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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • ^ I wouldn't mind a machete, err.... knife with shotgun like effects. Slash upwards and you can lop heads off, slash forward and you can cleave enemies in half, slash downwards and you can lop some legs off.

    ... or a Heather beam, while they're at it.
    Seibu teh geimu?


    • Machete would be awesome, just steal the model from Dino Crisis 2 and sorted.


      • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
        In regards to the "cosmos" setting of BIO2..
        Oh thank God it was shot down. Just look what happened to Dino Crisis 3.

        +1 for a machete. It could make a nice, hidden bonus weapon.


        • Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
          So what room is this? Is it in the police station or lab I can't tell
          Medical Room, RPD 2F, NW corner. We already know what all of the rooms in the Laboratory look like.


          Zombies in space? I wonder whether Dead Space would have gotten the green light back in 1996...
          Last edited by Enigmatism415; 02-05-2014, 12:55 PM.


          • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
            Medical Room, RPD 2F, NW corner. We already know what all of the rooms in the Laboratory look like.


            Zombies in space? I wonder whether Dead Space would have gotten the green light back in 1996...
            sci fi wasn't very popular back then.

            Yeah, the RPDs medical room. Remember the old argument "why does a police station have an infirmary?!"


            • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
              In regards to the "cosmos" setting of BIO2..
              Lost it at "it was rejected immediately"


              • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                Zombies in space? Lol.
                they better not ever do that in a resident evil game lol , it killed dino crisis.
                I miss regina


                • ^ Me too .. what gets me is that they could SO bring Dino Crisis back again , having it set before DC3 of course - Regina is ace , reminds me of old Jill alot.
                  "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                  • Abrupt change of subject, but is there any validity to the notion that the man-spider creature was meant to pursue the player in the labs similar to the way Mr. X does in retail? I wish I could remember where I read that. (Or maybe I'm full of shit right now.)

                    Birkin crosses paths with it and makes quick work of it away from its location in the build we have on the complete disc footage. Correct me if I'm wrong but the creature also seems to have been developed early in 1.5's life, and was even carried over to the restarted project for at least a beta and before Mr. X was implemented. Could it be that was its purpose?
                    Last edited by Graco; 02-05-2014, 05:29 PM.
                    "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                    • The calendar itself from the Medical room picture is fine, it´s just that it´s out of scale, following the perspective lines it almost has the same size as the crystal square of the door. It´s too huge for a normal calendar.

                      Though, they were allways showing old screenshots, maybe they already noticed this and fixed the size, who knows.
                      The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                      • They are talented at creating new rooms, but tend to have deficiencies in terms of design. As as said the room itself is really nice and solid. But the huge white/red calendar with a green notice behind it just looks like a huge pimple on someone's nose.

                        I'm all for little easter eggs of some sort here and there, but it shouldn't be cheesy looking. There's nothing comparable in the rest of the game and it's just like the stairs, it needs more uniformity (why would we have two very different set of concrete stairs in the same building?). A small black and white notice of some sort instead of that calendar would look much better.


                        • Click image for larger version

Name:	calendar.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	36.8 KB
ID:	403578

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	maya.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	27.7 KB
ID:	403579
                          Last edited by B.Zork; 02-05-2014, 05:40 PM. Reason: :)


                          • I didn't mind the calendar.
                            "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                            • IS THAT A MAYAN CALENDAR

                              OH MY GOD I'M DYING


                              • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post

                                TOP KEK

                                I almost hope this design is kept!

