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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
    While the order of events is sound, the "fault" in that (and why the background might need to be redone) is probably the exploration that comes after freeing Marvin. In order to know that there's a shutter blocking the way in the Archives Corridor, you'd have to be able to access it through the 2F Hallway, no blocked/"locked from the other side" door, which means that walking through the door between 2F Hallway and Archive Corridor would present you with a room with a blindspot when you walk into a confusingly blind angle that only shows an empty corridor and a shutter being down, with no visible way to properly navigate you back into the previous camera angle through other means than guesswork.
    This is a good point, and I think that in this particular case, a full recreation is necessary to include the additional camera angle and the shutter switch closer to the Archive Room. In fact, the absence of this essential angle had led me to believe that the door is either locked from the other side (which would render the shutter practically pointless), or the shutter was never intended to be functional in the game (and indeed we never see it functioning, nor do we see an obvious switch-box).

    I have another theory though, and it fits with your observations:

    There is an item in the Archive Room that forces the shutter to come down if you take it; the shutter cannot be retracted unless you either put it back, replace it with a replicated version, grant yourself access permission, ask your partner to open it, or cut the power (an old RE cliché). This is the only reason I can imagine that a shutter switch is missing from the backgrounds, unless the switch is in the Radio Room or Archive Room alongside video surveillance of the area. In this scenario, the missing camera angle doesn't matter, no switch is needed in the backgrounds, and the double doors can be locked from the other side without being redundant.
    Last edited by Enigmatism415; 04-21-2014, 03:15 PM.


    • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
      In this scenario, the missing camera angle doesn't matter, no switch is needed in the backgrounds, and the double doors can be locked from the other side without being redundant.
      That's indeed true! But you're still left with a room where a lamp has a nasty clipping error going for itself near the door to the archives.


      • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
        You're on crack.
        I fail to see how my view of all this pertains to drug habits I may or may not have.
        Look at it this way...if Capcom had finished 1.5 it's fairly safe to say there would have been some fairly large changes, with entire rooms being re-rendered...whether or not the changes would have been exactly the same as any IGAS have introduced is besides the point. It seems completely illogical to me to fuss over the color mood of a room when IGAS are doing something Capcom never did, finishing 1.5. These are natural evolutions of the rooms, decisions made by IGAS while restoring 1.5. The fact remains that the original archive corridor did not fit the bill...IGAS rendered a perfectly usable replacement that stays true to the original whilst expanding upon the it. Frankly, the fact that it's slightly the wrong color (a change Capcom themselves may have introduced judging by the significantly less green sewers in later itterations) is neither here nor there...
        At the end of the day I think 1.5 always should have been finished. Whilst I like retail, 3 and CVeronica I DON'T like the path they eventually led to...If that means I am on crack...then fine...I guess I must be...


        • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
          You are talking about the object/panel on the wall opposite of the double doors leading to the main 2f hallway, right? It looks like it's the same emergency alarm/light panel that's beside the framed city map in the 1F lobby.
          Actually, what if the shutter was meant to be operated from another room, like the radio room or the archive room itself? If you look at the second angle in the hallway, it's clear that there's a security camera facing the shutter (probably for when you view it from a computer). While the room is bare bones, I kinda doubt they would neglect to place a control panel there, if it was meant to be operated from the hallway itself, since the model for the control box (the one used in 1f west hallway and 2f main hallway) had already existed prior to the creation of this room. I believe they did the same thing with the angles in the C-2 hallway in the lab. There isn't an angle specifically made for the other side of the hallway blocked off by the blast shutter since you aren't meant to be able to access it once it's sealed off. That, and being able to control the shutter from a different room would explain why there's so many vents on the second floor of the station.
          There was another game that played with that idea. Parasite Eve 2. Coincidence? I doubt it.

          BioHazard YouTube Channel
          BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


          • I think Enig hit the nail on the head with this basically being a more complex version of the gold/wood emblem puzzle from RE1. The elevator is powered directly by the basement generator from what we can tell, since the elevator shaft is literally sitting above the generator on B2. This would mean that you'd need to take the stairs to get to the second floor once the power is turned off. Now, the question is whether the stairwell is locked or not, and where do you get the key to open it. In the archive room, perhaps?

            As for the color of the room. Err, IGAS used the exact same color palette from the vanilla version of this room when making their recreation of the 2F main hallway so.... Clipping error aside, the color of the room was perfeclty fine. They shouldn't have changed it so it'd match with that of the main hallway's better.
            Last edited by biohazard_star; 04-21-2014, 03:34 PM.
            Seibu teh geimu?


            • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
              This would mean that you'd need to take the stairs to get to the second floor once the power is turned off. Now, the question is whether the stairwell is locked or not, and where do you get the key to open it. In the archive room, perhaps?
              If there's a one way entrance to 2F, followed by the acquisition of any evt. key items required to leave 2F, then that would mean one of the accessible areas (along a now linear/restricted progression path; from entry point to locked door) must also contain an active item box (safe room)
              Last edited by Carnivol; 04-21-2014, 03:58 PM.


              • I find it so amusing how you sad f***s moan about the colour of some walls.

                Seriously, get a life, get laid, get your priorities straight.

                They're making a playable game for us. I'll take it whatever way it is. Been said before, vanilla is out there. If you want authentic Capcom then there it is. No recreation or fan game will be authentic because it's not Capcom end of.

                Now, please, continue the free entertainment whilst those of us who actually lurk and enjoy reading and focusing on a real important RE prototype news look forward to the next IGAS release.
                Last edited by Aydan; 04-21-2014, 04:04 PM.
                4 Itchy Tasty.


                • Originally posted by Aydan View Post
                  I find it so amusing how you sad f***s moan about the colour of some walls.

                  Seriously, get a life, get laid, get your priorities straight.
                  Why are you even posting here then. Get your priorities straight man.


                  • LOLK

                    Keep up the great work IGAS ;) We're not all sad freaks here!
                    4 Itchy Tasty.


                    • Wait... Ahhhh all this time I thought the 2F archive corridor was an IGAS creation. So from what I understand, besides texturing incomplete BGs, the 3F hall and 1F west hall-oh and interrogation room were the only pieces IGAS created from scratch in our MZD wip ver.

                      Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                      He has no role in the outbreak, just like Marvin in final. He's just an incidental character. Don't count on learning anything more about 1.5 Marvin either. Virtually the only difference between 1.5 and final for Marvin is his live or die status. These characters were not written to be deep with intricate backstories.
                      Yeah but what is even nicer is that unlike Marvin whom was downsized from supporting character to trivial character, Roy was the original. You can get peace of mind knowing that its like 90% likely that he was created simply for that trivial role. Its up to you, or IGAS's 20% creative injection, to create a past for him.
                      Last edited by NEOMEGA; 04-21-2014, 09:32 PM. Reason: interrogation


                      • If there's a one way entrance to 2F, followed by the acquisition of any evt. key items required to leave 2F, then that would mean one of the accessible areas (along a now linear/restricted progression path; from entry point to locked door) must also contain an active item box (safe room)
                        I find it likely that the medical room is supposed to be second floor save room because of this particular snippet of dialogue from when Leon meets Ada for the first time:

                        ありがとう を言う
                        You saved me...
                        I must thank you.

                        話は後だな… ここはまずい
                        Save it for later... This wound looks bad...
                        You may need to treat it.

                        Let's go.

                        (translated by WelshJ)
                        If you are to leave Ada in the medical room for some time, like Rebecca in the infirmary in RE1, then that would effectively turn it into a save room. It could also be the elevator hall, but I guess deciding on which room to turn into a save room is up to IGAS' discretion.
                        Last edited by biohazard_star; 04-21-2014, 09:59 PM.
                        Seibu teh geimu?


                        • In regards to the walls, it was merely a critique, not a complaint of any sort. If you look at their images over the past you can see they've experimented a lot with textures and lighting on the walls of their corridors, the Interrogation/Observation Room is probably the best example of that. The 2F corridor is my personal favorite.



                          Last edited by Guest; 04-21-2014, 10:57 PM.


                          • Originally posted by NEOMEGA View Post
                            Wait... Ahhhh all this time I thought the 2F archive corridor was an IGAS creation. So from what I understand, besides texturing incomplete BGs, the 3F hall and 1F west hall-oh and interrogation room were the only pieces IGAS created from scratch in our MZD wip ver.

                            Yeah but what is even nicer is that unlike Marvin whom was downsized from supporting character to trivial character, Roy was the original. You can get peace of mind knowing that its like 90% likely that he was created simply for that trivial role. Its up to you, or IGAS's 20% creative injection, to create a past for him.
                            IGAS did:

                            3F hallway
                            1F East hallway
                            B1 Hallway (The vanilla BG's are all untextured walls from what I seen in the Background pictures downloaded from this thread)
                            Dog Kennels
                            Stair case that links 1F,B1 and B2.
                            Interrogation rooms.
                            4 Itchy Tasty.


                            • Hi-res comparison:

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	Sin título.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	204.6 KB
ID:	403632

                              The background of IGAS looks good an with more resolution in the textures. It's curious they let out of their render the specular reflects on the floor and change the colors of the vigilance cameras. Other change is the orange light of the vigilance cameras. Seems like they are reinterpreting the backgrounds more than replicate and improve. In any case looks fantastic.
                              Last edited by The_Wes; 04-22-2014, 02:58 PM.
                              Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


                              • To be honest I didn't see anything different (apart from overall quality that it) until people posted the comparisons.

                                The colour change isn't drastic, but its a shame they dulled down the floor instead of having that nice reflection of light - but I guess they've gone for a realistic approach?

                                The changes actually remind me of RE1 Remake and Zero for some reason - the dirtier colours and dimmed lighting.. I like it

                                The only thing that worries me is that IGAS might very well do this for all the BGs - which would mean the release date would be a loooonnnnng way away.
                                Last edited by RaccoonSurvivor; 04-22-2014, 05:20 PM.
                                "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"

