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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
    Capcom did had them in about 1/3 of the RPD, though. If you also add mayhem and chaos to the equation, that's about 2/3 of the RPD. And considering that this would be a highly traffic area during a zombie apocalypse with a lot of injuries and causalities from police officers (medical room is located in the 2F and the offices are located in the 1F) I'd expect that place to be in a lot worse condition than dirty water/whatever liquid pouring from the ceiling - which is more of a proper style for stairwell B1 and B2.
    What was completed by CAPCOM had most stains or havoc-factor missing entirely in "hot zones", whereas others were populated in such a manner, either randomly or with a precise purpose. Sure, most backgrounds could be highly incomplete and in need of post-processing edits, but it's not like they're throwing stuff in there for every single camera available. Even retail keeps a similar approach, with several backgrounds looking tidy as heck when you wouldn't expect them to be anything like that because of zombies, other creatures, and the general apocalyptic situation. Then again, either way you consider it, it's nothing mining either gameplay or immersion, it's just stuff you point out when over-analysis is applied in absence of other elements of interest, like Scream pointed out already. I for one won't bother if my hall looks sparking clean even if there's a zombie hoard three steps away from a big green door.

    Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
    , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


    • high traffic area+zombie attacks=blood

      debris and splatter tell a story, we know the story didn't just stop in the stairwell, so our brains register it doesn't look right. its called logic, and if the game doesn't follow it, it breaks immersion.

      sure i can tell myself whatever to try and not notice it, but that doesn't help the experience.


      • Usually in a case of an emergency, people use the stairs in the event of a crisis to escape buildings, so there gotta be some sort of struggle occurred there during the outbreak !


        • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
          high traffic area+zombie attacks=blood

          debris and splatter tell a story, we know the story didn't just stop in the stairwell, so our brains register it doesn't look right. its called logic, and if the game doesn't follow it, it breaks immersion.

          sure i can tell myself whatever to try and not notice it, but that doesn't help the experience.
          i see people say blood not stop in stairwell, but connecting rooms suggest suggested blood and mess must now start and end in stairwell. no blood shall pass! people say to see 2f first aid room as reason. bad reason when no mess is seen in known photo from area connecting these places.

          Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
          Usually in a case of an emergency, people use the stairs in the event of a crisis to escape buildings, so there gotta be some sort of struggle occurred there during the outbreak !
          police is professional. they even have staff zombies in reception without other mess than work!


          • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
            All of the rooms shown at that event have been accounted for well over a year ago. I had drawn this diagram to illustrate:

            You must have eyes like a fire belly newt.


            • people are being far to picky and expecting 100% perfect results , there's being helpful , but now people are going overboard not every room would have blood ! , heck zombies can't even climb stairs in re1,re2,re1.5.

              take the main hall of the r.p.d in retail resident evil 2 not a spot of blood anywhere ! or even a paper on the floor and that was main fucking hall !! surely there should be some blood there ???? since it was the main hall and people would be trying to run out of the main door.

              same goes for the room with the box and letter with the safe number and the licker on the window , oh whats this NO BLOOD !!!.
              see ! now please stop being so dam bloody picky !!

              CLEAN !


              and a few more with dun dun dun !!! STAIRS !! and whats this zombies are downstairs as well and no blood in site what kind of magic is this !!


              Last edited by chrisliam2; 02-03-2014, 09:42 AM. Reason: people pissing me off


              • the police station in retail is unrealistic in a million ways but it aided to the gameplay with far more interesting environments but when you think about it it truly bothers you like the fact the station has no bathrooms or no shooting range


                • Some complaints are ridiculous. Just let them work and finish the game in peace, this will not be a retail game nor the best horror experience of our lives, this is 1.5, an -in essence- unfinished buggy product and IGAS will only emulate a retail quality game.

                  And neither RE2 nor RE3 have every room filled with chaotic mess and blood around everywhere. The game needs contrast between peaceful, quiet, clean rooms and chaotic messy rooms where more intense battles were supossed to occur, if you don´t make contrast, you can´t transmit different "safe" and "unsafe" feelings to the player across the different rooms, but every room would just look the same and it would be monotonous.
                  The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                  • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                    Some complaints are ridiculous. Just let them work and finish the game in peace, this will not be a retail game nor the best horror experience of our lives, this is 1.5, an -in essence- unfinished buggy product and IGAS will only emulate a retail quality game.

                    And neither RE2 nor RE3 have every room filled with chaotic mess and blood around everywhere. The game needs contrast between peaceful, quiet, clean rooms and chaotic messy rooms where more intense battles were supossed to occur, if you don´t make contrast, you can´t transmit different "safe" and "unsafe" feelings to the player across the different rooms, but every room would just look the same and it would be monotonous.
                    well at least someone get's it.
                    Last edited by chrisliam2; 02-03-2014, 10:40 AM.


                    • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                      Some complaints are ridiculous. Just let them work and finish the game in peace, this will not be a retail game nor the best horror experience of our lives, this is 1.5, an -in essence- unfinished buggy product and IGAS will only emulate a retail quality game.

                      And neither RE2 nor RE3 have every room filled with chaotic mess and blood around everywhere. The game needs contrast between peaceful, quiet, clean rooms and chaotic messy rooms where more intense battles were supossed to occur, if you don´t make contrast, you can´t transmit different "safe" and "unsafe" feelings to the player across the different rooms, but every room would just look the same and it would be monotonous.
                      Exactly the way I see it sure it may be kinda unrealistic but it adds to the gameplay experience


                      • Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
                        the police station in retail is unrealistic in a million ways but it aided to the gameplay with far more interesting environments but when you think about it it truly bothers you like the fact the station has no bathrooms or no shooting range
                        Welp, they had to store all those works of art somewhere. "Who needs a medical room or a bathroom, we need to dedicate two whole rooms in our police precinct to the chief's private art collection! Also, our kennel needs to be bigger than our entire block of holding cells. Gotta keep those dogs comfy!"

                        But honestly, I think the worst offender is the position of the 2F waiting room. Who the hell actually makes it so that you need to go through the entire west wing just to get to a waiting room on the east wing to meet the chief. Layout-wise, the station would have benefitted from having the areas segregated into three floors like the 1.5 station, but I guess making it more mansion-like was their priority.
                        Last edited by biohazard_star; 02-03-2014, 10:49 AM.
                        Seibu teh geimu?


                        • The rails were the only thing that stood out to me as clashing. Like everything else, like the blood and such, is unneeded. Though the plant gives me too much of a safe and happy feeling vibe. /unless/ its a save room with save music, then it will be PERFECTTTT. I can't stress this enough. The preview version is going to be so amazing, to have everything polished so we can give opinions, it will be glorious. All the comparisons and gameplay


                          • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                            i see people say blood not stop in stairwell, but connecting rooms suggest suggested blood and mess must now start and end in stairwell. no blood shall pass! people say to see 2f first aid room as reason. bad reason when no mess is seen in known photo from area connecting these places.

                            police is professional. they even have staff zombies in reception without other mess than work!
                            Bingo! No blood shall pass! Although I do see what you mean about immersion and all. How about this: After the precint is locked down after the initial outbreak, the only way zombies are getting in is by busting down temporary barricades and jumping through windows. No barricades, no windows. As for doors, yes, in later RE's they DO bust down doors, but in the older RE's they don't. And even if they did, these are the higher floors we're talking about. Zombies can't climb stairs Sure, there's zombies upstairs, but just leftovers from the zombified cops who changed while on that very floor.

                            So in the end, the only place I see for a real fight to occur is just on the other side of that 1st floor door. Hey, I don't even see a door in the test render Is there even a door to the stairwell on the 1st floor? Been a while since I popped 1.5 in to play......
                            It matters not to me which virus you wield. Yours is merely a pathetic attempt to master the powers of death. The power you seek is MINE, and with this insurmountable power, I offer a litany of oblivion even a virus cannot prevent..............and you cannot escape.


                            • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                              Welp, they had to store all those works of art somewhere. "Who needs a medical room or a bathroom, we need to dedicate two whole rooms in our police precinct to the chief's private art collection! Also, our kennel needs to be bigger than our entire block of holding cells. Gotta keep those dogs comfy!"

                              But honestly, I think the worst offender is the position of the 2F waiting room. Who the hell actually makes it so that you need to go through the entire west wing just to get to a waiting room on the east wing to meet the chief. Layout-wise, the station would have benefitted from having the areas segregated into three floors like the 1.5 station, but I guess making it more mansion-like was their priority.
                              My first impression of the retail RPD was that they chose a mansion layout to play it safe since 1.5 was deemed sub-standard. It makes sense considering they had to delay it so close to release. It just seems rushed especially considering that the factory was abandoned altogether.
                              "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                              • Originally posted by Graco View Post
                                My first impression of the retail RPD was that they chose a mansion layout to play it safe since 1.5 was deemed sub-standard. It makes sense considering they had to delay it so close to release. It just seems rushed especially considering that the factory was abandoned altogether.
                                I've always wondered why they scrapped the factory stage it didn't seem to have the issue of being "boring" like the sewers and RPD 2 was a very short game so having a factory section there wouldn't have hurt it in my opinion

