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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • You should read over this. It will answer all of your basic questions and direct you toward more in depth information as well.
    "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


    • I'm fairly certain due to the positioning of the inventory screen, IGAS won't be including the additional IDs of the support cast when they are present with you like in retail. Especially when there are more than one character with you.
      Its more than likely certain they will use the RE2 SFX, but do you think the RE1-digital-like SFX would be more appropriate for the computer screen styled inventory screen over RE2's distinct blib-bloop SFX? Capcom were more than likely planning on not reusing RE1 SFX for 1.5 as it wouldn't have been removed by our build.


      • Hi all, long time lurcher but this place has become my home for all 1.5 related things, so quick background check on me- I have been following 1.5 ever since it was announced, and could not believe my luck when I stumbled across this community and then when Team IGAS stunned us all a couple of years ago.I had always thought the game was long gone so I'm obviously crazy excited that soon the holy grail will be within out grasp. Anyway what fascinates me is that it seems there are a few builds in collectors possession and wanted to ask how close have we been realistically to getting hold of this? I understand from following this thread that their may have been opportunities in the past before the recent leak,but would be grateful if someone could shed some light on our earlier missed chances. Thanks!


        • Hi all, long time lurcher but this place has become my home for all 1.5 related things, so quick background check on me- I have been following 1.5 ever since it was announced, and could not believe my luck when I stumbled across this community and then when Team IGAS stunned us all a couple of years ago.I had always thought the game was long gone so I'm obviously crazy excited that soon the holy grail will be within out grasp. Anyway what fascinates me is that it seems there are a few builds in collectors possession and wanted to ask how close have we been realistically to getting hold of this? I understand from following this thread that their may have been opportunities in the past before the recent leak,but would be grateful if someone could shed some light on our earlier missed chances. Thanks!
          There was an article written detailing all of the various opportunities that some of the long time members had to get their hands on the RE 1.5 beta. It was written by a RMandel, a user who used to post here at least until around a year ago. Here's the thread topic link:

          The link to the download is dead, but you might be able to get the document from someone who had happened to download the .pdf or .txt. You can also check the stickied RE 1.5 thread by Graco.
          Last edited by Flak Master; 10-07-2014, 02:01 PM.


          • That's great thanks! From the cancellation up to when I stumbled on this site I just assumed that was it and their weren't any copies in the wild, then I stumble across this site and was in for quite a shock lol. To be honest I think the ignorance really was bliss, must have been extremely frustrating with all the near misses etc so I'm glad I didn't have to go through all that.


            • If I remember correctly the only confirmed occurrence of the final build was from Kim's contact. And the only known and publicly confirmed occurrence of the so called "40% build" we now have is from the curator buying it from some Japanese dude. Everything else is unconfirmed semi confidential talks we know barely anything about.


              • D. Birkin mentioned that they (core members of IGAS) were approached by someone with proof of the final build who was potentially interested in contributing to their project. Unfortunately this individual backed out due to various reasons which aren't entirely clear. Whether the owner's contribution would have been giving them a copy of the build (in exchange for money I would imagine) or just in the form of assets and information (this seems more likely) hasn't really been stated either IIRC.

                I'm fairly certain there have been other leads that Alzaire has worked with but none that have ever provided proof. (At least not publicly displayed.) And then of course there is the individual who approached Inflames all those years ago.
                Last edited by Graco; 10-09-2014, 09:11 PM.
                "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                • I don't remember the story well but I don't think Birkin/Bzork ever confirmed they were in contact with someone who had the final build. What I remember is that they were in contact with people who could contribute one way or another.

                  As for the 40% build we were lucky that whole curator story happened otherwise we would have probably not suspected its existence in the first place.


                  • Seems crazy that in this day and age everything from movies to private celeb pics are being leaked and shared casually, yet 1.5 remains this top secret almost government protected entity, complete with shadowy figures, villains and sub-plots. It's been some journey


                    • Originally posted by MSC1 View Post
                      Seems crazy that in this day and age everything from movies to private celeb pics are being leaked and shared casually, yet 1.5 remains this top secret almost government protected entity, complete with shadowy figures, villains and sub-plots. It's been some journey
                      The key difference being that this leak would only hurt the wallets of collectors instead of studios or diminishing an actors reputation. Not only that but every time someone gets close to even admitting they have it they get mobbed by people who think their entitled to it. seriously, read the earlier parts of this thread. even thats tame compared to the death threats. the people with the most to lose are the ones who hold the betas.


                      • For all we know IGAS "has" the final build in possession and would most likely keep all of that under wraps due to how critical and extreme some 1.5 fans/enthusiasts are, leading to negative criticism and threats if any leak of info. was to occur that they have in hand the "Legacy" build. I'm sure if they did have it, it wouldn't be released until their restoration was complete. Again this is all a "plausible" theory.


                        • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                          I don't remember the story well but I don't think Birkin/Bzork ever confirmed they were in contact with someone who had the final build. What I remember is that they were in contact with people who could contribute one way or another.
                          Specifically (or perhaps not so specifically), it was someone in possession of a build (or a digital copy thereof) that was more complete than the PSM build. That could mean the so-called 'final' build as seen in the Inflames images, but it could also refer to a build that was only marginally more complete than the so-called '40%' build; it's really a matter of degree. Either way, as far as I know, this mystery curator never intended to offer Team IGAS a copy of the build itself, but rather hand-picked pieces of data/assets/files/media from this build at most. This would ensure the value and safety of the collector's possession, as the resulting 'Frankenstein' build would make it extremely difficult for Capcom to trace the leak (although Capcom probably wouldn't care to waste their time with this kind of trivial bullshit anyway, considering its age and everything else they have on their plate, and they didn't make a peep when the first leak occurred).

                          If anything I've said is inaccurate, I'm sure the old timers will be quick to correct me.


                          • Don't be shocked if they have the final build in their possession and they release it along with what they're working on. Why would you ever admit to having it IF they did have it? Come on now


                            • Exactly my point.


                              • Dr.birkin M.Zork and let this restoration was frozen or canceled if it is not true will prove me wrong there is nothing to lose.

