Originally posted by geluda
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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Is IGAS willing to consider reimplementing the German Shepard variation of Cerberus for the RPD areas? Birkin showcased more zombie variations and mentioned creating custom ones, and the German Shepards would be a nice touch considering they were originally part of 1.5.sigpic
"Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."
Originally posted by Graco View PostB.Zork,
Is IGAS willing to consider reimplementing the German Shepard variation of Cerberus for the RPD areas? Birkin showcased more zombie variations and mentioned creating custom ones, and the German Shepards would be a nice touch considering they were originally part of 1.5.
Last edited by Rocket; 06-28-2014, 11:18 AM.
I can foresee IGAS not using them as they were taken out of an earlier version of 1.5, but if they were to be implemented it would be AWESOME.
I have an off-topic question for those who are emulator savvy, so I apologize in advance. I am trying to play Policenauts on ePSXe, and both of the versions I have of the emulator (1.6.0 and 1.9.0) start the game up on a black screen and no sound.
ePSXe's settings:
Pete's D3D Driver 1.77 (my PC does not have an Nvidia card, unfortunately...)
ePSXe's Sound Plugin (1.5.2 and 1.9.0)
CDRom settings should be irrelevant since I am running the game off of an ISO file
Is this a problem with certain versions of the emulator, as I know the readme stated that there were some problems with emulating the game. Also, another off-topic question: I remember reading earlier in this topic something about a PS1 emulator whose emulation was more accurate than that of ePSXe's. Problem is, I don't remember the name of the emulator, and if someone could tell me what it is, that would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
Originally posted by Flak Master View PostI have an off-topic question for those who are emulator savvy, so I apologize in advance. I am trying to play Policenauts on ePSXe, and both of the versions I have of the emulator (1.6.0 and 1.9.0) start the game up on a black screen and no sound.
ePSXe's settings:
Pete's D3D Driver 1.77 (my PC does not have an Nvidia card, unfortunately...)
ePSXe's Sound Plugin (1.5.2 and 1.9.0)
CDRom settings should be irrelevant since I am running the game off of an ISO file
Is this a problem with certain versions of the emulator, as I know the readme stated that there were some problems with emulating the game. Also, another off-topic question: I remember reading earlier in this topic something about a PS1 emulator whose emulation was more accurate than that of ePSXe's. Problem is, I don't remember the name of the emulator, and if someone could tell me what it is, that would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
I realize you're just trying to get a quick answer, but there are other sub-forum categories here that would be more appropriate to create a topic in rather than hijack this one for an answer to your piracy woes.
http://lmgtfy.com/?q=epsxe+alternativesIf you read this, you wasted five seconds of your life.
I've gone back and assessed the 40% build again. It'd say it's much less than 40% complete and more around 20%. Perhaps there are 40% of the rooms there, but that number is most likely not accurate. So much is missing and so much has to be fixed. That 40% moniker is vastly inaccurate.
I question that myself.Maybe there is a lot of code present for features that aren't available yet. B Zork did say there was a lot of puzzle code in the iso. They just havent set them up for access yet.
Changing topic, I wonder if later builds show use of the weapons that are unused in retail like these two:
Maybe they shared the same lifespan like the kicked machine gun in retail:planned use for the completed 1.5, survived the reboot, ultimately scrapped before re2 retail release. The idea of the calico:standard single fire pistol with a 50-100 clip doesn't seem fitting for either games pacing though. Maybe it acted as the standard handgun for a temporary controlled character or an underwhelming unlockable?
On a related note-I'm trying to unlock hunk. Does using claire's colt python lower your score like the infinite unlockibles?Last edited by NEOMEGA; 06-29-2014, 09:09 PM.
Originally posted by doriantoki View PostNo, it doesn't. Personally, I always feel torn between that and her regular handgun. While the very rapid fire rate is nice, constant reloading kills it for me.
Maybe...however she is a jealous woman....enough said
You just had to remind me of Resident Evil: Degeneration's blooper reels. BTW the person who plays Angela happens to play Helena Harper in RE6 and Curtis is played by Roger Craig Smith (Chris Redfield). Other actors played in RE6 and Rani is actually Jill's voice in Revelations. CrazyLast edited by Ultimacloud123; 06-30-2014, 12:23 AM.
Originally posted by Ultimacloud123 View PostMaybe she's like Ocelot. She love the adrenaline rush of reloading while in the face of danger.