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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
    What's wrong with just using torn clothing and idle animations to indicate damage taken?
    That's all I want. Adding too much in will make it more like 2 than 1.5, and it's already going that route. I want it to remain 1.5 somewhat.
    My Head-Fi Page


    • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
      What's wrong with just using torn clothing and idle animations to indicate damage taken?
      I'm sorry but I forgot that tiny pieces of clothing left behind covering Elza's and Leon's junk meant they're in danger and not horny.

      I think they should at least reduce their speed when in danger. After all, the limp became a staple for many installments.


      • Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
        I'd prefer some type of limp. It allows you to know if you're about to die without checking the inventory screen.
        I agree.

        Additionally, if zombies can run, it will present a nice challenge.

        Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
        That's all I want. Adding too much in will make it more like 2 than 1.5, and it's already going that route. I want it to remain 1.5 somewhat.
        I often find it to be absolutely hilarious that people have some kind of grandiose of what Bio1.5 is, as-if they've just returned from some magical alternate-universe where Bio1.5 was actually released as Bio2 and IGAS is just butchering their nostalgia.

        We already have a "remaining" version - a complete mess of incomplete WIP programming known as the 40% build.
        Last edited by MeganGrass; 03-06-2014, 09:08 PM.
        I'm a blackstar.


        • Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
          I agree.

          Additionally, if zombies can run, it will present a nice challenge.
          What I really want is to have one of the gorillas do that fist pounding thing on Leon/Elza and knock you down. And when you get up, you're in danger. And you try to run away but the damn gorilla catches up.

          Would scare the shit out of me and make me feel like a kid playing an old RE game again.

          I'd often scream at my TV when I was in limp mode...

          Last edited by Chris' Boob; 03-06-2014, 09:09 PM.


          • Don't forget that there is caution and danger idle stances (just get your health to caution/danger and stand still for a few seconds), i'd be willing to guess that capcom were probably in the process of making the animations for limping etc

            Personally i would be all for it


            • I don't really care either way.


              • The animation provides a direct visual of imminent death and more tension. The visual damage is nice but it begins fairly quick and when you're in heated combat isn't very specific. The limping was a good addition to the gameplay and something similar would work well in addition to the tattered clothing and blood incurred from damage.
                Last edited by Graco; 03-07-2014, 07:14 AM.
                "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                • ^ I think, instead of RE2/3 limping that REALLY slowed you down - which would make 1.5 impossible to play in Danger mode hehe..

                  They could do a CV / RE Remake animation, they limp but it doesn't affect speed, only the animations (Pretty much the same as Caution in RE2/3)

                  The reason for this is that its easier to see the state of damage. If the camera is far away from the character and they are surrounded by zombies, how are we suppost to see the texture changes.. Sure it would be challenging yes - but having to check the inventory every second after a bite is no fun either..
                  Last edited by RaccoonSurvivor; 03-07-2014, 06:12 AM.
                  "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                  • Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
                    I often find it to be absolutely hilarious that people have some kind of grandiose of what Bio1.5 is, as-if they've just returned from some magical alternate-universe where Bio1.5 was actually released as Bio2 and IGAS is just butchering their nostalgia.

                    We already have a "remaining" version - a complete mess of incomplete WIP programming known as the 40% build.
                    1.5 exists in a few forms from what i understand, and only one is available.

                    anything not on any of these versions is not part of 1.5.

                    they added things not on any of these versions.

                    it is no longer 1.5.

                    no hypotheticals, no inter-dimensional travel, no opinions. these things are by definition. it does not matter what anyone thinks.


                    • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
                      1.5 exists in a few forms from what i understand, and only one is available.

                      anything not on any of these versions is not part of 1.5.

                      they added things not on any of these versions.

                      it is no longer 1.5.

                      no hypotheticals, no inter-dimensional travel, no opinions. these things are by definition. it does not matter what anyone thinks.
                      If you have such a problem with it, get off your ass and go make 1.5 from scratch yourself.

                      I'm waiting.


                      • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
                        1.5 exists in a few forms from what i understand, and only one is available.

                        anything not on any of these versions is not part of 1.5.

                        they added things not on any of these versions.

                        it is no longer 1.5.

                        no hypotheticals, no inter-dimensional travel, no opinions. these things are by definition. it does not matter what anyone thinks.
                        The problem with this thinking is that if you take it like that, you'll never be able to enjoy a completed version of this game. Capcom themselves will never finish this game, why not just deal with it?


                        • Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
                          I often find it to be absolutely hilarious that people have some kind of grandiose of what Bio1.5 is, as-if they've just returned from some magical alternate-universe where Bio1.5 was actually released as Bio2 and IGAS is just butchering their nostalgia.

                          We already have a "remaining" version - a complete mess of incomplete WIP programming known as the 40% build.

                          I mean, do people really believe this project should be about creating something Capcom wouldn't be proud of? The mistake is assuming 1.5 and BIO2 are massively different developments, when the reality is that they are just two parts of one larger development called Biohazard 2. The 1.5 version was scrapped because Capcom weren't happy with it and even to this day most of the developers still don't want to acknowledge it. To try and recreate the final build as we know it is creating something that Capcom would never release, and in all honesty I don't think that does the game or the original developers justice.

                          1.5 was the prototype for Capcom's retail game in every shape or form and so it should be for IGAS, a prototype. Sure some retail aspects are not 1.5, but likewise some 1.5 aspects are not retail quality either; so there needs to be a compromise between the two in order to create something that's faithful yet something Capcom would actually be happy with. To ignore the original developer's motives and fail to address some of the issues they had with the game would be nothing short of insulting and quite frankly neglectful of the Biohazard 2 development as a whole. It sounds counter intuitive but taking inspiration from the retail game is the only faithful way to do it and the most genuine way of addressing whatever issues IGAS might encounter in the future.


                          • Originally posted by geluda View Post

                            I mean, do people really believe this project should be about creating something Capcom wouldn't be proud of? The mistake is assuming 1.5 and BIO2 are massively different developments, when the reality is that they are just two parts of one larger development called Biohazard 2. The 1.5 version was scrapped because Capcom weren't happy with it and even to this day most of the developers still don't want to acknowledge it. To try and recreate the final build as we know it is creating something that Capcom would never release, and in all honesty I don't think that does the game or the original developers justice.

                            1.5 was the prototype for Capcom's retail game in every shape or form and so it should be for IGAS, a prototype. Sure some retail aspects are not 1.5, but likewise some 1.5 aspects are not retail quality either; so there needs to be a compromise between the two in order to create something that's faithful yet something Capcom would actually be happy with. To ignore the original developer's motives and fail to address some of the issues they had with the game would be nothing short of insulting and quite frankly neglectful of the Biohazard 2 development as a whole. It sounds counter intuitive but taking inspiration from the retail game is the only faithful way to do it and the most genuine way of addressing whatever issues IGAS might encounter in the future.
                            GIVE THIS GUY A MEDAL


                            • Originally posted by geluda View Post

                              I mean, do people really believe this project should be about creating something Capcom wouldn't be proud of? The mistake is assuming 1.5 and BIO2 are massively different developments, when the reality is that they are just two parts of one larger development called Biohazard 2. The 1.5 version was scrapped because Capcom weren't happy with it and even to this day most of the developers still don't want to acknowledge it. To try and recreate the final build as we know it is creating something that Capcom would never release, and in all honesty I don't think that does the game or the original developers justice.

                              1.5 was the prototype for Capcom's retail game in every shape or form and so it should be for IGAS, a prototype. Sure some retail aspects are not 1.5, but likewise some 1.5 aspects are not retail quality either; so there needs to be a compromise between the two in order to create something that's faithful yet something Capcom would actually be happy with. To ignore the original developer's motives and fail to address some of the issues they had with the game would be nothing short of insulting and quite frankly neglectful of the Biohazard 2 development as a whole. It sounds counter intuitive but taking inspiration from the retail game is the only faithful way to do it and the most genuine way of addressing whatever issues IGAS might encounter in the future.
                              I agree with you, but REM won't. You basically just summed up how I feel.


                              • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
                                1.5 exists in a few forms from what i understand, and only one is available.

                                anything not on any of these versions is not part of 1.5.

                                they added things not on any of these versions.

                                it is no longer 1.5.

                                no hypotheticals, no inter-dimensional travel, no opinions. these things are by definition. it does not matter what anyone thinks.

                                This is not how game development works. IGAS want to "complete" the game. They do not want to get it up to the standards of a later build, they want to surpass any of those builds. To do this they have to take some cues from the final version of BIO2.

                                "1.5" was never set in stone. Even before it was scrapped, it was undergoing continuous and drastic changes in many areas. Games don't have a threshold where old stuff gets locked down and becomes permanent. Anything could be changed at any time.
                                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

