What about the alleged contact that dealt with IGAS claiming proof of having a later build of the game? They were said to have stopped contact, maybe someone could try again? That's clearly not as cold a trail as Kim's contact.
No announcement yet.
Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Originally posted by MichelleRockz View PostHappy 2015, I hope IGAS members all vanish and you don't get your precious 1.5 complete version. You don't deserve it, bye!
Originally posted by Eteponge View PostWhat about the alleged contact that dealt with IGAS claiming proof of having a later build of the game? They were said to have stopped contact, maybe someone could try again? That's clearly not as cold a trail as Kim's contact.
Originally posted by Carnivol View PostWhat I'd be more interested in seeing is how "others" would treat things if they got something new and genuine related to 1.5.
Some nice people in the RE community but way too many assholes to share anything with.Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."
we all want the same thing. we are all losing to this war. sorry mark.Last edited by J0shuaKane; 01-02-2015, 08:23 PM.
MarkGrass made some very good points about IGAS, and I'd like to offer one myself:
Consider that these are people who paid, what, four or five figures just to obtain the prototype, out of their own pocket most likely, and they have demonstrated coding skills and motivation far superior to anybody else in the RE-community. I can't see a professionally acting group like this just dropping the whole thing unannounced after making such a huge investment to it.
Also, to anyone worried about the long development time: Long dev times are the norm in video game development. Half-Life Black Mesa took upwards of 8 years from a 40 head dev team to complete, even though they had a ready-made engine at their disposal. Molding binary code is no quick task if you want things to actually work right, a valuable lesson I learned during my own, embarrassing experiments with coding.
It's a hard pill to swallow, but I think we all should just accept that we're in it for the long haul. After fiddling around with the leaked plain vanilla build, that thing is broken from so many places, there simply is no quick way to make something decent out of it. IGAS are more than justified in taking their sweet time with it, if we actually want it to be good. Going for instant gratification only breeds piss-brained kids.
(I do admit that the occasional "Hi" from BZork would be nice, just to show proof of life.)
Originally posted by Rick Hunter View PostThe problem with these kind of public discussions is that you'll never get anything interesting from it. If you really want to have some answers to your questions, why don't you keep a low profile and talk in private with the people you suspect are involved instead of doing it here.
Pretend for a second you're someone working on this project. Do you really want to be nagged about how the project is going, what you're today this Friday on the game, being bitched about some of your design choices by not just this community, but much worse, all the little entitled fucks who suddenly learn about your identity and "demand" some answers despite not even following the on-going progress? All this shit, day in day out? And not just that, but a possible cease & desist or lawsuit action from Capcom because mah intellectual property? Fuck no. Any sane person who isn't looking to be a fame whore will just work behind the curtain.
Learn to be considerate about the people who are doing this for us. They don't own us shit. Who knows? Maybe when it's all said and done they might just be kind enough to help out other people who are looking to engage in small projects of this magnitude with their know-how. Oh and of course, actually getting a chance to play a new Resident Evil title that isn't a turd (or so I hope).
Originally posted by Carnivol View PostWhat I'd be more interested in seeing is how "others" would treat things if they got something new and genuine related to 1.5. It sucks when a genuine lead for something sought after labels a subject a no go due to circumstances or reasons. That aside, I'd love to see if others would actually actively share genuine findings with ongoing projects like IGAS', either for all of public to enjoy directly or limited exposure for project makers like them (to create a larger wow impact on release), etc.. Some people have had really nice discussion going on regarding designs and such here in this thread, which is really nice -- staff at THIA have, at the best of our ability and only limited by agreements with sources (or "reasons"), shared content openly with the public too whenever we've been given the opportunity. Good times were had
Oh and Happy New Year to y'all. No gift this year but I'm trying to get my groove back to give you guys something cool.Last edited by Kegluneq; 01-02-2015, 11:11 PM.
Hello budies, after lurking on this topic from years i finally decided to register to share my opinion with all of you.
Im going to go directly to the point of what started this disscusion because i dont have any problems on talking about some users said and i want to be clear with you guys.
Some users like Dark Biohazard or Lanzagranadas shared some opinions but not giving much info of what they're talking about. The thing is they dont want to fuck IGAS members revealing who they are, not prentend to get any build either.
The thing is: How Gemini and the rest of members (you can keep saying you're not part of the team, it doesn't matter really)can be working on three big projects at the same time? 1.5 Restoration, Behind the Mask and Biohazard Battle engine. The problem here is the lack of updates on the 1.5 project, and the continuous updates from the Behind the Mask. People is worried about if IGAS lost interest in continue working on 1.5 and they dont say nothing to us. Pictures are apreciated but not important update. We need techical info of how the projects advances to belive in this.
Another thing that some users are worried about is some of us know Gemini, and with all of my respect, he likes to show his habilities, but not share things. In case they abandoned 1.5 restoration, they are going to share what they got? most of us dont think that, they will simply dissapear in the shadows.
The worst of this points, some people are still waiting for a project that maybe never sees the light of day. Im pissed about the situation because if IGAS wanted to work in the shadows, why make a Facebook page to abandon it after a few months? to keep up some egos? to tease people with pictures of a project that they dont share at the end? We need a real update of how the project goes to belive in it, like D.Birkin did some months ago.
By the way, MarkGrass or Sonic Blue you showed yourselves as Igas members, responding simultaneously to someone who says shit about the team without mention you. In any case i'll admire what you did in the past.''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''
It's easy to forget that Biohazard Battle lays alot of the technical foundation for BTM. At somepoint during BTM, which I assume is now, Gemini will be spending alot of time waiting for new assets for that project because it's a small team and there's alot of modelling to be done. BB keeps Gemini active, contributes towards BTM & gives the community something new.
I'd be gutted if the recent explosion of frustration results in any of the 3 upcoming projects being canned. But then, anyone that's been a part of a forum (which is not representative of the whole RE community by any means) knows that it can go through moments like this, where bad feelings become infectious and threads turn into slurry for a while. I doubt anyone out there wants to see any project fail, but when you're so passionate about something, fear of it failing can take hold.
Let's just blame The Evil Within and look forward to a great 2015 where, hopefully, we'll get Revelations 2, REMaster, possibly RE0Master and at the very least, Biohazard Battle."Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one."
Originally posted by Unmasked View PostAnother thing that some users are worried about is some of us know Gemini, and with all of my respect, he likes to show his habilities, but not share things.
Originally posted by Jimmy_Jazz View PostIt's easy to forget that Biohazard Battle lays alot of the technical foundation for BTM. At somepoint during BTM, which I assume is now, Gemini will be spending alot of time waiting for new assets for that project because it's a small team and there's alot of modelling to be done. BB keeps Gemini active, contributes towards BTM & gives the community something new.
I'd be gutted if the recent explosion of frustration results in any of the 3 upcoming projects being canned. But then, anyone that's been a part of a forum (which is not representative of the whole RE community by any means) knows that it can go through moments like this, where bad feelings become infectious and threads turn into slurry for a while. I doubt anyone out there wants to see any project fail, but when you're so passionate about something, fear of it failing can take hold.Last edited by Gemini; 01-03-2015, 06:38 AM.
Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter, also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.
Originally posted by Gemini View PostThen you don't know me that well as you think you do, mysterious anonymous with a dummy account. I do share my stuff with those who are willing to learn and who show they're worth investing time (experience taught me things can be pushed when the right time comes). If you really knew me like you say you do then you'd know I've been contributing both in public and behind the scene to the rom hacking scene a lot in over 10 years and I still do with other projects that catch my interest.
On another part, i was allways following this project since the first update with illusion, thats why some of us have doubts and fears about his status. We not demand percentages because numbers dont mean nothing, just if this is still alive or if you are going to share all the progress in case of being cancelled. Nothing else, allways respecting your hard work of course but speak loud and clear, not behind masks or hidden.Last edited by Unmasked; 01-03-2015, 07:19 AM.''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''
Originally posted by Unmasked View PostMost of us dont want to learn nothing, just simply know if you abandoned the REstoration for Behind the Mask or the Biohazard Battle or simply play 1.5. I dont want to keep illusion for a project if this is not going to be ended. I dont like to be teased with pictures thats all.Last edited by Gemini; 01-03-2015, 07:26 AM.
Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter, also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.
Originally posted by Gemini View PostWell, you can tell where it's leading with the HB demo, but let's just keep this off topic for the BTM+HB thread. Also, for those who don't want to learn but play I released several projects in the past, most of them being tools or homebrew translations. I don't exactly like keeping all my work for myself.
B.Zork said on christmas hollyday its time to stay with family et all = no updates. But on Christmas is when you got more free time precisely, i visit forums at least one time a day. If you got time to put vague replies, you got time to put more pictures or project status at least.''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''
As it has been said repeatedly in previous posts, they don't owe you anything and this kind of entitlement/whining is getting old.Last edited by Rick Hunter; 01-03-2015, 08:09 AM.
Originally posted by Rick Hunter View PostAs it has been said repeatedly in previous posts, they don't owe you anything and this kind of entitlement/whining is getting old.
And as allways say. Im not against IGAS, i respect their work but i need to know if this is alive or not.Last edited by Unmasked; 01-03-2015, 09:12 AM.''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''