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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I think the room looks fine, however as we can currently see, the quality of the backgrounds are INSANELY high.

    That's why I suggest that TEAM IGAS: instead of modifying the stairwell, add a bloody handprint streak down the rail. Like one of the RPD officers was in a rush after shoving a zombie or some shit like that. Having a clean room contrasting with a blood streak would fit in nicely, IMO. You won't notice it at first, and it'll be a surprise, and you'll go HOLY SHEEEEEEEET.

    Here's a quick photoshop of what I mean:

    Last edited by Chris' Boob; 02-03-2014, 01:36 PM.


    • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
      people are being far to picky and expecting 100% perfect results , there's being helpful , but now people are going overboard not every room would have blood ! , heck zombies can't even climb stairs in re1,re2,re1.5.

      take the main hall of the r.p.d in retail resident evil 2 not a spot of blood anywhere ! or even a paper on the floor and that was main fucking hall !! surely there should be some blood there ???? since it was the main hall and people would be trying to run out of the main door.

      same goes for the room with the box and letter with the safe number and the licker on the window , oh whats this NO BLOOD !!!.
      see ! now please stop being so dam bloody picky !!

      CLEAN !


      and a few more with dun dun dun !!! STAIRS !! and whats this zombies are downstairs as well and no blood in site what kind of magic is this !!

      All of this, +1. Seriously people, it is a game, just enjoy it as an entertainment product! Be thankful a team, IGAS, is willing to work to do this out of their own spare time to do this.


      • Originally posted by Mikhail View Post
        You must have eyes like a fire belly newt.
        Thank you, it certainly wasn't an easy process though... All that work just to figure out that the exhibit offered nothing new! ;)


        Originally posted by Gemini View Post
        And of course, that missing window on 2F, if it's really missing, judging from a couple limited "YET REVEALING!" pixels of said area.
        Let's not kid ourselves here; the presence of windows on 1F and 2F have crystal clear evidence, far more than "a couple limited pixels". If you were referring to the IGAS stairwell backgrounds, however, there's also plenty of evidence that no windows had been added (yet). Since you only questioned the presence of a window on 2F, I assume that you, like anyone else who has seen the ROOM10B backgrounds, agree that there's supposed to be one on 1F. It's not too difficult to measure where these windows should be installed, since the outdoor backgrounds show their distances from the 1F floor's surface (which is elevated approximately a metre above the pavement level), and from the protruding Lobby. The 2F window in the stairwell lines up horizontally with the window in the 2F Main Corridor, whilst lining up vertically with the 1F stairwell window below. Basic geometry is a real helpful tool here; it shouldn't really be a complicated issue.

        As it turns out, the 2F stairwell window is evidenced by a lot more than a couple of revealing pixels, and its absence from the IGAS renders is also evidenced just as clearly. Rather than condescendingly circling the evidence in red, I'll just post the disparities once more:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	00000066.png
Views:	2
Size:	105.8 KB
ID:	403566Click image for larger version

Name:	00000448.png
Views:	4
Size:	103.9 KB
ID:	403567Click image for larger version

Name:	Civilian.png
Views:	2
Size:	117.2 KB
ID:	403568


        As for the blood and clutter, I appreciate both sides of the argument, but I don't think that it's a big deal either way. We have to pick our battles, and the window issue is the only true logical inconsistency.
        Last edited by Enigmatism415; 02-03-2014, 02:35 PM.


        • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
          What was completed by CAPCOM had most stains or havoc-factor missing entirely in "hot zones", whereas others were populated in such a manner, either randomly or with a precise purpose. Sure, most backgrounds could be highly incomplete and in need of post-processing edits, but it's not like they're throwing stuff in there for every single camera available.
          Take a minute to think about what you're saying. This doesn't require quantum-physics smarts. "Hot zones" are missing stains or havoc-factor? Alright let's review them.

          1F Northern Office: What happened there? Zombies broke through the back door entrance and the police officers hollowed up in the office. Some of the zombies managed to break down that lock and a fight ensued. Result? Bloodbath. Shutter was triggered to prevent zombies from further access to more areas of the RPD (from that locations, at least).
          1F Lobby Precinct: Where are the blood stains? Near the front shutter. What happened? Police officers either had a confrontation with the zombies trying to break in before evacuating from the precinct or they were trying to escape the police station. Whatever theory you want to apply, they failed to control the situation.
          2F Hallway: Somewhere past the shutter. What happened? Some zombies probably managed to access the floor before they could re-enforce their positions and get that shutter down. When they did so, someone was probably already bitten and infected with no access to medical supplies. Since all exits were cut off, they probably tore each other apart when they began to turn.
          B1 Hallway: Dogs in the kennels got lose after they had turned and tore apart the police officer(s) trying to find a way out / gather resources. Whole place is a massacre.
          B1 Armory: Injured police officer(s) trying to gain access to the armory. The bloodstains on the floor indicate that someone was already there but left.
          B1 Firing Range: Same deal. Injured police officer(s) trying to gather whatever ammunition was left at the firing range.

          I can't think of any other "hot zones" that are missing any of these things. 3F Hallway and 2F Medical Room, two other places which I believe that could classify as "hot zones" depending on whatever the developing team had written for these areas were never seen in any official footage. Only real place I feel that might be missing the bloodbath atmosphere might be the 1F Southern Office but I see no reason for them to stand there and take on the zombies considering they could be ambushed from the front (balcony) and right (door).

          Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
          i see people say blood not stop in stairwell, but connecting rooms suggest suggested blood and mess must now start and end in stairwell. no blood shall pass! people say to see 2f first aid room as reason. bad reason when no mess is seen in known photo from area connecting these places.
          Is it that difficult to believe that the police officers, particularly those who were injured from fights against zombies, would put their hands on the walls or the rails of the stairwell to support themselves when they were climbing the stairs to get to the 2F, to, I don't know, get some bandages, disinfectant and stitches and treat their wounds? This isn't Resident Evil 2 retail. Chief Brian Iron's isn't an homicidal maniac sabotaging the police officers' access to other locations.

          Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
          As for the blood and clutter, I appreciate both sides of the argument, but I don't think that it's a big deal either way. We have to pick our battles, and the window issue is the only true logical inconsistency.
          This is not about winning battles. It's not about providing proof to other people so we can rub in their faces that their work sucks because they failed to take some things into account - it's about doing our best with what information we have to provide the most reasonable feedback possible. If they feel that ignoring these things gives the game a better style, atmosphere, design, whatever you want to call it, then they are free to do so. Nobody is trying to show off whose e-penis is bigger.

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          • Technically, zombies didn't really break into the building except for that one opening that has been closed off by the shutters and the one that breaks in the main lobby after the infection has spread. That means the policemens infected each other, so it makes sense that not all rooms are messed up and/or bloody. I mean, not everyone who got bitten is not pouring blood out from there wounds, and also not everone was bitten in every room of the building as well as zombies ever being in those rooms.
            Sure it loses continuity if that is all you guys are after right now, but it does fit the game. I am having doubts you guys has never seen a stairwell like that, they are clean as fuck since there is usually nothing in there other than lights.
            Last edited by TableSet; 02-03-2014, 04:19 PM.


            • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
              As it turns out, the 2F stairwell window is evidenced by a lot more than a couple of revealing pixels, and its absence from the IGAS renders is also evidenced just as clearly. Rather than condescendingly circling the evidence in red, I'll just post the disparities once more:
              Considering the window is more than likely located in a blind spot of those new screenshots, I was implying there isn't much to be discussed. It could be there, it could be not - either way, I wouldn't have even noticed, especially during a gaming session.

              Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
              Take a minute to think about what you're saying. This doesn't require quantum-physics smarts. "Hot zones" are missing stains or havoc-factor? Alright let's review them.
              Thanks, but I'm not blind, color blind, or in need of a recap. Review the entire situation to find many zones "illogically" applying no mess of any kind, some already posted above from retail even - you shall find quite a number of inconsistencies CAPCOM left alone all over the place. Still, the real point is: does it change anything with the game's mechanics or immersion factor? Honestly, not one single bit and personally I wouldn't bother the slightest.
              Last edited by Gemini; 02-03-2014, 04:57 PM.

              Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
              , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


              • I find the polarized feedback somewhat funny.

                One day you have people shouting about how something new isn't 1.5 enough, the next day you'll see them shouting about how there's not enough narrative liberty taken with the presumably new/original content.


                • I go away for a few days to see pages of "rail" disputes, and I wonder why Zork doesn't stop by too often. Great work and love everything that keeps coming.

                  "A can of fizz. It's sure to yellow and mellow those things." - Barry Burton


                  • Originally posted by AJM Ruler View Post
                    I go away for a few days to see pages of "rail" disputes, and I wonder why Zork doesn't stop by too often. Great work and love everything that keeps coming.
                    I myself am not gonna waste my time criticizing a rail I feel IGAS knows better


                    • Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
                      I myself am not gonna waste my time criticizing a rail I feel IGAS knows better
                      yeah exactly it's completely pathetic ! sure some criticism is appreciated but all this crap over some blood that is not needed and a shiny fucking rail !
                      I've seen shiny rails in the early 90's they existed.

                      after this crap I wont be surprised if IGAS wont show any more screenshots. I know I wouldn't if I was making it.


                      • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                        Considering the window is more than likely located in a blind spot of those new screenshots, I was implying there isn't much to be discussed. It could be there, it could be not
                        It's architecturally impossible for the 1F window to be located in a blind spot in the new screenshot, unless the 3D model itself was reconstructed inaccurately:

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	stair_geometry.png
Views:	1
Size:	460.1 KB
ID:	403569

                        The 2F window isn't in the new screenshots either; look at the lower-left corner of the image in the southeast quadrant: some sort of red structure or piping is mounted on the wall where a window should be.


                        In any case, I'm sure that by now this window issue has been brought to the attention of IGAS's background artist, and s/he will either consider it or ignore it.

                        EDIT: It seems like part of the problem is that the ceilings are just too damn high for the first two floors. Only B1 and 3F should have notably high ceilings, while B2, 1F, and 2F should have moderate ceiling heights (the actual ceiling height of B2 was addressed accurately in the East Stairwell).
                        Last edited by Enigmatism415; 02-03-2014, 06:43 PM.


                        • Keep in mind that these fixes could potentially exceed a what if official released version. Let's not forget the little front lobby ramp mistake capcom left in retail.


                          • Yeah, some proportions were the only real criticisms I have, a lot of that is probably just down to camera angles and its placement in the 3D environment, making characters look out of proportion. The small details are minor and not worth making a fuss about at this stage of development. Either way the lighting and textures look great and that's what matters right now, I'm not sure how they've managed to recreate the same levels of detail and grain as original Capcom renders but they're doing a good job at matching them. The more custom resources the artists build and the more practice they get drawing textures, the better new pieces of art are going to look so I think it's safe to say we can expect even better things in the future to an even greater accuracy.


                            • Originally posted by NEOMEGA View Post
                              Keep in mind that these fixes could potentially exceed a what if official released version. Let's not forget the little front lobby ramp mistake capcom left in retail.
                              front lobby ramp mistake?

                              in any case, keep the plants and anything that resembles life, safeness, security should be in a save room


                              • First floor of the RPD should be about 5 meters tall, which makes that window appear at least 3 meters away from ground level. If the window is there, it's just a meter above what you indicate, ergo not visible in that camera range.

                                Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                                front lobby ramp mistake?
                                Nah, it's the same even in the back area with Ada inside the truck.
                                Last edited by Gemini; 02-03-2014, 07:03 PM.

                                Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                                , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.

