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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Exactly! In RE2 and Especially 3 and Code Veronica you're fighting way more enemies and your character can take much more damage than before. Then in REmake where the enemy count was drastically dropped over even the original they had it so even on Easy Jill could only take 3 zombie bites.


    • I take it you people haven't played the DC/PC-exclusive Nightmare mode of RE2? You die in two or three hits from regular enemies and enemies take twice as many bullets to kill. It's certainly doable, and isn't as frustrating as it sounds.
      Last edited by biohazard_star; 08-06-2015, 11:16 PM.
      Seibu teh geimu?


      • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
        I take it you people haven't played the DC/PC-exclusive Nightmare mode of RE2? You die in two or three hits from regular enemies and enemies take twice as many bullets to kill. It's certainly doable, and isn't as frustrating as it sounds.
        I beat it once on Leon A and it was pretty cool!


        • I played RE2 on Hard (PC) and recently on Nightmare now that Makaron emulator can finally run it, and it's definitely great. I like how RE1 and RE2 handle the damage on the highest difficulty; RE3 is ok but perhaps a bit permissive, while RECV is just too babysitter, as the damage you receive from most regular enemies and even most bosses is laughable (oddly enough Monster Steve can kill you in two hits)
          Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 08-07-2015, 10:43 AM.
          The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


          • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
            I take it you people haven't played the DC/PC-exclusive Nightmare mode of RE2? You die in two or three hits from regular enemies and enemies take twice as many bullets to kill. It's certainly doable, and isn't as frustrating as it sounds.
            Oh, I have. It's a jolly good challenge. You'll learn to appreciate the shotgun and the grenade gun in a whole new way after trying this mode, because you'll definitely want to be able to score as many decapitations as possible.
            Last edited by Northman; 08-07-2015, 09:53 PM.


            • Not I. Dispite the fact I own 3 different versions of RE2, non of them have a hard difficulty. You would THINK the last version would have it but for some reason the ported an earlier version of the game.
              I played file 2 on nightmare all the time but then again that game has varying ways to create healing items.


              • I wonder if something does "happen" and this project gets scrapped or canned will we at least get to play what they have made so far , the amount of time spent making this game it would be a waste if we couldn't get to at least see what was done so far , but hopefully it wont come to that , But I never go into projects like this thinking they will 100% get completed ,If I'm honest I see this project becoming like card saga wars not 100% canceled but because of real life problems such as Jobs , moving , team member leaving stuff like that, one of those things is bound to happen lol. It's very rare you get to see a fan project make all the way to being 100% completed.Please don't think I am being nasty lol just how I see things from past fan games I have been interested in. Of course I hope and wish this projects gets completed because it's the only chance we have a playing it as a 100% 1.5 game and Id like to tick it off my "to do" list lol.


                • This is the one fan project I can see getting finished tbh...


                  • I finally got the chance to read through the last 7 months of posts here and it's great to finally catch up, and even better to see the project still going strong - if not, stronger than ever.

                    Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
                    I wonder if something does "happen" and this project gets scrapped or canned will we at least get to play what they have made so far , the amount of time spent making this game it would be a waste if we couldn't get to at least see what was done so far , but hopefully it wont come to that , But I never go into projects like this thinking they will 100% get completed ,If I'm honest I see this project becoming like card saga wars not 100% canceled but because of real life problems such as Jobs , moving , team member leaving stuff like that, one of those things is bound to happen lol. It's very rare you get to see a fan project make all the way to being 100% completed.Please don't think I am being nasty lol just how I see things from past fan games I have been interested in. Of course I hope and wish this projects gets completed because it's the only chance we have a playing it as a 100% 1.5 game and Id like to tick it off my "to do" list lol.
                    I can see the concern, with all of the projects in the past that have been pitched, promised but never delivered. I can only imagine that it's a fairly daunting task to deliver a full-length fan project, let alone recreating a cancelled title that fans have been wanting to see for years. It's been over three years since this project was first seen, and during then we've seen some brilliant progress from Team IGAS. Development seems to keep on going, even during the dry-spells where people really haven't been talking about it and the thread has pretty much been dead. I can see this being finished, although only time will tell.


                    • I guess the only real concern is if Capcom suddenly out of nowhere were to send a cease and desist letter. Hoping that day never happens.


                      • Originally posted by icemann View Post
                        I guess the only real concern is if Capcom suddenly out of nowhere were to send a cease and desist letter. Hoping that day never happens.
                        What CAPCOM can do?
                        In addition, it is pointless and very, very silly.
                        Dogs in the manger.
                        Do not give to others and will not allow?
                        Yes, they do not care for a long time.


                        • It's still a project modifying their property. They would have every right to order a C&D if they really wanted to.


                          • Well, they can't stop it if they don't know who's behind the project, can they?

                            Anyways, I'm pretty sure Capcom doesn't care as long as it's not making any profit.
                            Last edited by Upaluppa; 08-08-2015, 04:40 PM.


                            • Well look at what happened to the streets of rage remake. From my understanding SEGA was ok with it but it was their lawyers taking a strictly intellectual and emotionless position in the matter and convinced SEGA to send a S&D on it-only when it was finished and released.
                              The issue is now is that if it is true that capcom will be remaking RE2 its going to be the ABSOLUTE worst favorable scenario possible for IGAS concerning the odds of capcom finding a way of ending this.
                              Last edited by NEOMEGA; 08-08-2015, 06:58 PM.


                              • Eh, it seems pretty obvious capcom has no plans to ever release 1.5

