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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • The dialogue was most likely recorded but never made it out of the DAT tapes and onto any actual build of the game. If I recall correctly, Kim's contact confirmed that no voice acting was present on his (purportedly 'final') build. As for the FMVs, Imagica were already working on them but became a bit flustered when Capcom asked them to redo the sequences so late in development. In other words, the only way we'll ever get the dialogue or FMV sequences is by procuring the raw recordings and test renders respectively; they're almost certainly not contained on any build (given the few bits of evidence we have).
    Last edited by Enigmatism415; 10-16-2013, 12:09 PM.


    • People who think there is voice acting and FMV in the final build are smoking some grade A crack.

      The utility of the 80% build was that it would offer additional resources and assets for the team to work with. As far along as they are now, the 80% build is more or less pointless. The only argument one could make is that with the 80% build, the team would have more genuine backgrounds, dialogue and cutscenes for the areas that aren't included in the 40% build. But so far, they've been doing a pretty damn nice job recreating rooms from the bioflames images.


      • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
        Impossibru. I really really doubt this. It really wasn't 80% done, more like 60 or 70% like mikami said.
        It may have one voice file, possibly, or two, at the start of the scenario possibly.
        The biggest thing would be getting more of the original soundtrack.
        Look what IGAS has done so far. I am pretty positive they can get voice overs and FMVs in the game.

        They can just make custom ones.
        Last edited by VGBB; 10-16-2013, 12:04 PM.
        Visit the Resident Evil 1.5 wiki and contribute to (Hopefully), a central zone for all 1.5 info.


        • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
          The utility of the 80% build was that it would offer additional resources and assets for the team to work with. As far along as they are now, the 80% build is more or less pointless. The only argument one could make is that with the 80% build, the team would have more genuine backgrounds, dialogue and cutscenes for the areas that aren't included in the 40% build. But so far, they've been doing a pretty damn nice job recreating rooms from the bioflames images.
          There's also the issue of the Sewer layout, which, unlike the other three chapters, still holds a few mysteries.


          • Another thing with voice overs too, the ones that Capcom would've included (if the 1.5 trailers are any indication) hypothetically would have been just as lol worthy as RE1. At least if IGAS add voice acting, we know it will be much better. And I trust they'll do a good job with dialogue too, so that it flows more naturally. So it's probably a good thing the voice acting was never included in any build.
            Last edited by doriantoki; 10-16-2013, 12:58 PM.


            • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
              Another thing with voice overs too, the ones that Capcom would've included (if the 1.5 trailers are any indication) hypothetically would have been just as lol worthy as RE1. At least if IGAS add voice acting, we know it will be much better. And I trust they'll do a good job with dialogue too, so that it flows more naturally. So it's probably a good thing the voice acting was never included in any build.
              it would make sense with their "restoration" efforts.


              • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                Another thing with voice overs too, the ones that Capcom would've included (if the 1.5 trailers are any indication) hypothetically would have been just as lol worthy as RE1. At least if IGAS add voice acting, we know it will be much better. And I trust they'll do a good job with dialogue too, so that it flows more naturally. So it's probably a good thing the voice acting was never included in any build.
                i know we have like 4 lines but it doesnt sound nearly as bad as re1


                • There can be dubbing, but it will be in the 80% that they recorded within capcom that we wont be seeing. The FMV is much more unlikely because they were being created separately and I firmly believe that the game was cancelled before they were merged.


                  • Speaking of the FMVs, I theorize that the music found in the beginning part of this video is from what would've played during 1.5's opening FMV -- the one that plays before the title screen, right after the Capcom logo.


                    • No, I snipped and removed some of the sfx of that tune, I strongly feel that that was intended for, as shown right at the end of the theme, to play exclusively for elza when she triggers William to come out of the shaft. His boss battle intro theme followed by the battle theme-just like how it is in B scenario in final.
                      Last edited by NEOMEGA; 10-17-2013, 01:41 AM.


                      • Hmm, well I guess that could be it too. I'm not sure though... It doesn't seem to fit quite well enough to me. It's too... climactic? Dramatic? I'm not sure. Plus, I thought the boss theme for that boss fight was The First Malformation of G (or its 1.5 name; Fight With Monster #1). The sort of... "intro" is included in the song. That's also what plays in your first fight against him in retail.

                        When I heard that trailer's intro though, I just imagined FMV snippets playing with G-Birkin's eye opening at the end when the music climaxes. Like how you see the eye open in retail's. In fact I just played it alongside the intro FMV for retail and it's about the same length, fits pretty ok (not with the clips of course). But if it's not from 1.5's intro FMV, oh well. Just a theory. A man can dream.


                        • It would be cool if the Voice acting comes out as well as the mod: Fallout Project Brazil.
                          the voice acting for that mod was of retail quality and professional, and much better than the actual game.
                          Visit the Resident Evil 1.5 wiki and contribute to (Hopefully), a central zone for all 1.5 info.


                          • Originally posted by 90s Gamer View Post
                            These image snippets are just tugging on me for the preview version. I know my last post was ignored about using Reddit, but we really need to use it so we can blow up the "like" percentage for Team IGAS Facebook page. I am telling you, it might get us the preview version even faster. Who knows, it might take 1k to 2k likes for them to release the preview version, who knows. Someone who knows of Reddit should really get on this.

                            "A can of fizz. It's sure to yellow and mellow those things." - Barry Burton


                            • Originally posted by Renard View Post
                              Hmm, well I guess that could be it too. I'm not sure though... It doesn't seem to fit quite well enough to me. It's too... climactic? Dramatic? I'm not sure. Plus, I thought the boss theme for that boss fight was The First Malformation of G (or its 1.5 name; Fight With Monster #1). The sort of... "intro" is included in the song. That's also what plays in your first fight against him in retail.

                              When I heard that trailer's intro though, I just imagined FMV snippets playing with G-Birkin's eye opening at the end when the music climaxes. Like how you see the eye open in retail's. In fact I just played it alongside the intro FMV for retail and it's about the same length, fits pretty ok (not with the clips of course). But if it's not from 1.5's intro FMV, oh well. Just a theory. A man can dream.
                              Well if the version from the music ripped from IGAS MZD WIP is infact the untouched 1.5 track, then the intro part isnt in there, it starts 13 seconds in from that retail version. That trailer theme does fit because it IS dramatic, before that elevator opening up, your probably arent told anything about him, unlike the final where you hear him then get a teaser of him a room away from first fighting him. Its also a nice little theme I wonder why they took it out in the retail draft.


                              • i don't think that trial version release is related to the number of likes.

                                it's not easy to do a demo of a game, especially of a game like re 1.5.

                                personally i hope that it's ready for thanksgiving, that would be awesome.

