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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Ooh goodie, we're arguing about stairs now.

    Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
    1. Stairs connected to the wall; giving support from wall (also permitting internal reinforcement armature to extend from the wall and not just be entirely self-reliant)
    2. Stairs steeper in vertical angle; creating more vertical strain on structure than it would do horizontally if they weren't as steep (lengthy stairs might require bridge-like support solutions)
    3. Stairs shorter in overall length; meaning less weight to carry in general for the two points it connects between. (same as above)
    That is very expensive to do nonetheless and would never be seen in a police station like that. I don't uh... quite understand your 2 or 3. My English is still advancing.

    Also you're forgetting the railing. It just don't work with stairs like that.


    • My eyes could be playing tricks on me, but it seems like the height of the wall in the front area of the station is longer than the one in the van area. For comparison, the height of the walls in the first floor area is about two Leons tall (Leon is 178 cm), or roughly 3.5m tall (you can use the air jesus glitch or prop him in front of the shutter to check this yourself). The alleged base of the building that Enigmatism is talking about is the wall trim you see in the left pic, and it's roughly around 1m tall. Since the outdoor area with the van seems to have shorter walls, it's assumed that the area itself is either resting on the same 1m foundation you see in the the left pic, or that the back of the building is resting on higher ground. In either case, the 1F-3F stairwell itself would still be resting 1m above the street/pavement level, meaning the windows in the room should still be within the character's reach like the one seen in the 2F main corridor with Marvin.

      Click image for larger version

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      Click image for larger version

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      I could be wrong though. It would be nice if we could stack a bunch of Leons on top of each other, so we can measure it accurately.

      EDIT: If I'm wrong with the height measurements though, and they are actually the same height, Enigmatism pointed out another possibility. The 1F east hallway could have been planned to have a small 1m flight of stairs right beside the stairwell door that leads down to the square at the end of the hall. This would make the hallway level with the rest of the building, while the square/waiting area at the end and the van area would be level with the streets/pavement and front outdoor area. Also, a small flight of stairs would explain why the hallway suddenly becomes narrow right at the point where it meets with the square.
      Last edited by biohazard_star; 02-04-2014, 04:08 AM.
      Seibu teh geimu?


      • ^I'm almost positive the small ledge/trim you've listed as a potential first floor height is actually the same height as the structural ledge/difference you can see on some walls on the first floor. Which I guess means the front entrance of the RPD should have like a set of stairs with one or two steps. These don't necessarily have to allign up properly with the back area, though, depending on how the ramp to/from the garage leads up on the road outside and whether or not the RPD back area is supposed to be the same height or not too (See how the asphalt seems to be the same height as the floor of the courtyard the police transport's broken through the wall of -- also note how the backdoor exit of the RPD doesn't have any steps outside the door ...)


        • Hmm .. yeah, the backdoor area is flat, yet the Lobby entrance has 2 or 3 steps leading from the street level to the building itself - wierd..

          My guess would be (in real life sense) that the RPD and surrounding building may have been built on a incline/hill - which means the building was on a large base foundation?
          Kinda like this really crude drawing hehe.. 5 seconds in Paint here LOL

          We know for a FACT that the RPD entrance has steps (look at the shots posted above) - if the RPD was on street level as in RE2, why put steps there?
          And we know the back exit is flat...
          Sooo - either it is an oversight by Capcom (also as in RE2) or the geology of Raccoon is different that we thought (RE3 had sloped streets)

          Hell, the back area with the crash may be flat, and so is the front - maybe the side of the building which we cannot see (the area the van drove up) could be an incline??
          Last edited by RaccoonSurvivor; 02-04-2014, 03:03 PM.
          "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


          • Can anyone answer the question as to why the PSM build is such a mess? To me it's almost as if the background department had created all those rooms at a rate which the actual development team hadn't followed. It almost feels botched like a MZD build in its own way at times, something which was used to make changes and test rooms more than actually form a coherent gameplay experience. I get the feeling Capcom just grabbed whatever they had at the time and used it for things like creating stills and getting video footage, then somehow ending up in the presses hands for preview purposes. Some of the changes made in this era don't make much sense and a lot of the time I think that's only if you use this build as a reference.


            • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
              Nah, it's the same even in the back area with Ada inside the truck.
              He means my statement about the retail ramp paradox. IF you dont know about it just to let you know once you see this you will never unsee it.
              Click image for larger version

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ID:	403574
              Friggen paint. I had no idea it had such little function. Imagine the purple circle on the top right connecting with the bottom corner of the blue square.
              Originally posted by geluda View Post
              Can anyone answer the question as to why the PSM build is such a mess?
              I have been perplexed about this build for a while now. Although it seems that there was a nice amount of development since era 2, it appears that there wasn't that much progression in area production. It must have been all behind the scenes programming they have done between the two, besides creating the unfinished John and Ada models and the finished Leon costume change.
              Last edited by NEOMEGA; 02-04-2014, 06:34 PM. Reason: dont know lefts and rights


              • Originally posted by NEOMEGA View Post
                He means my statement about the retail ramp paradox. IF you dont know about it just to let you know once you see this you will never unsee it.
                Friggen paint. I had no idea it had such little function. Imagine the purple circle on the top left connecting with the bottom corner of the blue square.
                So, the rooms from 1.5 and retail in the RPD has the worst room placement?
                I was guessing that RPD Van is in an elevated ramp for the inclination of the RPD Van, maybe there is another part of the police precinct like a parking lot or a elevated street, remember that in the heliport there is a view between the police precinct and other building a big area like a parking lot or an elevated street, like RaccoonSurvivor showed in the picture an inclinated hill...


                • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                  Can anyone answer the question as to why the PSM build is such a mess? To me it's almost as if the background department had created all those rooms at a rate which the actual development team hadn't followed. It almost feels botched like a MZD build in its own way at times, something which was used to make changes and test rooms more than actually form a coherent gameplay experience. I get the feeling Capcom just grabbed whatever they had at the time and used it for things like creating stills and getting video footage, then somehow ending up in the presses hands for preview purposes. Some of the changes made in this era don't make much sense and a lot of the time I think that's only if you use this build as a reference.
                  Welcome to game development and magazine ad booking/marketing deadlines.
                  Hail the heros of the revolution!


                  • A little late, but gotta say I'm liking the renders of the new stairwell.

                    Also, thoroughly enjoyed the debate on depicting the room as Damaged vs. Sterile, both had good points. My favorite rooms in RE2 were the ones where shit obviously went down, like the office you find Marvin in. Desks pushed up in disarray, bullet holes pocketing the walls, smears of blood, and of course that adorable little table with the party hats and Styrofoam cups at the don't need dialogue or a note telling you what happened.

                    It looks like something similar happened in 1.5's western office, and it would make sense that the battle only went as far as there, since the shutter is closed until the player comes along. The zombies on the upper floor archive hall would have been survivors retreating from the battle, and then THEY got locked in there to contain the threat.

                    But what poor soul has to work in the office underneath the staircase? The sound of footsteps would be maddening :p

                    Edit: Medical Room eeeee coool!
                    Last edited by The Ekamp; 02-04-2014, 07:28 PM.


                    • Comment

                      • Originally posted by ajrich17901 View Post
                        Looks like they changed the camera angle.. that was also "cut 9". I want teh igas betaz of 1.5!

                        Originally posted by NEOMEGA View Post
                        He means my statement about the retail ramp paradox. IF you dont know about it just to let you know once you see this you will never unsee it.
                        Friggen paint. I had no idea it had such little function. Imagine the purple circle on the top right connecting with the bottom corner of the blue square.

                        I have been perplexed about this build for a while now. Although it seems that there was a nice amount of development since era 2, it appears that there wasn't that much progression in area production. It must have been all behind the scenes programming they have done between the two, besides creating the unfinished John and Ada models and the finished Leon costume change.
                        Yeah I think I became aware of that after seeing a bunch of RE2 mods which lower the office area accordingly so it actually makes sense in a fully 3D environment.
                        Last edited by Scream; 02-04-2014, 07:59 PM.


                        • Originally posted by Scream View Post
                          Yeah I think I became aware of that after seeing a bunch of RE2 mods which lower the office area accordingly so it actually makes sense in a fully 3D environment.
                          Yeah I remember exactly which one you are talking about I could swore there is a textured version of this angle somewhere.
                          While I'm on dark biohazard here was his unfinished attempts at the staircase think what you will of it:
                          Click image for larger version

Name:	StairwellFINAL.jpg
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Size:	20.2 KB
ID:	403576


                          • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                            ^I'm almost positive the small ledge/trim you've listed as a potential first floor height is actually the same height as the structural ledge/difference you can see on some walls on the first floor. Which I guess means the front entrance of the RPD should have like a set of stairs with one or two steps. These don't necessarily have to allign up properly with the back area, though, depending on how the ramp to/from the garage leads up on the road outside and whether or not the RPD back area is supposed to be the same height or not too (See how the asphalt seems to be the same height as the floor of the courtyard the police transport's broken through the wall of -- also note how the backdoor exit of the RPD doesn't have any steps outside the door ...)
                            You can see the set of stairs quite clearly in the unused background from the front area. And this might be pushing it, but you can also see what appears to be the very first lobby corridor window on the same level as the stairwell window (might need to zoom in a bit):
                            Click image for larger version

Name:	00000067.png
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Size:	237.1 KB
ID:	403575

                            And well, if the lobby is elevated 1m above the street level, all the other rooms connected to it, and the rooms connected to those rooms, would have to be resting on the same 1m foundation, unless there's a small flight of stairs in one of the 1f rooms (stairwell/east corridor) that cuts through that foundation and changes the elevation of that particular room.
                            Seibu teh geimu?


                            • Originally posted by NEOMEGA View Post
                              He means my statement about the retail ramp paradox. IF you dont know about it just to let you know once you see this you will never unsee it.

                              Originally posted by ajrich17901 View Post
                              Very cool. It looks like she's reloading the grenade launcher. That's the medical room, correct?


                              • Well, I feel foolish for having overlooked it before, but those double doors are swung wide open!

                                Either it's some kind of post-cutscene remnant, or perhaps there is an antechamber? If so, is that a window to the right of those doors?

