Originally posted by ~Black Crow
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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
~Black Crow, the most butthurt person in the RE community, act like an insane immature spoiled child over and over (what is he, 5?) and finally get banned, then spend the rest of his time making childish troll accounts to spam insane rants that make no coherent sense.
Originally posted by ~Black CrowFUCK Igas... they have the 80% build the whole time and they don't say anything! Don't listen to them.....I received an email from my capcom contact, he said it is all part of Igas and THIAs plot to keep the 1.5 away from us at all times. If you want answers.....ask NEWS BOT or CARNIVOL, they are keeping the 80% build from you and from everyone on the 123 forums!!
I know all about it because I do the research.....all THIA is non-stop chaos! But nobody will listen because it's just Black Crow, well everyone who fucks News Bot up the ass like they always do should GET FUCKED!!!!
FUCK IT! Now you know the real "truth"...
HAHA I was convinced months ago he was done guess I shouldn't be making stupid assumptions like that
Although sometimes i'd rather deal with him then AlinhoAlissonLast edited by Deathlygasm; 01-26-2014, 01:50 PM.
Black Crow, if any of that is true, then post some proof about the build you "own". Post a screenshot or something, otherwise you are another claimer. You were once a respectable member of the community but now you're known as the cry baby of it. I am highly doubtful you have anything. And if you did/do, prove it. Prove us wrong.Last edited by Zombie_X; 01-26-2014, 03:22 PM.
Why don't you just go away. All this does is add to your reputation, and not in a good way at all man. If you care at all, which I seriously doubt, then you'd leave in peace. Doing shit like this won't help anything nor will it accomplish anything.
Originally posted by Deathlygasm View PostHAHA I was convinced months ago he was done guess I shouldn't be making stupid assumptions like that
Although sometimes i'd rather deal with him then AlinhoAlisson
There's never a dull moment in this community.