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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • For the extra zombie skins they are gonna make I'm guessing their gonna keep the virus symptoms of the first game like they were clearly doing in 1.5 as compared to retail(grey skin). In retail they rather improved on it rather than changed it though. It created a sense of discomfort in the fact that since the people in raccoon city were zombilfied recently, they are still in the process of losing skin pigmentation unlike in re1 where they were zombies for quite sometime hence why they were fully grey and hairless. I guess they only partially thought about that by giving the 1.5 zombies hair.
    ADD heyyy these last 3 posts have the same number of post entries (31)
    Last edited by NEOMEGA; 10-22-2013, 07:19 PM.


    • About IGAS's new pic of the Medical Room.......I have just one question. Was that room included on their 1.5 disk, or was is something IGAS whipped up themselves? If it's legit, then more power to IGAS! If not, I really think IGAS should use the test render Medical Room. I know I know, it's not technically 1.5 material, I get it. But for a 1.5 game to be as close to the original as possible, that test render is as close as we'll get. Reverse the backround, make it bigger and put it in, because different era or not it is still legit, and legit-ness for 1.5 is what we all want.
      It matters not to me which virus you wield. Yours is merely a pathetic attempt to master the powers of death. The power you seek is MINE, and with this insurmountable power, I offer a litany of oblivion even a virus cannot prevent..............and you cannot escape.


      • Originally posted by towerofpowerx View Post
        About IGAS's new pic of the Medical Room.......I have just one question. Was that room included on their 1.5 disk, or was is something IGAS whipped up themselves? If it's legit, then more power to IGAS! If not, I really think IGAS should use the test render Medical Room. I know I know, it's not technically 1.5 material, I get it. But for a 1.5 game to be as close to the original as possible, that test render is as close as we'll get. Reverse the backround, make it bigger and put it in, because different era or not it is still legit, and legit-ness for 1.5 is what we all want.
        medical room wasn't done in final era.
        Why? It's not 1.5.
        Won't be any more legit than what IGAS comes up with. that screenshot was just a test, a try out.


        • I have the feeling the medical room in the trial edition was maybe meant for the lab? It looked more like an operating table (and there was even blood on the table, like they were operating on someone). It would also explain why the doors never matched between the inside of the room and the image of the 2F hall. IIRC, the labs in RE1 used doors similar for the operating areas.


          • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
            I have the feeling the medical room in the trial edition was maybe meant for the lab? It looked more like an operating table (and there was even blood on the table, like they were operating on someone). It would also explain why the doors never matched between the inside of the room and the image of the 2F hall. IIRC, the labs in RE1 used doors similar for the operating areas.
            Yeah, it's highly unlikely that a police precinct would house a sophisticated operating room like that; it would be far more likely to encounter one in the underground laboratory. A police station's "medical room" is probably something akin to a school nurse's office (perhaps a bit larger though).

            The retail-era proof-of-concept operating room wouldn't even match the dimensions of the Medical Room anyway.


            • No news?


              • Hello guys whats the news??
                I had no internet for some weeks.


                • A screenshot was just posted the other day. Not sure how that could qualify as no news People went a decade without news, a few days is nothing!


                  • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                    I have the feeling the medical room in the trial edition was maybe meant for the lab? It looked more like an operating table (and there was even blood on the table, like they were operating on someone). It would also explain why the doors never matched between the inside of the room and the image of the 2F hall. IIRC, the labs in RE1 used doors similar for the operating areas.
                    The medical room on the trial disk was just proof-of-concept for retail(it's dated 1997). If anything, it was meant to showcase the mood and level of detail they had wanted to produce after they had restarted the game's development. The iems in the room were mainly taken and slapped together from the laboratory's CT scan/operating room and P-4 lab assets.
                    Seibu teh geimu?


                    • Was bored. Just to give an idea of Elza's alternate outfit.

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	elza alt2.png
Views:	2
Size:	132.8 KB
ID:	403392Click image for larger version

Name:	elza_alt.png
Views:	2
Size:	430.9 KB
ID:	403393
                      Last edited by doriantoki; 10-24-2013, 01:04 PM.


                      • That's actually pretty cool =)


                        • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                          Was bored. Just to give an idea of Elza's alternate outfit.

                          Not bad at all. Are you able to use it in game yet or showcase it in various animations? Either way, good job.
                          "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                          • Have anyone know if the Team is going to make another documentary of the Making of Resident Evil 1.5?

                            Looks like Team IGAS is making an awesome job in recreating the missing rooms... The image one with Leon in the briefing room killing a gorilla, Leon is doing a different animation, maybe the Team made the Iron Pipe a Weapon, because this weapon is broken in 40% and the MZD....
                            Last edited by STARSRedfield; 10-24-2013, 09:37 PM.


                            • Originally posted by STARSRedfield View Post
                              Looks like MartinBiohazard is working in the 40% build like the MZD build... In the Garage B, there is a cutscene where Leon tells Ada to get out of the Van were she hidden, we saw Leon walking towards the Van, maybe there is a missing angle, because we saw Ada appearing in front of us, there is an unfinished camera angle... could be this unfinished camera angle the missing one of the cutscene or not?

                              Update from MartinBiohazard (The same one in the MZD Build):


                              • Well about a month back, B.Zork said there was going to be a new video soon but I wonder. Then on the Facebook page they said the next video would not be a making of, so perhaps a gameplay trailer?
                                My Head-Fi Page

