pointed out a few shortcomings while acknowledging that this is indeed a test render and not indicative of the finished work's quality. That being said, I'll reiterate some of my points:

    - A black leather chair is missing from the right side of the table
    - The glass of water with a straw is missing from the table
    - One of the white coffee cups (along with its saucer) is out of place
    - The plant's trunk is too short

    And most noticeably:

    - The angle is off. In the original Inflames image, the television set was photographed at a sharp angle, thus presenting a misleading framing. Notice how the end of the table lines up with the door quite differently in the two images.

    For those pointing out the difference in floor textures, I think that the quality of the Inflames image is too low to be sure of the exact texture. If the floor was originally covered in tiles, as in IGAS's recreation, the blurry haze of the original photograph could have easily obscured their outlines. As for the blue tint, just compare various Inflames images with their legitimate background counterparts, and you'll see the effect of the photography (the Archive Corridor offers an opportunity for an especially striking juxtaposition).

    I have confidence that the finished product will rectify most if not all of these points (even if it doesn't, it's still an incredible recreation).


    • Guys what are you hoping to see in the next video from IGAS? I know it was hinted on their facebook page that it won't be a making of video. I hope it's a gameplay preview of their trial version.
      My Head-Fi Page


      • This time I'd like them to showcase the actual gameplay and some of the new, custom made areas in action. Sparingly, of course, to avoid spoilers.


        • Something tells me that there next video will look more like an advertisement to an actual video game. Maybe it will be actual footage of the trial edition.


          • I wouldn't worry about that now ancient pic guys .. I'm sure they've altered it alot by now. It did say Alpha Test.

            I made a mock up in Photoshop with more shadowing, lighting and stuff, but I lost the pic.. was on here a while back when they first posted it up.

            My biggest gripe with the differences would have to be the change in lighting near the door (in Bios image they are like sconces with light aimed upwards - whereas in IGAS they look more old fashioned)

            The 'carpet?' in BIOS and grey tiles in IGAS - I think the room would be carpet, so it matches the Cheif's room. It IS an office/conference room after all. OR It may just be the blue tint and blur - who knows.. but I think tile should only be in the hallway.. makes more sense?

            The window's view and the plant. in IGAS, the plant is different and the view outside is missing details. - It would look better maybe being darker outside so we only really see the lights and not much else building wise..

            The edges of the table look far too polished and clean in IGAS, whereas in BIOS, its grimy and a little scuffed in parts (such as on the right)

            As I say, they would have changed this render by now, judging by their works on the Archive room for example..
            Last edited by RaccoonSurvivor; 10-14-2013, 03:05 AM.
            "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


            • Random question here fellows, I just recently got into the Homebrew Scene for the Wii. I noticed it had a playstation emulator for it. The emulator is called WiiSX. (

              Would it be possible to run either the PvB or Team IGAS build with this emulator? Just curious, probably won't but would be cool. If anybody has tried it or knows if it could work, that would really help me out. Thanks.

              "A can of fizz. It's sure to yellow and mellow those things." - Barry Burton


              • That emu runs both builds at full speed. I used it before.
                My Head-Fi Page


                • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                  That emu runs both builds at full speed. I used it before.
                  Wow, somehow got it to work on my Wii. Feels so weird playing it through a PSX emulator on the Wii no less and to work really well. Thanks for telling me. I don't think the original Resident Evil 1 or 2 even works through this Wii PSX emulator, lol.

                  Trying to figure out what works again and what doesn't or crashes the game, I remember somewhere someone posted what works in terms of rooms, guns, etc for the IGAS build, does anybody remember where that is?
                  Last edited by AJM Ruler; 10-14-2013, 10:16 AM.

                  "A can of fizz. It's sure to yellow and mellow those things." - Barry Burton


                  • Originally posted by Darkness View Post

                    I never saw this one, so I'm posting it in case no one else has.

                    Just look at how authentic that background is. Once you look at theirs and re-look at inflame's photos, you start to realize it looks DEAD on, and you can make out the plant and cig tray in the original inflames photo. Either they studied this photo and somehow enhanced the fuck out of it, or SOMEONE gave them better quality screenshots ;)

                    Either way, I splurged my pants.

                    It looks like John is looking at a book sculpture or something. Another puzzle probably, and probably one he points out. Groovy as fuck.
                    I believe it is blue carpet. From having worked in many office complexes since 2001, almost all of them had carpet.
                    Visit the Resident Evil 1.5 wiki and contribute to (Hopefully), a central zone for all 1.5 info.


                    • Anybody for some attempts to recreate the Inflames images with the 40% build?

                      Showed these in private to some of the guys earlier, thought I'd go ahead and share them with the rest of you. Couldn't do them all, for various reasons - and I tried to clean up and perspective-correct a few of the original ones. Just trying to help out the effort. Enjoy.


                      • Thanks for sharing Richard! These are nice. Too bad we don't have higher quality media of the second floor.

                        I'm still in awe that we finally have 1.5. 15 years of waiting.. now it's here..
                        My Head-Fi Page


                        • If Inflames was around and had some time, I would definitely love to see get revamped. And now that 1.5 has been released, it would be totally awesome to see not only the magazine screenshots that he currently has on his site, but the magazine scans and the high quality emulator screencaps. Plus all of the background rips a video footage in the past few years. I don't really go there anymore myself, but if any place should be the 1.5 database, that place should be.
                          Last edited by RetroRain; 10-14-2013, 10:46 PM.
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                          • Still dunno if he knows about 1.5
                            Maybe he does and doesn't care
                            Maybe he doesn't know.
                            Either way....meh.
                            You gotta wonder if he knows anything else about the final build he was told that could help with the restoration.


                            • I wonder if hes ok... If he had enough interest to create a site and board oriented around 1.5 I highly doubt he will ever completely lose interest unless he had some kinda mental breakdown/fresh start kinda thing. I was trying to bring life back in his message board. He deserves to see this and get involved.


                              • Kim knows. And, no, he doesn't know where the 80% build is. His contact suddenly stopped communication a lllooooooong time ago (we're talking like a decade here).

