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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
    i really should stop nit-picking and wait and see what they do as a whole...
    Gee, ya think? You're above most of the pure build cultists then in that regard. From the very first IGAS deviation they reacted like they were false prophets in serious need of a purging. You guys got your "pure build", go fap to it and let IGAS do their magic. It won't appease most of the robe wearers, no, but to any sensible Resident Evil fan, I'm sure it will be worth the wait.
    Last edited by Eteponge; 03-10-2014, 08:22 PM.


    • Originally posted by Mikhail View Post
      Because it's a 2D game, why I mentioned Dino Crisis 2 instead Dino Crisis 1 which is 3D
      Not sure where you get that from. Don't let the pre-rendered backdrops fool you. It's still all just a bunch of similarly structured 3D coordinates; they just approach the end output a little different, but as far general "room" rendering goes, there's nothing either of them does that the other one shouldn't be able to do perfectly fine (textured 3D room rendering vs pre-rendered backdrops).

      IGAS did a proof-of-concept video about a year ago (shit! Time zaps by fast!), demoing an RE4 style camera in the 1.5 engine, which apparently failed to impress some subjects of the RE hacking community; as it'd "already been done" (apparently)

      Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
      I dunno about porting the game to DC2's engine, but wouldn't it be easier to just modify the current engine to add in more complex enemy spawn features akin to DC2's? I mean, extensively hacking the 1.5 engine is exactly what IGAS has been doing for who knows how long, so....
      This is what I find puzzling too. They're clearly more than capable of adding whatever features they see fit or needed, so why go through the trouble of porting everything to a different engine that probably comes with baggage and a gazillion functions they probably don't need? (Which would then have to be shaved off to give space for functions they do need)


        Come on IGAS. Show us something ;).
        Nicholai,Carlos,Mikhail. Umbrella sure doesn't discriminate against race,huh?


        • Originally posted by Welshboydave View Post
          Come on IGAS. Show us something ;).

          Looks pretty consistent with the Era-5 photographs. IGAS impresses yet again.


          • Its really, really good.


            • It pains me to be that 'window guy' again, but there should be a second window on the eastern portion of the 2F corridor:

              Click image for larger version

Name:	00000449.png
Views:	2
Size:	101.4 KB
ID:	403610

              That thin metal strip is exactly where the right side of the second window frame would be, and the length of the strip is consistent with the height of the other window frames. IGAS may have decided not to include it, overlooked it, or attributed the strip to something unrelated.
              Last edited by Enigmatism415; 03-12-2014, 11:13 PM.


              • Does anybody have shots of the ERA 5 2F corridor .. or a map of it's layout compared to the outside area (pictures above)
                Would be cool to see..
                I have to agree, these shots look alot better than the one before.
                "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                • So far, the exterior shots of the RPD have proven to be accurate in terms of window positioning. In the second background, I encircled in red what Enig was talking about. It's only a few pixels thin, but you can see what appears to be the edge of a second window that's beside the one near the helipad ladder. I outlined the edge of the first window in yellow lines so you can see that it isn't the one encircled in red. I didn't include it, but in the second to the last angle used in this outdoor area (the one with the manhole), you can also see the medical room window seen in IGAS' recreation and the 1F shutter hallway windows.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	00000066.png
Views:	1
Size:	712.4 KB
ID:	403611
                  Seibu teh geimu?


                  • I also think there's a window directly below the one I mentioned earlier (next to the lobby's door in the 1F East Corridor).

                    I had posted this schematic illustrating my idea:

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	BH1.5_Licker.png
Views:	1
Size:	508.1 KB
ID:	403612

                    ...but IGAS responded that they had reasons for their window placement (I wish I knew what they were).

                    Later on, I found additional supporting evidence in this background:

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	00000448.png
Views:	4
Size:	103.9 KB
ID:	403613

                    In the very lower-right corner, you can see the corner/edge/shadow of the window frame.


                    • we say constructive feedback is important. right?
                      remember many things often change. we have lot of review to do for content before proper preview. many details and small things must become right.


                      • The corridor looks really great. The windows comment is interesting. I really hope you'll implement retail animations like what Martin did with one of his patches, this Leon handgun pose starts to look "dated".


                        • I think this got mentioned before but anyway, anybody know what it's supposed to be?
                          it's left after exiting the morgue.
                          Attached Files


                          • It's a glitch. When you re-enter the room, the shutter texture re-appears on a dead zombie torso before the torso disappears. Or something.

                            The same thing happens in other parts of the game, such as in the lab when you re-enter that Man-Spider hallway after killing it. The texture of the floor panel (the one the Man-Spider breaks through) re-appears on part of the Man-Spider corpse. It's a weird glitch.


                            • So I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned yet,but igas confirmed via Facebook that annette,John and Marvin would be playable characters.
                              Nicholai,Carlos,Mikhail. Umbrella sure doesn't discriminate against race,huh?


                              • Interesting. But I'd like to hear more. Do they mean for a mini game or the actual scenario? I can't see it being the latter half but I dunno.

