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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
    ITT: People complaining to Team IGAS about minor ungrateful shit that doesn't even matter, in order to appease their neckbeard virgin 1.5 knowledge.
    IGAS has always openly welcomed constructive criticism. Can you show me an instance of ungratefulness?

    I agree with Kegluneq that the area seems a bit sterile given the context, but it wouldn't ruin the sense of immersion for me either way. As long as the rooms are designed in harmony with hard evidence, as seen in official backgrounds, it comes down to artistic licence.


    • oh my god stop your bitching people


      • Honestly I agree the stairwell is too clean and tidy. I think it should have some blood spots on the ground leading to some oft he doors. Maybe even smeared bloody handprints on the walls by the stairs. Overall it's a good design, just seems off compared to the rest of the RPD.
        My Head-Fi Page


        • Maybe Team IGAS could add blood and stuff on the stairwell, then add a file to the game explaining why the fuck a bunch of bleeding zombies would be humping the stairwell.


          • I agree with both sides of this. Yes, that 2nd floor "landing" looks rather sparse and utilitarian compared to the 1st and 3rd floors and could use a little something to liven the scene. But no, I don't believe something resembling a fight(spent shells, blood, etc.) would work there. Two reasons for this. First, unless this has been changed, we will still need to press a button to walk up/down stairs, bypassing anything put there in the process. Thus, anything put on said stairs is rendered redundant.

            Now, this still leaves the landing, which leads to my next point. Stairs are simply not a place where they put things like battles(real or past tense), in ANY old RE. Can you think of any stairways where they put something like that? I can't. It's always up top, or at the bottom. Never in between, minus getting an enemy to follow you there in certain places But we're talking about the backround, and aside from some decorations those are always free of "suspicious activities".

            So in conclusion, let's see some posters or some discarded magazines or something, but no battle dressings.
            It matters not to me which virus you wield. Yours is merely a pathetic attempt to master the powers of death. The power you seek is MINE, and with this insurmountable power, I offer a litany of oblivion even a virus cannot prevent..............and you cannot escape.


            • This is too funny.


              • Downnn this roooad agaiin


                • Originally posted by Renard View Post
                  This is too funny.


                  • that gif needs to go, and by it needs to go, i mean take it the fuck out your sig.


                    • Look fellas, this thread isn't some Honesty Box app where we all blindly plant one on the royal ass of IGAS. The Team posts updates, fans discuss their work here, they either seriously consider the suggestions or pass on them, and we all move on regardless. What's the problem here?


                      • So... to sum up what people want:

                        1. Fill in the underside of the stairs with a concrete slope.
                        2. Add in the windows, which are part of the official design, as seen in the outdoor area
                        3. Make the rail less shiny, in order to better match the look of the metal rails in the official RE games.
                        4. Add a bloodstain or two, maybe some clutter.

                        Also, what is with some of you people attacking each other? Part of the reason IGAS gives updates is so they can receive feedback from the fans. Now, not all of that feedback is going to be pretty, but that doesn't mean it's not potentially helpful. That's what constructive criticism is, after all. If you keep on rudely shooting down other people's comments, all you're doing is discouraging other people who might have something helpful to say from posting. The people working on the game aren't omniscient. They probably have leverage with regards to exclusive info, but that doesn't mean they can work on the game without doing any research, like what they did with picking an appropriate stairwell design. Feedback on things like the rail's gloss and lack of windows might seem nitpicky, but they are helpful since they give the 3d modeller feedback on what to change or improve. Let IGAS separate the wheat from the chaff on their own. They're grown adults after all, and they seem rational, professional and cool-headed enough to accept comments. They don't need people policing the comments for them, since the last thing we want is a stagnant thread with nothing but "happy" censored comments that don't actually contribute to generating feedback. I mean, it seems like we have people here telling how good the room looks, without even realizing the glaring lack of windows on all three floors that's part of the official layout. IGAS may or may not consider our suggestions in improving the game, but those suggestions are for them to consider and not for the people here to censor/police.
                        Last edited by biohazard_star; 02-03-2014, 12:56 AM.
                        Seibu teh geimu?


                        • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                          So... to sum up what people want:

                          1. Fill in the underside of the stairs with a concrete slope.
                          2. Add in the windows, which are part of the official design, as seen in the outdoor area
                          3. Make the rail less shiny, in order to better match the look of the metal rails in the official RE games.
                          4. Add a bloodstain or two, maybe some clutter.

                          Also, what is with some of you people attacking each other? Part of the reason IGAS gives updates is so they can receive feedback from the fans. Now, not all of that feedback is going to be pretty, but that doesn't mean it's not potentially helpful. That's what constructive criticism is, after all. If you keep on rudely shooting down other people's comments, all you're doing is discouraging other people who might have something helpful to say from posting. The people working on the game aren't omniscient. They probably have leverage with regards to exclusive info, but that doesn't mean they can work on the game without doing any research, like what they did with picking an appropriate stairwell design. Feedback on things like the rail's gloss and lack of windows might seem nitpicky, but they are helpful since they give the 3d modeller feedback on what to change or improve. Let IGAS separate the wheat from the chaff on their own. They're grown adults after all, and they seem rational, professional and cool-headed enough to accept comments. They don't need people policing the comments for them, since the last thing we want is a stagnant thread with nothing but "happy" censored comments that don't actually contribute to generating feedback. I mean, it seems like we have people here telling how good the room looks, without even realizing the glaring lack of windows on all three floors that's part of the official layout. IGAS may or may not consider our suggestions in improving the game, but those suggestions are for them to consider and not for the people here to censor/police.
                          I agree 100% with you and Enigmatism. People are allowed to state their opinion on whatever they want. We are all giving our feedback and thoughts on the stairwell, not everyone likes it, some love it. I love the design but feels it's way too clean. The plants also seem off.

                          Are windows even part of the stairs to begin with?
                          Last edited by Zombie_X; 02-03-2014, 01:16 AM.
                          My Head-Fi Page


                          • Yes. You can see it in the building's facade in ROOM 10B/Outdoor A. The position of the windows are intentional and reflect those of the interior. Notice how there are windows where the the 2f elevator hall and 2f main hallway should be, but there are none for the media/archive room corridor. I remember Ekamp also pointed out that you can see the northern set of windows of the chief's office in Outdoor B. The windows look like they're on the second floor because of the perspective, but his 3D model of the RPD shows that they're on the third floor.

                            B.Zork clarified that the stairwell is using some placeholder items. I suppose they will get to adding the windows eventually. The location of the plant would make more sense if they did, since it would be end up being positioned right in front of the window on the third floor.

                            ITT: People complaining to Team IGAS about minor ungrateful shit that doesn't even matter, in order to appease their neckbeard virgin 1.5 knowledge.
                            Surely you must realize that the guys working on this game also underwent extensive planning and *cough* research on the game before working on it, not to mention spent a few thousand $$$ on it, right? DAT NECKBEARD DEDICATION.
                            Last edited by biohazard_star; 02-03-2014, 01:46 AM.
                            Seibu teh geimu?


                            • Perhaps they neglected to add the windows to the early renders because they require more intensive lighting calculations, as well as the modeling of some outdoor details that may be visible. Nevertheless, their presence in the official design of the RPD is incontestable. I also thought that the 1F East Corridor should have featured a window on the south wall for balance, but the Team decided against it (there's no indisputable evidence in favour of that window, however).


                              • Oh, I just thought Eteponge's comment about bleeding zombies humping the stairway walls was funny.

                                The handrails are indeed too shiny in my opinion, they should probably look more like these to match up with the rest of the game.
                                Click image for larger version

Name:	ROOM4XX059.jpeg
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ID:	403560

                                I don't know about the blood/cleanliness factor though, since I'm not too familiar with 1.5's full storyline. But if Chief Irons was really attacked and infected by zombies there, that might call for some blood. There would need to be windows, as others have pointed out. Also that brick walling is commonly only used for basements so it's very strange to see it on all of the floors. Some of the stairs also have no filling or support under them.

                                And we should also all keep in mind that their project is still work-in-progress, the backgrounds could very well be unfinished. It's looking great so far and I applaud their efforts.

