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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
    Why all these covers use "1.5"? From what we know from the title screen released, the team's going to use "Resident Evil 2". It would look kinda silly to be calling a proper release "RE 1.5". Also, more variety is needed there: these covers look boring, and by boring I mean rather plain with no detail whatsoever.
    I mean this in the nicest way possible, but people who are making these aren't exactly photoshop experts. I am not sure why you are expecting grandiose masterpieces. It takes a lot of time to do a proper photoshop quick mask, let alone an entire, detailed cover. So chillax dude.


    • Well, despite not being exactly "photoshop experts" the overall creative process and "concept(s)" presented in the mock covers are not exactly what I'd call "great," so at least there me and Gemini can agree.


      • I would also agree with that. Needs more zombies and possibly a cityscape in the background.


        • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
          Seeing as he has trouble understanding the most basic of the messages, I guess it's better to keep it simple. No offense.
          Hail the heros of the revolution!


          • I'm pretty certain it's just a bit of fun.


            • Call me old-fashioned, but I think that the original "eye" cover with either "RESIDENT EVIL 2" or "BIOHAZARD 2" written above it would be the most fitting. If I saw that Playstation disc case sitting on a Gamestop shelf, I would probably faint right there.


              • The question is posed as "Will it be released now that we screwed up again? (how surprising)", the community did not screw up and poll is a fucked up attempt to yet again place blame entirely on the community. The same way that blame was placed entirely on the community in regards to the Curator incident even though it was clear that the Curator was to blame and he was outed as a lying asshole time and time again.
                I CAN'T EDIT THE POLL NOR THE THREAD TITLE. The thread title was a silly attempt to make a joke which was edited out of the original post. And I agree perfectly about the poll title, but I can't edit it! I would be grateful if a mod deleted the poll entirely.
                Hail the heros of the revolution!


                • Originally posted by Aleff View Post
                  Seeing as he has trouble understanding the most basic of the messages, I guess it's better to keep it simple. No offense.
                  I would honestly march right on over to the mall and pick up a Rosetta Stone of whatever language he speaks if it meant having more fruitful communication with him.


                  • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                    I would honestly march right on over to the mall and pick up a Rosetta Stone of whatever language he speaks if it meant having more fruitful communication with him.
                    I know spanish/portuguese pretty well. But I don't know if he really knows spanish anyway. Better not offend him asking "hablas español, porque su inglés es un horror"... but simplifying messages directed to him could be offensive too, so oh well let's not start another pointless discussion
                    Hail the heros of the revolution!


                    • Honestly, it might be worth a shot. He could always respond with the pan-Latin "no"... My language abilities are limited to English, Japanese, and a little bit of Chinese and Korean, unfortunately.


                      • Honestly, if he wanted to say anything meaningful he would have already said it... I asked "Will re 1.5. be released? [y/n]" question because that's all what we want to know, no more, no less. Why the suspense? B.Zork, por favor responda, el prototipo del juego Resident Evil 2 va o no estar disponible para el público? Solo necesitas responder a una pregunta, nada más.

                        If he doesn't answer he's (they're) only toying with us or there is a huge language barrier between their language and ours.
                        Hail the heros of the revolution!


                        • Couldn't easily see how to delete the poll, but there may be a way.
                          At least for now I've deleted the question


                          • I voted "No"


                            • Originally posted by Aleff View Post
                              Honestly, if he wanted to say anything meaningful he would have already said it... I asked "Will re 1.5. be released? [y/n]" question because that's all what we want to know, no more, no less. Why the suspense? B.Zork, por favor responda, el prototipo del juego Resident Evil 2 va o no estar disponible para el público? Solo necesitas responder a una pregunta, nada más.

                              If he doesn't answer he's (they're) only toying with us or there is a huge language barrier between their language and ours.
                              There's many reasons why people might not be saying anything. Maybe they want to finish the project first, maybe it's a surprise, maybe they're sworn to secrecy, maybe they don't even own the game and it's down to someone else to make that decision, maybe we've already seen too much. There could be any number of reasons why and maybe we're just not supposed to know. Like others have said be happy with what we've got and if you don't get answers don't be butt hurt about it, if it's ever going to happen it will happen, the more you go on about it isn't going to make it happen any sooner.


                              • Just as geluda has said. We should be discussing things such as new material, videos, pictures etc(for the most part we are). Instead of debating whether or not it will be let out, if and when it has been decided, rejoice then. It's nice to find out whether or not it's going to be released, given the past few weeks it seems more likely than ever. Badgering individuals with contact/are in the group isn't really helping that much in regards to that, imo

