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  • Originally posted by OKeijiDragon View Post
    I think those observers just got fed up with the off-topic foolery, 1.5 obsession weirdness, and stupid convoluted drama this thread brimmed with.
    If something made people "fed up", it's the long development time and lack of news, especially now they have something to play.

    This game is one of the very few things that keeps resident evil boards alive, and you can't deny it.


    • Remember how alive the board was when we learned that PSM had a build? Man crazy times!
      My Head-Fi Page


      • Originally posted by OKeijiDragon View Post
        I think those observers just got fed up with the off-topic foolery, 1.5 obsession weirdness, and stupid convoluted drama this thread brimmed with.

        I know what that's like.
        Pretty much all that, doesn't help this place isn't exactly welcoming either.


        • After 875 pages, I'm quite surprised that the topic has gone on for this long. Once IGAS releases something new, whether it be screenshots, videos or even more, the topic will be quite active as usual.


          • This is all going to string out for years yet guys.
            We all know igas are planning a demo,which has yet to get a release date or even a rough time.
            This is fine,I don't pretend to know how much time and effort goes into what they do.
            Kudos to them,
            What I do know,is that in 1 month or 3 or 6,when we see the demo,the full release is still going to be pretty far away. Releasing a demo with only a small part of the game to finish would be counter productive.
            So we can pretty much expect this to carry on for a while IMO.
            Last edited by Welshboydave; 03-24-2014, 11:47 AM.
            Nicholai,Carlos,Mikhail. Umbrella sure doesn't discriminate against race,huh?


            • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
              Remember how alive the board was when we learned that PSM had a build? Man crazy times!
              The community in general was awaiting new games from Capcom then too however. Things will never go back that way, a combination of changes in the fanbase and the way people latch onto official sites, larger gaming news communities, and Facebook, Twitter, etc. and so forth - fan websites just don't rank highly these days. It doesn't even matter that this site is crewed by a skeleton lot, sites that have a dependent webmaster are generally just as quiet.

              Go back over a decade and there was hundreds upon hundreds of fansites too, and most of them had absurdly busy communities each. Things just change.
              Last edited by Rombie; 03-24-2014, 06:19 PM.


              • Originally posted by Rombie View Post
                The community in general was awaiting new games from Capcom then too however. Things will never go back that way, a combination of changes in the fanbase and the way people latch onto official sites, larger gaming news communities, and Facebook, Twitter, etc. and so forth - fan websites just don't rank highly these days. It doesn't even matter that this site is crewed by a skeleton lot, sites that have a dependent webmaster are generally just as quiet.

                Go back over a decade and there was hundreds upon hundreds of fansites too, and most of them had absurdly busy communities each. Things just change.
                THIA, Evil Unleashed, Biohazard Hardcore, Biohazard Extreme, Resident Evil Fan, A New Blood, RE Mega Sites : they all were busy back then. But they have all since withered away. Heck I remember when A New Blood was a Geocities (or Anglefire) site, same goes for BioFlames. Man makes me feel old as hell.

                So many RE sites have bit the dust over the years... so many good ones lost... Biohazard Extreme was one of my favorites. I'd like to reupload it one day as I have it in it's entirety, even the hentai that was on it.
                Last edited by Zombie_X; 03-24-2014, 09:38 PM.
                My Head-Fi Page


                • mister 888 - Nice, indeed. Sad piece of nostelgic feeling I get when I think about all these changes sometimes, I could apply that quite a bit.

                  Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                  THIA, Evil Unleashed, Biohazard Hardcore, Biohazard Extreme, Resident Evil Fan, A New Blood, RE Mega Sites : they all were busy back then. But they have all since withered away. Heck I remember when A New Blood was a Geocities (or Anglefire) site, same goes for BioFlames. Man makes me feel old as hell.

                  So many RE sites have bit the dust over the years... so many good ones lost... Biohazard Extreme was one of my favorites. I'd like to reupload it one day as I have it in it's entirety, even the hentai that was on it.
                  Aside from an archive of my first couple of versions of my sites years after the fact, New Blood was never on Geocities or Angelfire. I had a RE site I tried making in 1997-1998 which was hosted on Xoom because they offered the most space with the least ads at the time. That site never really worked, and not many people would have ever seen it because I didn't show it off to many people being so crap. I then tried one at Freeservers, but that to also wasn't very good because Freeservers required you to use templates. So I went off trying to write material for other sites - because back then thats part of what I wanted to do.

                  After that didn't work originally as planned, I hosted the first proper version of NB as a subsite from a Silent Hill site I made in early 1999 on, which was co-operated by my friend Milton. It then moved to it's own subdirectory on the site (probably I think) when I created RESitez to support the community, before I moved it to it's own domain in April 2000 and got hosting through the GX Network.

                  There was an archive of BHX online at the defunct TotallyRE site uploaded by Rammy himself for a few years, until that site itself went offline a year or two ago. Rammy has no interest in web stuff anymore really, but I couldn't tell you without asking how he'd feel about another mirror going up. He might not care, or he'll care a lot... I couldn't even guess.
                  Last edited by Rombie; 03-24-2014, 10:52 PM.


                  • Originally posted by Rombie View Post
                    mister 888 - Nice, indeed. Sad piece of nostelgic feeling I get when I think about all these changes sometimes, I could apply that quite a bit.

                    Aside from an archive of my first couple of versions of my sites years after the fact, New Blood was never on Geocities or Angelfire. I had a RE site I tried making in 1997-1998 which was hosted on Xoom because they offered the most space with the least ads at the time. That site never really worked, and not many people would have ever seen it because I didn't show it off to many people being so crap. I then tried one at Freeservers, but that to also wasn't very good because Freeservers required you to use templates. So I went off trying to write material for other sites - because back then thats part of what I wanted to do.

                    After that didn't work originally as planned, I hosted the first proper version of NB as a subsite from a Silent Hill site I made in early 1999 on, which was co-operated by my friend Milton. It then moved to it's own subdirectory on the site (probably I think) when I created RESitez to support the community, before I moved it to it's own domain in April 2000 and got hosting through the GX Network.

                    There was an archive of BHX online at the defunct TotallyRE site uploaded by Rammy himself for a few years, until that site itself went offline a year or two ago. Rammy has no interest in web stuff anymore really, but I couldn't tell you without asking how he'd feel about another mirror going up. He might not care, or he'll care a lot... I couldn't even guess.
                    DAT NOSTALGIA.

                    I was all over some REfan back in the early 2000's when Roody was running it. Hell, I didn't have a computer of my own back then so as far as I knew REfan was the ultimate fansite. I had no clue that others even exsisted until I came across THIA at the end of 08. Then I see Rombie posting and I'm like, "Well I'll be damned" lol.
                    "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
                    Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


                    • If Rammy's ever up for it, I could host it for free on my domain. It'd be a nice way to preserve history.
                      My Head-Fi Page


                      • Correction on my earlier post, it was GA Network not GX. GX was a series of gaming forums in 1998 and 1999 that eventually became 1up, but it was there in 1998 that I became a fan of Silent Hill before it came out.

                        Originally posted by REmaster View Post
                        DAT NOSTALGIA.

                        I was all over some REfan back in the early 2000's when Roody was running it. Hell, I didn't have a computer of my own back then so as far as I knew REfan was the ultimate fansite. I had no clue that others even exsisted until I came across THIA at the end of 08. Then I see Rombie posting and I'm like, "Well I'll be damned" lol.
                        Roody's site in the early 2000's was also like none before, so interactive and really 'fan' based. When he dropped from working on the site, I lost a lot of the dynamic appeal. If I could go back to 2000 or 2001 and get Roody, Rammy, and I all working on one site... honestly my mind boggles at how we never thought about that :p Rammy's design, Roody's dynamic coding, and my content... could have made for one really kick ass site :p

                        Zombie_X - I asked Rammy about it, he's considering reuploading it to his own space anyway, so you won't need to worry. Part of the old network is already online, Umbrella Corp;

                        Printmedien, Corporate Design, Werbesujets, Animation & Video, Werbetechnik, Websites

                        I'll let you know if he puts the rest up. You might be able to check and see if you have anything he's missing in the end too.


                        • I have a lot of fond memories of New Blood. I spent countless hours reading and speculating the direction of the series and the Umbrella plot especially. NB, survivhor, and bioflames were daily visits for me.
                          "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                          • I guess I picked the worst of the worst RE sites to lurk back in the day because all I ever used to see was childish drama and forums constantly trying to destroy each other. It's why I kept out of the community for so long, it wasn't worth getting involved. Unfortunately for me by the time I discovered Bioflames it was already closed, and it seems most of the truly great RE sites were already gone, but perhaps fortunately the number of pointless forums and even more pointless wars were over, so this was at least for me a pretty good opportunity to get involved. It would be great to see some of the backups online and finally get to look over some of the things I missed.


                            • Originally posted by Rombie View Post
                              Roody's site in the early 2000's was also like none before, so interactive and really 'fan' based. When he dropped from working on the site, I lost a lot of the dynamic appeal. If I could go back to 2000 or 2001 and get Roody, Rammy, and I all working on one site... honestly my mind boggles at how we never thought about that :p Rammy's design, Roody's dynamic coding, and my content... could have made for one really kick ass site :p
                              Let's go!
                              Click image for larger version

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                              Originally posted by geluda View Post
                              I guess I picked the worst of the worst RE sites to lurk back in the day because all I ever used to see was childish drama and forums constantly trying to destroy each other. It's why I kept out of the community for so long, it wasn't worth getting involved. Unfortunately for me by the time I discovered Bioflames it was already closed, and it seems most of the truly great RE sites were already gone, but perhaps fortunately the number of pointless forums and even more pointless wars were over, so this was at least for me a pretty good opportunity to get involved. It would be great to see some of the backups online and finally get to look over some of the things I missed.
                              I used to start at page 1 of the RE collection/introduce yourself threads. So much enthusiasm back then, good reads.
                              "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
                              Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


                              • Though I was never a member at Bioflames, I followed everything that Kim posted. Nice to see many familiar faces from there are still around, kinda (Dot50Cal, Alzaire). I remember with Evil Unleashed that I used to talk with Mystic all the time, up until he vanished and the site along with him. I got him into the band Kamelot.. There was another RE site I sued to visit, I can remember the name, but the webmasters name was vanhalen4041 or something like that. Someone has to remember who that was.. He vanished as well. I used to talk with the webmaster from Biohazard Hardcore all the time as well....

                                Oh man survivhor... good times.
                                My Head-Fi Page

