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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
    Never implemented doesn't automatically mean they weren't on the disc though...
    I hope so... would love to see the helicopter flying above the RPD and the survivors shouting "Over here!" waving their arms. Cut to the actual game, Leon looks into the horizon and says "That's just freakin' great!"

    I guess I don't need to mention the differences in the feeling of the story.
    Hail the heros of the revolution!


    • I wanna know if there is any voice acting on the disc. I wanna know elza's voice so bad. What little we have she sounds almost exactly like claire but have evidence that its not the same VA. I just wanna hear some 1.5 Voicing


      • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
        I wanna know if there is any voice acting on the disc. I wanna know elza's voice so bad. What little we have she sounds almost exactly like claire but have evidence that its not the same VA. I just wanna hear some 1.5 Voicing
        I believe...

        "That's just freaking great! Now what am I going to do?"



        Are the only two quotes present in the build. There could be more hidden away on the disc but from what I've learned that's it.


        • What about marvin, linda and john ?


          • I don't want to be negative, but it is very likely that the features that we haven't seen/heard are absent from the disc, never made, etc.

            Also the "FMV might still be on disc" idea might be correct, if they did render the FMVs they should have been testing video playback in some builds.
            Hail the heros of the revolution!


            • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
              Never implemented doesn't automatically mean they weren't on the disc though...
              It's doubtful though. Look how complete RE2 Beta 2 was, and if I recall, there were no FMVs to be found. The FMVs are probably one of the last things they do.

              Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
              Damn, it's been forever hasn't it? And I still have you to thank for that BBS thread! Otherwise I would be doing my homework right now and not thinking about BH1.5
              Oh, you're welcome.

              Back in those days, I was known as Rockman mostly where I went, but I wasn't proud of the person I was in those days. I was very ignorant and naive. I matured a lot since those days, as I'm much older now. I wanted a new clean slate. So I adopted the name RetroRain, which I found to be more original and describes what I really like. Raining Retro --> Raining Nostalgia.
              Last edited by RetroRain; 09-17-2012, 05:20 PM.
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              • The only FMV in beta 2 is the statues chest opening after solving the red gem puzzle on the 2F.


                • Id love to know who the voice actress for elza was , also id love love love to see elza in an fmv I guess it might of showed her coming out of her University at the car park then all the drama would start.


                  • On the topic of FMV's, I think they wouldn't be all that they would be nearly the same as RE2. The locations and characters may be different but I think they were similar. Who know for sure though.
                    My Head-Fi Page


                    • It'd be elza on her bike, like claire on her bike. I have a feeling leon's beginning one is extremely similiar to leon b helicopter fmv


                      • I think most of the 1.5 FMV's were reworked for RE2. Heck, Leon's 3D model in the FMV's is the same as his RE1.5 model (even has the knife strapped to his leg). I have an odd suspicion the the cop who gets gnawed on in the in the helicopter scene is a modified Brian irons model from 1.5.

                        Also I don't think they are on the disc at all. Maybe a simple one like in Beta 2, but not full ones. But then again you never know.
                        My Head-Fi Page


                        • Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
                          I believe that the Beta 4 (40% build) is from November onwards. The Beta 3 (that has different camera angles and enemy placement) was shown in the Famitsu and the Playstation (Japanese) Magazines during October and November.

                          As far as I know, there are not that many differences between those two. Difference camera angles, enemy placement and holding weapon animations. Pretty much what you'd expect after a few weeks (months?) of development.

                          [ATTACH=CONFIG]7144[/ATTACH] Beta 3 (Famitsu & The Playsation)

                          [ATTACH=CONFIG]7145[/ATTACH] Beta 4 (Playstation Museum)

                          [ATTACH=CONFIG]7146[/ATTACH] Beta 5 (Final Build)
                          Don't forget about what looks to be a storage box. It's not in the Beta 3 picture but is present in the Beta 4 picture.


                          • I think Beta "5" has the storage box in the left corner.

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                            • For those of you who believe that the FMVs were finished, where did you get this information from? If memory serves, I've heard this from people who are usually quite knowledgeable about BH1.5, so I'm curious.

                              As for the possible similarities with the retail RE2 FMVs, they are probably slight at best. Remember that in BH1.5, Leon and Elza never meet, so only parts of the final FMVs could possibly hold any similarities. If I had to make a guess, I'd say the biggest similarity would be with Elza's opening (swapped with Claire).


                              • The storage box appears to be slightly different in the Final Build. This might have something to do with the screenshot quality (or perhaps the camera angle), but its shape is not quite the same. The color is also off. Perhaps they reworked the design of the box because they added some functionality to it? Anyway, I think there's only one storage box in all of the builds to show it off during development. I believe that most of what's missing is stuff like this, munition placement, enemy locations, small stuff.

                                Regarding the FMVs, if they do exist in the CD, then you can only hope that we see the Final Build in the future. I highly doubt that PSM build has them, even if the models were already created. As its been pointed out, a good way to measure what's missing might be to take a look at the RE2 betas and consider how completed they were when we got a chance to play them.

                                Finally, I believe most of the voice acting was done. We have heard Leon in the beginning, Birkin in the warehouse before the fight, and Elza and Sherry talking in the back of the factory. I don't recall if Inflames ever confirmed if the voices were present in the Final Build (or how much of it was present), but it wouldn't surprise me if it was done by that point. Paul Haddad and Alyson Court (one of them, at least) confirmed that they were called back at some point in development to recreate some lines. I believe this has to do with the uncut script for those who have read it. It's possible that the same was meant to happen with RE 1.5; most of the voice-acting was pretty much done, but the script would have to be revised before the game being released.

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