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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • ^^^ Personally I loved the factory section in episode 3!


    • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
      And modders would finally be able to restore Claire's original RE2 outfit and remove the censorship. It can't come soon enough (if it comes at all).
      Although not very popular, the DreamCast version of CV has been "hack-able" for quite a long time now. It's just that no one cares to.

      Here's a proof of concept I made nearly 10 years ago, now:

      As for the censorship, that's something that would have to be fixed on an assembly code level, and not something that could be done by modifying the game files alone.
      I'm a blackstar.


      • By censorship do you guys mean the censored gore?


        • Think he mean her stomach and neck/chest area.


          • Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
            By censorship do you guys mean the censored gore?
            Early versions of the game featured Claire with her RE2 clothes and there was no censorship; zombies head could explode, limbs fall off, etc.

            They censored it late in development and justified it by saying that the game was too realistic to feature such an amount of gore. It then changed with remake.


            • Any videos of this? I'm quite curious to see this XD


              • Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
                As for the censorship, that's something that would have to be fixed on an assembly code level, and not something that could be done by modifying the game files alone.
                The japanese demo version allowed you to paint the walls with blood when shooting zombies with powerful weapons like the shotgun. That did not replace the good old decaps, but it was a nice touch, alas also removed in retail.
                I guess that would be far easier to implement, since the code exists somewhere, not like decaps/dismemberment which were not present in playable versions AFAIK.


                • Suprised I never knew any of this!!!!


                  • Wow didn't know limb and head severing made it as far as to be able of being seen in proto footage. Figured they were never planning on that stuff which is why they had the headwear fall of to try and make up for it. Wow that just makes me mad now that it was removed like that.
                    Also its back in remake because shinji was back behind the wheel. He doesn't like being censored and I back that up fully. Remember decaps were still present in re4 then magically disappeared in re5 when he wasn't around.


                    • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                      Early versions of the game featured Claire with her RE2 clothes and there was no censorship; zombies head could explode, limbs fall off, etc.

                      They censored it late in development and justified it by saying that the game was too realistic to feature such an amount of gore. It then changed with remake.



                      BHCV (BETA E3 1999 May 14) "Only Video"
                      Last edited by Biohazard 1995; 03-23-2015, 02:25 PM.


                      • Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
                        Any videos of this? I'm quite curious to see this XD
                        Certainly, although there is little of it. The photos Biohazard1995 posted above show more detail.

                        The original B-Reel Capcom provided early on shows this era footage, but it doesn't show much in the way of enemy damage because Claire mostly uses the pistol and shotgun in basic fashion. But at about 39-40 sec into the video you see her shoot a zombie and it's arm falls off.... and it's all there is. Here's a copy put up by Biohaze.

                        CODE: Veronica beta footage from GameFan.comPlease visit for the latest information regarding the Resident Evil (Biohazard) series.

                        Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                        Early versions of the game featured Claire with her RE2 clothes and there was no censorship; zombies head could explode, limbs fall off, etc.

                        They censored it late in development and justified it by saying that the game was too realistic to feature such an amount of gore. It then changed with remake.
                        This is true, but there is much more to it than this. The whole thing was an ongoing struggle self imposed in the wake of the media coverage on violent material in entertainment in Japan reported on in the mid-to-late 90's and particularly got bad during 1999*. The issues finally came to a point which created a rating system in Japan, the Computer Entertainment Rating Organization or CERO, during 2002 and put into effect in the following 12 months. Companies now censor ony to gain certain levels of CERO in Japan to avoid games being being behind the counter or not on shelves at all should it get slapped with a 'Z' rating, but most of Capcom's self-censoring came prior to the rating system.

                        *The issue by late 1999 was that some at Capcom Japan probably saw this as a global issue, possibly due to, as some have suggested, after the Columbine incident in the US - fed into this which is why it expanded Capcom's choices of self-censorhip outside of Japan when it came to Bio3, CV, and Gun Survivor - the latter officially mentioned Columbine. Because certain changes happened to Bio3 for it's US release sometime between Sept and Nov of 1999... and it was roughly in this same period of time Code Veronica was changed as well, shortly before the demo version went out with the DC version of Bio2 in Japan, this all seems to make some level of sense but was never officially confirmed as far as I know.


                        • There was another video, or bunch of photos, featuring zombies limbs falling off. It was on the area at the beginning of the game where there's a small garage of some kind not far from the cemetery. This RE2 outfit looks so much better than what we ended up having in the final game.

                          From my point of view it was the game of missed opportunities. I was so disappointed back then when I finally played the demo, and then the final game. It felt like I paid for something that wasn't the real experience, it felt butchered. The lame battle mod and lack of replayability didn't help as well.


                          • It is probably photos only I believe. There was very limited video shown... there was the original announce shown ( - here in the only quality ever shown, off someone's camera in low early internet bitrate - which I'm so thankful for imacwesker for uploading, I think this might be the only copy left now) - which talks about an enemy stalking) and two B-Reels made around the same time.

                            One b-roll was never captured in direct feed, just from someone's camera, and uploaded in three or four pieces onto GameSpot (or VideoGameSpot as it was at the time) which I think was from the TGS in early 1999 (back when it was still twice a year)... and the other was the one I linked above put up on defunct mag GameFan's website in May 1999 which is from the E3 that year. Both the TGS and E3 footage share a lot of the same footage, including the same single shot of the zombie arm coming off.


                            • Am I the only one who is content with the censored version? Those CV betas look like House of The Dead, and not in a good way.


                              • I mean it never overly bothered me, its just a curious piece of history.

