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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
    Btw, I´d prefer to not know where each poster IGAS put into the game comes from...
    we hope to bring insight on subject of inspiration and resources as segment of making of content. but cover all content maybe take more time than fix game! big fans and maybe people who are 30 and up maybe good at spot many details.


    • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
      Deep Fear: Better than Resident Evil?
      I like the fact that they went for a question mark, rather than a bold faced lie in the form of ann exclamation point!
      (Even if that would've certainly sold them some extra issues ... if that had been the case.)


      • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
        Captain Evidence to the rescue!

        Hm shes running around so freely with it at such an early time. The guy probably gave it to himself. Much more likely that it was used tho.


        • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
          They should include a close shot from this one somewhere, it´s from september 1998!:

          Deep Fear: Better than Resident Evil????

          Btw, I´d prefer to not know where each poster IGAS put into the game comes from...

          LOVE that magazine I have them all , just seems like yesterday I used the deep fear walkthrough on one of there issues , also remember getting panzer dragoon saga disc 1 free and christmas nights free. Back to 1.5 lol


          • Christmas Nights gets played every year in my house thanks to that magazine!


            • I'll never get why so many people love that game. Looks like nothing special from what I've seen of it in RetroGamer magazine.


              • I started buying that from the first issue, which had a cover mounted... VHS tape. Hell if I know how they shipped so many of those worldwide, must have cost a fair bit. I stopped buying them in mid-1997 when I needed extra money for more games. :p


                • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                  is funny how even in late builds they never fix her broken shotgun animation and recycle for launcher
                  That's alright. In retail, the shotgun animation was also used for the rocket launcher. I'm guessing BH 1.5's developing team had this idea early on.

                  Although the shotgun animation is broken (or maybe the rocket launcher animation due to the portions of the weapon?) this seems to be the new animation rather than the old. The image quality isn't the best but her arms seem to be more flexed. The dimensions of the rocket launcher are off though, which might explain why the left hand blends over it.

                  Originally posted by icemann View Post
                  I'll never get why so many people love that game. Looks like nothing special from what I've seen of it in RetroGamer magazine.
                  You had to play it back in the Christmas of 1997 to understand its magic.

                  BioHazard YouTube Channel
                  BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                  • That animation worked with retail's rocket launcher because it was a smaller one. This old style, RE3 one is alot larger and heavier.
                    But yeah, the broken shotgun animations where elzas hand isn't holding it irk the fuck outta me.


                    • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                      They should include a close shot from this one somewhere, it´s from september 1998!:

                      Deep Fear: Better than Resident Evil????

                      Btw, I´d prefer to not know where each poster IGAS put into the game comes from...
                      Funny how it mentions RE2 and its delay within that issue.


                      • Deep Fear, never played that. Gameplay looks fairly crappy from youtube vids, but has an interesting vibe to it. And Godzilla was just the worst game ever. I still have the limited edition green VMU


                        • Deep Fear was a good game.


                          • Originally posted by Sly View Post
                            Deep Fear was a good game.
                            yeah I play it from time to time one of my fave saturn games.

                            even if it doe's have worse voice acting then re at times lol


                            • these games of which resident evil draw inspiration or that later draw inspiration from resident evil is much interesting. i miss this era of 90s


                              • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                                these games of which resident evil draw inspiration or that later draw inspiration from resident evil is much interesting. i miss this era of 90s
                                I think most of us do

                                that's why I still have my saturn , ps1 , n64 and other classics still set up in my house.

