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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • yeah i don't get why a mod has to be faithful either. kind of like you guys not having a real 1.5 grenade launcher. does it matter? you can just play real 1.5.

    btw, is there an official name for this yet?


    • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
      Some people are turning Team IGAS into the illuminati shadow government conspiracy of the gaming world. And not due to the old purist propaganda this time around, but it seems that more and more people lately just don't like them, why? Project going on too long without a big release? Bzork and dbirkin not posting in a long while? Too many changes from vanilla? As for the feedback, in the beginning they were very receptive to feedback, even making some changes to rooms based on feedback, but lately they've been very critical of it.
      maybe they're tired of the constant whining.
      oh look at bzork's post, they are.
      can you blame them?


      • Originally posted by Renard View Post
        They're a... shady group. A bit touchy too.

        I believe someone commented on their page a while ago wondering about feedback from the public. The Team responded with something like "We like feedback from the public, but not when it is negative. Like the responses we got on The Horror about the change in the map interface. We don't like that kind of feedback and we ignore it," or something along those lines.

        But the most people said were things like "I like the old one better" and "The old one felt more like 1.5". It seems they take high offense to opinions that go against theirs. You don't get anywhere in this world if you don't take other people's views into consideration.

        Albeit that was the one person who was running their facebook page who said that, but still. I wish I knew more about this mystery group. They're strange and I don't trust them at all.
        I've been picking up on this as well. IMO the new map interface looks nice, but the 1.5 interface is better. They said it was a placeholder and I think it may be more complete than we think. The 80% build still used the same map interface in screenshots. If they actually said that bit about ignoring feedback, then I lose some respect for them. If the demand of the public outweighs that of a handful of modders, listen to the public.

        Now all the backpedaling on the video and I don't know. BZork and a member of IGAS said in the past that a new video was coming. IGAS specifically said on their facebook page the next video was going to be something other than a making of. It's one thing if they change their minds on a video, that's fine, but to outright deny they never had one planned is off.

        Sorry IGAS but I am a bit frustrated with your response and lack of explanation as to what both statements were "supposed" to mean. How did all of us misread them?
        My Head-Fi Page


        • Assuming "ZX" is the moniker for you everywhere, you seriously come off as a bit of an entitled arse everywhere you go

          Also, how does saying the next video wouldn't a be another "making of" make it an announcement for a new video coming out "soon". Sounds to me like people are reading too deep into things and/or just blowing shit out of proportions, 'cause this is seriously what comes to mind all the time when I see some of you guys post about stuff that others just go "K", "Heh", "Meh", "Cool", etc. at ...

          And, seriously, the map screen? it doesn't even have a border/frame of any kind. Surely it's just a temporarily thing that it lacks even any signs of a UI. It's not like fucking Rome just magically sprawled out of the ground, w/Colosseum et al, over night. Are people seriously that fucking stupid or am I giving someone else too much credit?


          • I don't use ZX everywhere nor do I feel entitled. Where else have you seen that name? I use it here, CAG, and Head-fi. Also on Reddit. That's really the only places I use that name.

            I understand they don't have to give us anything at all. Part of my bad attitude recently is due to some family issues but that doesn't excuse me in the bit. I get flustered easily and have always been one to nag and pester, so it's in my nature.
            Last edited by Zombie_X; 12-23-2013, 03:35 PM.
            My Head-Fi Page


            • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
              The 80% build still used the same map interface in screenshots.
              Sorry to nitpick, but unless you know something that the rest of us don't, it's unclear what the maps in the '80%' build actually look like. Aside from the ones in the PSM build, the only BH1.5 map we've ever seen came from a magazine featuring material from the '40% build' and earlier.

              Granted, given the consistent GUI style between the PSM and Inflames builds, the map style most likely remained the same as well. The point, though, is that we don't know for sure, and IGAS has access to information to which we do not. Capcom could have just as easily devised a new map style themselves for all we know (certainly they did for retail BH2); I have full faith that IGAS makes their aesthetic decisions for tenable reasons.


              • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                I get flustered easily and have always been one to nag and pester, so it's in my nature.
                So... take this as a lesson, and please, just. Stop. Whining.

                This personal crusade of yours has become quite annoying; you're really starting to sound-off like one of those place-holder fanatics. Creative liberties will be taken, whether you or I like it, or not.

                If you don't like that undeniable fact, don't play the final product. And stop acting like IGAS is working with a deadline, while you're at it.
                I'm a blackstar.


                • Huh? It's not a personal crusade. I'm very determined to get answers. I'll stop, but will express my opinion in the future as I always have.

                  I've shown tons of support for IGAS, whether or not I agree with what they are doing. I am happy just to play the game. I am still extremely excited for the finished product regardless of what happens here. I'm not so doom and gloom as some portray me and I'm not purist. I prefer what they did with the new icons over what was in the prototype.

                  Enigmatism415, wasn't there a screenshot of the map interface in the 80% build? I recall seeing one somewhere on BIOFLAMES.

                  Thats enough from me now though. I'll be around comrades.
                  Last edited by Zombie_X; 12-23-2013, 04:58 PM.
                  My Head-Fi Page


                  • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                    Enigmatism415, wasn't there a screenshot of the map interface in the 80% build? I recall seeing one somewhere on BIOFLAMES.
                    This is most likely the map that you saw on Bioflames; it came from the aforementioned magazine:

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	1fmap.png
Views:	1
Size:	790.4 KB
ID:	403482

                    As far as the public knows, there are only 173 Inflames-exclusive photographs. While two of them depict Leon and Elza's inventory windows, no map is anywhere to be found.


                    • Thanks for clearing that up. I thought it was BIOFLAMES, but it was from a magazine... damn you memory!

                      Anyways, yeah, back to speculation.
                      My Head-Fi Page


                      • I didn't mean to cause such a stir. I'll just shut up after this, I always get bored and ramble on about shit that I know nothing about.

                        Constructive is a good way to put it, B.Zork. But the purists pretty much already got what they wanted with the PVB leak in September though, didn't they? What some are worried about is if you have enough assets and information to complete your 1.5 project as perfect as Capcom would have. Given we don't know what the entire game is actually like since it was never released, this means some people will never truly be satisfied until they have the "80%" or "final" build. I guess those would be called purists too though. But you can't please everyone, I understand that.

                        Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                        Now all the backpedaling on the video and I don't know. BZork and a member of IGAS said in the past that a new video was coming. IGAS specifically said on their facebook page the next video was going to be something other than a making of. It's one thing if they change their minds on a video, that's fine, but to outright deny they never had one planned is off.

                        Sorry IGAS but I am a bit frustrated with your response and lack of explanation as to what both statements were "supposed" to mean. How did all of us misread them?
                        I'd just drop it. They've obviously changed their mind. Though promising things and then going back on their word isn't a good idea, I don't know why they did it. It's just going to cause more problems.

                        And you people are attacking Zombie_X for like no reason. Just calm down.


                        • I appreciate that Renard but we should all just drop it. All I hope for is something tomorrow from IGAS.
                          My Head-Fi Page


                          • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                            All I hope for is something tomorrow from IGAS.
                            I hope too.


                            • I'm hoping for a video or maybe even the release of the trial edition. Oh a man can dream...
                              My Head-Fi Page


                              • Thats the thing though, the game was never complete. Heck, we have no evidence that it was really that close, and plenty evidence to the contrary. No matter what IGAS did or does, there is no way matching Capcom's vision would be enough, you would still be stuck with an incomplete game. And by all accounts, you would stuck with an incomplete game that isn't even that great (heck, you could even say Capcom wasn't meeting thier own vision for the product).

