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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Originally posted by biohazard_star View PostI think the problem is that we're assuming there's only a single part of the hallway with cells. If anything there are at least two: one part with the cell bars/gate part pre-rendered (the second shot), and another one with the cell interiors modeled in and is supposed to have 3d cell doors/bars. It doesn't make sense why they would be pre-rendered in Leon's scenario, while 3d in Elza's, if they're supposed to be from the exact same row of cells. If they didn't intend for Leon to have the gate crashing mutts in his scenario, then the cells in his pic should be the same as in Elza's, no 3d gates yet, but also with no dogs inside.
The bricks that I've outlined in yellow reach above the ceiling level of the cells commensurately in both images (by about a quarter of the brick height).
Originally posted by biohazard_star View PostYou can see that the overhead fluorescent bars in the left pic is directly above the middle two cells, maybe even leaning towards the back two. But in the right pic, it has clearly moved forward a bit, and is now positioned between the middle and front two cells. While it's possible that there are two overhead lights above the same row of cells, it wouldn't make sense since they'd be placed right next to each other. You can see in the right pic what appears to be another set of light bars being blocked by Leon's arm, and quite contrary to having two overhead lights spaced right next to each other, it's quite some distance away like how the lights are in pretty much every other room.
I'm sure c2keo has investigated this issue more than anyone in the community, so maybe referring to his images can clear some things up.
Last edited by Enigmatism415; 10-10-2012, 05:35 AM.
Are there any indications that these cell walls are pre-rendered in Leon's screenshot? There could be some strange reason why they are rendered for Leon and not Elza. Or, perhaps, they are rendered for both characters but only in the angle facing the wash-bin, and not in the angle facing the high vent. If you examine the brick patterns, they are the same in both images
The overhead light placement could be a very subtle mistake on Capcom's part regarding the texturing of the rooms. Or, as c2keo had explained, the geometry can be very deceiving at face value. Now that you point out these details, I am more open to the idea of there being only four cells rather than six, but I highly doubt that there are two different aisles of kennel cells, that just wouldn't make sense from a design standpoint and in the context of the game (way too many dogs). But I guess anything is possible until we know for sure right? If there are only four cells instead of six, then that means Elza is standing closer to the corner of the L-corridor / wash-bin, and Leon is standing closer to the dead-end / high vent. Of course it's possible, but it strikes me as a bit odd, since the camera otherwise tends to behave conversely (when you reach a dead end, the camera is usually aimed at the obstacle, rather than away from it).Seibu teh geimu?
Originally posted by biohazard_star View PostIt seems to me like you didn't even bother looking past the first folder Beta 2/Trial Edition.
And if you're disputing that the keys are blurred or uncountable in the leaked set, you can still distinguish that they have less keys than on the model that's been reused throughout all the PS1 Bio games.
Nice shot you chose there. It's an unfair comparison though since the lighting is dim, the angle isn't almost overhead like in the leaked render, and because that image has already been "compressed" for putting on the disk. I won't really dispute the keys though, since DXP has already pointed out to me that the "I D D" embossed on the front of the typewriter is missing. I'm not too sure about the stuff in the back, since I guess it can appear either different or the same, depending on the person who looks at it. But as long as we can agree that the renders are from a recreation, I'm good.Last edited by biohazard_star; 10-10-2012, 10:07 AM.Seibu teh geimu?
I didn't check the site for a week and i was really surprised when i saw these new leaked backgrounds ! is it really that hard to create 2d backgrounds with today's standards ? also is c2keo involved somehow in this secret project ? or maybe he abandoned dark biohazard project to work on b1.5 backgrounds recreation instead ?
One final question, if capcom found out the people who posses 1.5 are they really gonna be sued for leaking a 15 year old unfinished game ?Last edited by Guest; 10-10-2012, 10:57 AM.
Originally posted by biohazard_star View PostThe cell gates in the angle with Leon look pre-rendered to me. The door for the cell nearest the sink has actually been broken too (probably an item pick-up). If they weren't pre-rendered they would stand out like a sore thumb, or worse, they wouldn't even be there like in Elza pic. If the background rips we have are any indication, then they just use the 3d model for all angles and don't switch from rendered to pre-rendered on the fly.
Originally posted by biohazard_star View PostAs for the camera, that's the other thing. Like you said if what's behind Leon is a wall, then the camera should be oriented the other way around. I guess it's either a connecting hallway that we haven't seen before, or we're both wrong and there are actually eight cells in a straight row (that would certainly explain the discrepancy in the light spacing)
Let's pretend that there are eight cages in the same aisle, since that theory seems to satisfy all of our criteria and scrutiny. The four cells nearest to the wash-bin would have pre-rendered cages (with no dogs inside), while the four near the high vent would have 3D cages.
Your theory about the dogs coming from the kennel, through the vents, and into the firing range is a really interesting one. Perhaps this could hold a clue to the placement of the firing range.
Originally posted by originalzombie View PostOne final question, if capcom found out the people who posses 1.5 are they really gonna be sued for leaking a 15 year old unfinished game ?
Also, seen studios and rights holders strike down on all sorts of weird stuff (most recently; I guess the most infamous and curious would be Square-Enix vs Chrono Compendium)
Originally posted by Darkmoon View PostWell, shit, now I have to buy Meteor proof housing just in case the wrath spreads.Last edited by Rick Hunter; 10-10-2012, 04:03 PM.
by reading this post the drainage scenario, the company and the lab is already full or almost alone Farta the RPD police station and if your computer already has the sound effect and the map of the three circle area that already has 70% of the game when you finish the last area and put the person Leo and estonce Elza and all the game will be finished in 100% that's my unofficial percentage as the team gives no information on their progress, so the forum as friend is 70% of the game.