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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • i linked the facebook page on neogaf, but there way too many users on that forum, re 1.5 topic remains on the first page for too little time

    now there are 947 likes though.
    Last edited by warren; 10-17-2013, 08:29 AM.


    • Originally posted by warren View Post
      i linked the facebook page on neogaf, but there way too many users on that forum, re 1.5 topic remains on the first page for too little time

      now there are 947 likes though.
      That is a 50+ like increase in less than 12 hours, not too bad. We need to get the word out more, if not a trial version, at the very least more screens of the upcoming game. Never a bad thing.

      "A can of fizz. It's sure to yellow and mellow those things." - Barry Burton


      • Why the hell would the number of Facebook Likes increase the chances of the Trial Edition coming out?! That's downright nonsensical!

        That's like saying D. Birkin has finished it and is just holding out for more Facebook Likes, "Well, when we get 10,000 Facebook Likes, we'll release it! It's about those Facebook Likes! That's the IGAS purpose! Facebook Likes man, Facebook Likes."

        Reminds me of those Facebook scams "For 1 Million Facebook Likes, this child's heart transplant is free!"
        Last edited by Eteponge; 10-17-2013, 10:14 AM.


        • it seems that it worked, now we are at 974. Maybe tomorrow we can it 1000

          it needs now a post on /v or maybe on /d with an image of elza as a d... just joking

          but yeah, i did it becase the more the project is known the better.
          Last edited by warren; 10-17-2013, 11:18 AM.


          • Originally posted by warren View Post
            Maybe tomorrow we can it 1000
            How about today?

            Click image for larger version

Name:	IGAS1000.png
Views:	1
Size:	538.5 KB
ID:	403350


            • I told my brother to give a like from his Facebook account or i will kick his ass, number 991 i believe !


              • Well, that was quick. LOL

                Preview Version! *itshappening.gif*


                • We can do better. Spread the word.
                  r/residentevil is dead as fuck, try gaming places


                  • I asked this elsewhere and nobody was sure, I've been wondering, has anyone seen any evidence of a player picking up or interacting with an object in the era 5 build which would usually trigger the air jesus bug? Whether in Bioflames images or in video footage available out there. I'm curious as to whether air jesus was ever fixed in the era 5 build, as there's always the chance that the game is just as buggy and unplayable as the era 4 build.


                    • So I just beat ClaireAleonB because I think I only did that once. Also I wanted to see what other difficulties you could unlock in arrange mode (ps1dualshock)...why would they have that extra choice to pick rookie mode if theres no further difficulty you can unlock...
                      Anyway was playing with 1.5 in my mind and got a few things.
                      -In the ClaireA scenario you get the cutscene of Claire telling leon to bring sherry to the train because she has unfinished business to do. That was clearly taken to the Ada to leon scene in 1.5, I wonder if we can get anything out of that for 1.5's sake. I bet leon has to create the Vaccine for Marvin but finds the door is locked or something making it OPTIONAL to have to do it later if you want to save him or not then you would have to shoulder him to train during countdown, like in the first game if you get to the holding cell for chris/jill early, it wont open until right at the end where you have the option to go back to the cell to get them then they accompany you to the end.
                      -Between the time leon is unable to make the vaccine for marvin, Ada does something to set the lab on fire. Looking at the fire rooms in 1.5, all the way up to the final era images there is no damage to the walls of the lab so there wasn't an explosion of sorts. Maybe theres a sort of a emergency cleansing mechanism, or maybe Ada pours gasoline into the pipes of the emergency water sprinklers, set them off with a lighter then toss the lighter.
                      -Continuing in retail claireB she confronts Annette where she dies to William. This can be analogous that after setting the place off, while dealing with the fire, Leon eventually sees Ada again and Will will come and kill her triggering the ACTUAL self destruct sequence in the process. I still have yet to figure out when first contact of 1.5 annette comes into play.


                      • 1.051, we will see another image tomorrow i think lol


                        • 10,000 facebook likes, IGAS cures cancer

                          50,000 facebook likes, IGAS ascends to Godhood

                          100,000 facebook likes, the Trial Edition releases

                          Are you a bad enough dude to feed useless facebook likes to IGAS?
                          Last edited by Eteponge; 10-17-2013, 09:28 PM.


                          • Comment

                            • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                              I asked this elsewhere and nobody was sure, I've been wondering, has anyone seen any evidence of a player picking up or interacting with an object in the era 5 build which would usually trigger the air jesus bug? Whether in Bioflames images or in video footage available out there. I'm curious as to whether air jesus was ever fixed in the era 5 build, as there's always the chance that the game is just as buggy and unplayable as the era 4 build.
                              Doubtful, though many more cutscenes were done by the bioflames build key items and the like may not have been


                              • Originally posted by Renard View Post
                                Hah sorry if I said anything weird, started taking new meds the other day. Been a little... unstable.

