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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I am 100% positive that the shutter is the same one from the Warehouse. As far as I know, there is only one. The only difference between the two versions mixed together there, is that the trucks have moved, and the door was added at a later time.

    I didn't mean to make it confusing Rick My apologies. That shutter doesn't seem to open/be operational. Check the left area outside the warehouse in the screenshot, there's a door. I am betting my good shoes that the player would use that door to enter the warehouse.

    Here's another interesting tid-bit. It seems our police van was originally a semi truck! Check it out.

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    Notice how the lights match the three seen in the distance in the other screenshots. It's starting to look very similar to how the RE2 scenario played out, with the truck crashing into Leon/Claire as they are driving around. Perhaps a similar incident occurs in 1.5, whether it involves the main characters or not, we already know that Claire crashes her bike through the front doors, maybe it involves the police van (undoubtedly from a newer version).
    Last edited by doriantoki; 06-17-2012, 07:58 AM.


    • The RPD and Factory are not near each other. The burning van has nothing to do with this area. The Factory area has already been accurately mapped out.

      Attached Files
      Last edited by Alzaire; 06-17-2012, 08:05 AM.


      • Ah I see. So the RPD would be behind the building with the large shutter door somewhere then ... ? Past the grey area where the semi has crashed ... ? I mean, is it possible that area was changed (you can see the crashed Police Van) between versions, or if you continued along that route, you'd somehow end up at the RPD?

        Either way, for the warehouse, it's the same shutter.

        At least I had the office building in the right place.
        Last edited by doriantoki; 06-17-2012, 08:13 AM.


        • The RPD is quite some distance away. You have to go through the sewer portion of the game to get to the Factory area.


          • That's true, but without the full map, how exactly do we know what "quite some distance away" means. Even passing through the sewers, it's possible that the player doesn't travel a huge distance above ground, do you know what I mean? Especially if they emerge somewhere on the street, to then travel by foot to the remaining areas.

            Just think of how interconnected the guest house and lab were in Resident Evil 1. Even with a full street, Resident Evil 3 was heavily compacted, and you didn't travel a large distance on foot, and areas were conveniently close together. I doubt 1.5 strays from that format. Probably closer to the first game, either way. since the the layout of this cluster of areas reminds me of the guest houses from the first game, and they serve the same function, as an intermediary before the lab.
            Last edited by doriantoki; 06-17-2012, 08:17 AM.


            • There's pretty much no street areas in 1.5. You enter the sewer in the RPD, traverse a bit through it and come out at the manhole at the factory gate. Spend a little time in the factory area then use the elevator in the warehouse to go down into the labs. The distance between the RPD and Factory isn't super huge, as you do walk the way through the sewers with no tram/cable car thing like in retail, but it's not right next to it or anything.


              • Yeah, that's what I was implying. Basically like the first game. So we're more or less in agreement then. Is it possible then that the Police Deparment is somewhere behind the warehouse area? Is that area still undocumented? I am not sure if the crashed truck, as seen in the early build, is still there in the final or later builds, but perhaps that area became the site of the crashed van as I illustrated? It's not a perfect fit though, but I can't image that area with the van being one empty space.

                Although pardon my ignorance in thinking that those areas are conected. I need to brush up on my 1.5 knowledge to even stand a chance against the almighty Alzaire

                But ... is this correct then? It seems that this is where this area ends, and either you can't enter through that door (since there's a manhole right there), or it's locked from the inside (and could STILL lead to the RPD, but you unlock when you get to the other side), or leads to an enclosed space.

                Unlimited space to host images, easy to use image uploader, albums, photo hosting, sharing, dynamic image resizing on web and mobile.
                Last edited by doriantoki; 06-17-2012, 10:01 AM.


                • The crashed truck is completely different than the crashed van. The area with the crashed van isn't an empty area, it has a use in game from what I understand. The crashed truck area was always there.

                  The characters exit the sewer via the manhole you pointed out and then enter the truck yard area where the blue and red trailers are.


                  • The route used in RE2 seems to follows the one used in 1.5 pretty closely, except for the factory area. There was no backtracking. Also, connecting the RPD with the Umbrella factory wouldn't really make sense, story-wise, since the reason they took to the sewers is to avoid having to cover ground on the zombie-infested streets.
                    Last edited by biohazard_star; 06-17-2012, 10:36 AM.
                    Seibu teh geimu?


                    • Originally posted by Alzaire View Post
                      There's pretty much no street areas in 1.5. You enter the sewer in the RPD, traverse a bit through it and come out at the manhole at the factory gate. Spend a little time in the factory area then use the elevator in the warehouse to go down into the labs. The distance between the RPD and Factory isn't super huge, as you do walk the way through the sewers with no tram/cable car thing like in retail, but it's not right next to it or anything.
                      What about the left over BGs in RE2 Trial that show the un-complete street renders and the police station ?
                      Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                      ^ Lol ...


                      • Those aren't from 1.5, those are retail concept stuff.


                        • It is easy to understand, this background is from a previous build to this.

                          Where the trucks were in a different position.

                          I think this build is the same to curator's build.


                          • Yeah for sure. If you look at the bioflames build you can see the placeholder door is still present so this background is deffinately of an earlier design. How they ended up in that room is another question. Perhaps this room represents the end of the playable scenario in this build? Or perhaps it's just a rejected room that was accessed via the Jump feature?


                            • I wonder if the doors of the RPD/Sewer/Factory/Lab are connected to each other and properly, or you must use the debug menu to jump from room to room.

                              If not are, maybe this is what these people who have the game want to fix.

                              Apparently also want to finish the textures of some characters, like John and Linda.

                              So, Marvin model is in this build, I remember one occasion Alzaire said he was not.

                              And also want to translate the game to english or Italian?

                              Although it is so bad the state of this build (like the guy said in facebook), I prefer as this, not modified version.
                              Last edited by Dark Biohazard; 06-17-2012, 01:55 PM.


                              • The shots look legit... Real legit.... But until i see more i can't believe. Faking those would not be hard at all to be honest. Lets hope more exclusives get posted.... Or even some game play.

