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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Unfortunatelly the past is in the past. Despite I think no modern REs will probably never beat my top-tiers among the classics, I'm still able to enjoy new games for what they are and have a lot of fun playing them.

    And they also have a great advantage: they are NEW. Replaying games you liked is good, but it won't be the same feeling anymore, once you know a game by memory, which basically kills a great part of the survival horror experience for me; so because of that I think a brand new adventure where I have no clue on what's going to happen is better than replaying the same game for the 10th or the 20th time.

    I allways wait two years or more to replay a game so I can give my brain some time to forget some things so I won't have to play like an automaton who remembers everything that'll come in the next room and everything that has to be done. That gives more tension, unpredictability, and the need of a bit of improvisation and adaptation, which is a closer feeling to a survival experience, though it's still far from being the same as a first-time playthrough.
    Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 03-18-2015, 01:30 PM.
    The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


    • I get nostalgic and replay the older games sometimes. i bought Revelations 2 yesterday but haven't found the time to play it so I probably won't get started on it until this weekend. I found the first one enjoyable for the most part so I'm sure this one will be fun. I mostly just keep tabs on 1.5 updates though.
      "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


      • I think its funny how Remake still finds ways to scare me occasionally these days (ussualy due to random unexpected Crimosn Heads I forgot about)


        • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
          is anyone even play resident evil anymore? people only seem to do talk and speculate and make many complaint.
          It's admittedly been a while. Played Code: Veronica and RE6 back in 2012. Found RE6 to be pretty unimpressive and haven't touched it since. It was so linear, for one, that they should've just turned it into a straight up rail shooter a la House of the Dead.

          I did play around with the leaked proto builds of 1.5 in 2013, I'm not sure it those count, since they aren't complete games.


          • I'm shocked anyone on here doesn't run through the old school series atleast once every few months.


            • Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
              I'm shocked anyone on here doesn't run through the old school series atleast once every few months.
              I do... Well I play through 2 and 3 religiously... They are short games (at least to me). 1 doesn't hold as much interest to me as it use to but I play the Remake and Zero every few months. Code: Veronica kinda gets left on the wayside as well.. the island setting is such a drag for me. 4 hardly gets played much but I've beat it on every system. 5 and 6 get replayed Once in a blue moon, I love the fresh setting to RE5 so when I'm in the mood for something a little more different and actiony but still RE i pop it in. Same with 6, when I first played it I wasn't to sold but now looking back on it it had some great ideas, NOT as bad of an RE games as people made it out to be and Leons story more the makes up for the flaws of the game.


              • Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
                I'm shocked anyone on here doesn't run through the old school series atleast once every few months.
                Some people do, not me, I prefer let some years pass instead of months since I personally never used to replay games in short time spans, mainly because I try to avoid "wearing out" a game I like, and since there're allways something else around there to play there's no urge for replayings.

                But well, I know a guy who told he played RE2 daily for an entire year when he was younger and only had the PSX with a few games, so to each his own.
                The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                • Originally posted by Mr.BioHazard View Post
                  Code: Veronica kinda gets left on the wayside as well.. the island setting is such a drag for me.
                  Not for me! I'd play the shit out of CV again if it got a Steam release like REmake did.


                  • Originally posted by Scream View Post
                    Not for me! I'd play the shit out of CV again if it got a Steam release like REmake did.
                    The fact that it was "remade" using MT Framework should've made this a stupidly easy process. The fact that they haven't done it yet is depressing.
                    PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                    • it'd make them such easy money to!


                      • And modders would finally be able to restore Claire's original RE2 outfit and remove the censorship. It can't come soon enough (if it comes at all).
                        Last edited by Rick Hunter; 03-19-2015, 07:55 PM.


                        • Originally posted by Scream View Post
                          Not for me! I'd play the shit out of CV again if it got a Steam release like REmake did.
                          Oh I'd play a remake of ir for sure... if only


                          • Anyone know if Code Veronica was ever intended to have head explosions/decapitations?


                            • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                              And modders would finally be able to restore Claire's original RE2 outfit and remove the censorship. It can't come soon enough (if it comes at all).
                              I'm all for it !


                              • Originally posted by Jimmy_Jazz View Post
                                I must admit I can't be bothered to play any of them through a second time because they're so linear. RE2&3 were lean enough to make speed running in an hour or two fun, whilst RE1 had branching paths for re-playability.

                                What doesn't help the Over-The-Shoulder camera is the ridiculous scale that Capcom build the world to, especially with the Rev series.

                                It doesn't feel like I've got an intricate world full of details to scour over, but large rooms with overscaled, repeated furniture over and over again. It was the small details that made RE1-3 so interesting to discover & explore

                                I appreciate that the current camera distance and FoV don't help and would like to seem them changed to accommodate a more realistic (if not 100% realistic) scale. But I think Capcom need to really think about the environments more.

                                I wonder if part of the problem with the RE series evolution is that third person aiming - it demands a more sophisticated damage system. I think what needs to be looked at are other ways of interacting with enemies - good and bad for the player - if we wish to go back to SH.
                                This. It looks awful - even reviewers picked up on this. Funny really, coz Code Veronica and Outbreak were 3D, yet never had this 'repeating object/texture' problem, every room was unique and detailed (not as much as classics due to being 3D but hey)

                                The final area (Barry Ep.4) in REV 2 was a joke - really Capcom? 2 corridors and a few tiny rooms with nothing in them, it all looked fake and not lived in... the bathrooms were bad.. Not to mention they reused RE5 objects too.. seeing the same tables, plates and pictures in 5, REV1 and 2 is just lazy Capcom!!

                                I'll give them credit for other areas though, like episode 2 and the outside parts..
                                "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"

