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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Ultimacloud123 View Post
    Team Gemini!
    Already exists:

    The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


    • Originally posted by SheyGrell View Post
      Hello there.

      I've been pointed in this direction from someone else on these forums, so it seems at this moment, I'll be saying something on here for a change
      I've actually been following 1.5 for a little while now & have been very interested to see it all turns out. I did read however, that voice acting was quite possibly not going to be included because of various issues. Far be it from me to show up like I'm a reason to change your minds on that, since my service is provided to Gemini when the time comes, I thought I'd at least give this a mention.
      your name is now in my notebook. will maybe check back when time is right.


      • Originally posted by SheyGrell View Post
        Hello there.

        I've been pointed in this direction from someone else on these forums, so it seems at this moment, I'll be saying something on here for a change
        I've actually been following 1.5 for a little while now & have been very interested to see it all turns out. I did read however, that voice acting was quite possibly not going to be included because of various issues. Far be it from me to show up like I'm a reason to change your minds on that, since my service is provided to Gemini when the time comes, I thought I'd at least give this a mention.

        As you might have seen from the thread 'Behind the Mask', I'm a voice actor that showed up with a video for RE2/1.5, thanks to the recommendation of another user. Since it seems that a lot of attention is being put into this project in particular right now, I'm gonna leave this here:

        Please forgive the last section of talking to subscribers. It was for my YouTube channel, but doesn't exactly come across as a professional thing to show others >.>

        Just please keep in mind that I'm not showing up to ask that I get to play as someone like Leon, just because I did a video on this. Nor am I insisting that I get to be a part of it. I'm simply bringing this up should you have any need for anyone in the future. Even then, you probably would have someone else in mind for this character in particular.

        Since this was recorded a while ago now, I need to point out that I've gotten ahold of considerably better equipment since then. I'd bring up an example or two of this, but I feel it's not exactly the place to start advertising myself further than I already have.
        One last thing; If there is any chance that you'd be interested, if you're planning to do something about voice acting anytime soon, then I have to mention in advance that I'm currently having hard drive problems. It's on the road to failing, screeching & scratching away at my frickin' ears, but am planning to get another one as soon as possible. If any kind of result comes from showing you this stuff, then I will try speeding up the process of fixing this problem.

        Regardless of whether or not you have any need of me, I'll take this opportunity to say best of luck on the rest of 1.5 & it's looking better than ever The screenshots I saw of it in the official Playstation Mag. have stuck in my mind since I saw them all those years ago, so actually getting to play this is like... well, it's quite literally the stuff of legend.
        I feel you nailed the 1.5 sections! I also think you sound a ton like Harry Mason from Silent Hill 1 and you'd be a great fit if a fan remake of that ever happened!


        • Originally posted by SheyGrell View Post
          Hello there.

          I've been pointed in this direction from someone else on these forums, so it seems at this moment, I'll be saying something on here for a change
          I've actually been following 1.5 for a little while now & have been very interested to see it all turns out. I did read however, that voice acting was quite possibly not going to be included because of various issues. Far be it from me to show up like I'm a reason to change your minds on that, since my service is provided to Gemini when the time comes, I thought I'd at least give this a mention.

          As you might have seen from the thread 'Behind the Mask', I'm a voice actor that showed up with a video for RE2/1.5, thanks to the recommendation of another user. Since it seems that a lot of attention is being put into this project in particular right now, I'm gonna leave this here:

          Please forgive the last section of talking to subscribers. It was for my YouTube channel, but doesn't exactly come across as a professional thing to show others >.>

          Just please keep in mind that I'm not showing up to ask that I get to play as someone like Leon, just because I did a video on this. Nor am I insisting that I get to be a part of it. I'm simply bringing this up should you have any need for anyone in the future. Even then, you probably would have someone else in mind for this character in particular.

          Since this was recorded a while ago now, I need to point out that I've gotten ahold of considerably better equipment since then. I'd bring up an example or two of this, but I feel it's not exactly the place to start advertising myself further than I already have.
          One last thing; If there is any chance that you'd be interested, if you're planning to do something about voice acting anytime soon, then I have to mention in advance that I'm currently having hard drive problems. It's on the road to failing, screeching & scratching away at my frickin' ears, but am planning to get another one as soon as possible. If any kind of result comes from showing you this stuff, then I will try speeding up the process of fixing this problem.

          Regardless of whether or not you have any need of me, I'll take this opportunity to say best of luck on the rest of 1.5 & it's looking better than ever The screenshots I saw of it in the official Playstation Mag. have stuck in my mind since I saw them all those years ago, so actually getting to play this is like... well, it's quite literally the stuff of legend.
          Nice dude, you are very technical and professional. Let us not forget that game makers obviously edit/mix voice actings the way they want, so noone must be a perfect voice actor.


          • Originally posted by Ultimacloud123 View Post
            Team Gemini!
            Erm, no. I never impose my handle in projects based on collective effort.

            Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
            They have one on facebook called TEAM IGAS and they're constantly spammed by people who don't use this forum to release another update.
            Most common quotes are "where's the ISO?" or "¿cuando sale el juego?", which most people used to these phenomena generally ignore altogether.

            Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
            , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


            • You sound like you're half whispering most of the time, it breaks all immersion. It makes it look like you just don't want to make too much noise. Go farther from the microphone and talk like you mean it.


              • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                your name is now in my notebook. will maybe check back when time is right.
                Very well, thank you for taking this into consideration, if needed.

                Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
                I feel you nailed the 1.5 sections! I also think you sound a ton like Harry Mason from Silent Hill 1 and you'd be a great fit if a fan remake of that ever happened!
                Thank you very much! Though personally I feel a couple of lines were a tad shaky.
                That's something I really hadn't considered. Seriously, it would be great to do the voice of Harry if a fan-game/remake were ever to happen. One of the gripes I have about the voice acting in the first game is also the reason I haven't really thought about doing a voice reel on it; The characters take far too long to say each line.
                Still, let's not rule out the possibility of at least a video on it.

                Originally posted by yurieu View Post
                Nice dude, you are very technical and professional. Let us not forget that game makers obviously edit/mix voice actings the way they want, so noone must be a perfect voice actor.
                Thank you I've gotten better at this stuff as I've gone on doing it, too. I know I'm not the best, but that doesn't matter. After enough experience with mastering & applying effects, making sure the sound quality is good has proven to be one of the much easier parts.

                Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                You sound like you're half whispering most of the time, it breaks all immersion. It makes it look like you just don't want to make too much noise. Go farther from the microphone and talk like you mean it.
                If you're referring to me, then I do agree that a couple or so lines were a bit sub-par. A prime example would be when he's talking to Ada in the sewer. You're not the first one to have these thoughts & it has been taken onboard for the future.
                There is also a simple reason for this problem; A distinct lack of soundproofing at the time. It was very fortunate that the reverb was easily cancelled out for the scene at Kendo's, mostly. That has been taken care of now, and the mic I use nowadays is considerably better quality than the one I used for that video. There are better & much more recent examples of how things are now, but they're of other characters. Still, the feedback is indeed noted


                • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                  Erm, no. I never impose my handle in projects based on collective effort.
                  Im glad to read that Gemini. Some people dont know the limits of praise someone's work to ass licking. Every person working on this project deserves the same respect and recognition even if his collaboration was smaller. Keep the good work guys! (all of you)

                  About the Voice acting video. Even if he doesn't sound exactly like Paul Haddad Leon, he did a good performance. The voice acting in the originals sound a bit retarded and he sounded natural. Good Job pal
                  ''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''


                  • Today is the two-year anniversary of the release of the MZD build. Right?


                    • yes it is precisely hope the final release will be coming soon


                      • I'd give it 2 more years from now.


                        • it does not matter, the main thing is to play 1.5


                          • will there be an option to turn voice acting off and on ?
                            just curious not bothered if you can't.


                            • ^^^ I don't think that is going to happen. Not even the psx versions had that.
                              Last edited by Ultimacloud123; 02-17-2015, 05:25 PM.


                              • That'd be cool and all but this isn't Final Fantasy so it wouldn't be the same without it XD

