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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • They are such a tease. The anticipation is too much. I hope we get a video or even the demo soon.


    • My anticipation is boiling over now. I just hope the demo comes soon.
      My Head-Fi Page


      • Does anyone have a link to the unaltered magic zombie door build? The original anonfiles link doesn't work anymore when I tried to download it, and the sites I went to on google all lead to that url as well.


        • Originally posted by meer View Post
          Does anyone have a link to the unaltered magic zombie door build? The original anonfiles link doesn't work anymore when I tried to download it, and the sites I went to on google all lead to that url as well.
          check your P.M.
          "What is it? - BLOOD!"


          • Hey guize, it's good to be back.
            I've read 60 damn pages for all the time i was missing lol.
            Glad to see some recent updates.


            • The updates are just as tantalizing as ever, and I'm loving every second of them! You know, I was just thinking... we haven't seen anything regarding that whole side arm system yet, have we? I know B. Zork's talked about it, but it's one of the few things we haven't seen displayed in any screens or videos so far released. I'd love to see something relating to that next update. Does anyone else have anything they want to see come next 100 likes?


              • Something tells me that they will give us the demo at 5000 likes and the full game at 10000 likes.


                • I know it's not their top priority, but I wanna see what they've done with that Battle Colosseum minigame.


                  • I wanna see stuff I've never seen before!
                    "What is it? - BLOOD!"


                    • It's better to see it when you first play it than to see it online and there not be any surprises left to discover. They've made lots of great progress and it would seem that the RPD is mostly complete.

                      We know they have been working on the gameplay balance and that it's been a difficult and painstaking task to correctly achieve. It would seem the demo is coming close to being a realization of the project's goal so with any luck it will only take a few more months.
                      Last edited by Graco; 04-13-2014, 11:17 AM.
                      "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                      • Hopefully sooner though. They initially wanted to release it in 2013, but it was pushed back to 2014. If anything I'd say they are working on gameplay balance and finishing patching some bugs.
                        My Head-Fi Page


                        • cannot wait ... perhaps a demo might be closer than we think? Let's hope..
                          "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                          • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                            Hopefully sooner though. They initially wanted to release it in 2013, but it was pushed back to 2014. If anything I'd say they are working on gameplay balance and finishing patching some bugs.
                            I imagine there'd be a little bit more left to the job than that. At least imo what appears to actually be near complete are the RPD backgrounds, the engine and the menu system. That is a huge chunk of the work gone already but still leaves many important things untouched. For starters room boundaries need to be built correctly, camera angles need to match the artwork, lighting and ambience needs to match the scene and this is all before we get started on event scripting and room populating, something we've seen very little of and something that probably requires a very tedious testing phase. They're getting there for sure, but if we see any release before the end of the year I'll be surprised.


                            • True Geluda, but we don't exactly know how much they've done already. I know some rooms they made in the MZD build had incomplete lighting, no layer masks, funky bounderies. I'm sure the RPD is complete as they already started mapping out the sewers some months back, so the only thing I can think they are doing is bug fixing, room populating, and scripting for the RPD.

                              At least I hope it's close at hand, because last year in July I think it was, they were only missing a few rooms in the RPD. So I'd think in a years time the RPD rooms should be done designing and rendered, but now populating and scripting are needed, as well as lighting and such.

                              Of course if BZork or DBirkin want to correct me on this it'd be cool.

                              Also, I didn't realize the Redhawk in 1.5 was a real gun...

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	ms_ps_8mmsrm75.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	18.3 KB
ID:	403628
                              Last edited by Zombie_X; 04-13-2014, 04:06 PM.
                              My Head-Fi Page


                              • It's not far away that's for sure! Yeah we've seen various versions of the new RPD now the latest of which seems pretty complete from a design side of things. Even though there are few rooms in the build there are hundreds of backgrounds all requiring individual calibration, so it's still a lot of work even if someone decides to go over everything one last time. I get the idea that IGAS won't let the game go until its absolutely perfect so I kind of expect to wait a reasonable amount of time that will allow them to get their job done. I really don't mind the wait as I know the more time they have to do their work, the better the final project will be in the end. My guess is that another six to nine months is a healthy amount of time for them to get final tweak work done in what is an almost fully complete trial environment, if I have to wait that long it will be worth it.

