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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
    a forum full of retarded users whose average age must be around 15 years old
    How's that any different from the RE scene?


    • from assembler forum
      Originally posted by abbatoo
      Oh, I contacted him not too long ago (not sure why cause it reeked of BS) and I gots me some 'proof':

      Look familiar, don't they?


      • Even the bioflames watermark has been badly cut out to give the pictures a genuine look which is obviously some old bioflames video snapshots, what a lame ass scammer.
        Last edited by Guest; 10-15-2012, 05:10 PM.


        • Dat scammer


          • I think it's about time we started giving out permanent internet bans to people.


            • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
              How's that any different from the RE scene?
              Well, I guess we're much older, and there's a moderation power on small forums that you can't find on these highly publicized video games websites. You can easily mod a few idiots, but when there's thousands of them...

              Anyway, that's the internet. These kind of things just have to be ignored and everything's fine.
              Last edited by Rick Hunter; 10-15-2012, 06:15 PM.


              • "Report this as offensive/adult content"


                • I stopped reading at "$5000 ISO." Of course I don't understand French but even then that sounded a little suspect.
                  Last edited by Guest; 10-15-2012, 07:23 PM.


                  • RE 1.5 scammer hand book:

                    -casually explain that you possess RE 1.5, remain calm, cool and collected, as if it's no big deal
                    -demand an exorbitant amount of cash, as if the amount you're asking you spend on a regular basis
                    -make the disclaimer on a public forum, completely and randomly out of the blue, even if said forum has absolutely nothing to do with RE 1.5
                    -do not provide any sort of proof in your initial posting
                    -when asked to provide evidence, present video and/or images in VHS quality or worse
                    - (optional) disappear for inexplicable amounts of time
                    -wait for bait
                    -if no bait, explain that you're travelling to europe/asia/canada, are busy with work/translating foreign documents because you're a high paid government translator/journalist, your grandma/sister suffered a severe heart attack/were detained at the mexian border for smuggling cocaine in their anus, and/or any combination of the above
                    -disappear (again?) for inexplicable amounts of time, then, repeat from beginning


                    • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                      How's that any different from the RE scene?
                      Hi there THIA administrator.

                      Hail the heros of the revolution!


                      • hello i hav 1.5 disc maybe sell to u if good price.. camera is broken cant show proofs now but when i buy new one maybe :-) i see this disc on ebay at least 10000USD but maybe I can sell for 8000 ;-) plz wait tho

                        oh forgot mention need special emulator to play on PC http://livejasmineclient.exe
                        Last edited by Enigmatism415; 10-16-2012, 03:46 AM.


                        • I don't need any proof from you because i trust you completely, here's my credit card number 13234151234523642346 take whatever you want just give me the game along with the special emulator (ePSXe) to play the game and while you at it don't forget to give my regards to capcom.
                          Last edited by Guest; 10-16-2012, 06:16 AM.


                          • Stop fooling around! Darkmoon will get upset about this!


                            • who ever did this ( again lol) is a little late to the party , this has been done so many times before it's not even worth talking about. The only people that will most likely fall for this are those stupid teenagers that send death threats. But anyway lets just go back to talking about what we actually know and not some silly fake post.


                              • Okay ... Here's a relevant question. I found the latest stairwell images rather intriguing, for reasons of my own - however, one thing is obviously missing from them. Where's the back side to the B1 stairwell? It would be the mate of the image we already had from Bioflames/Alzaire. I'd be very interested to see that. Everyone got so excited about the rest of B2 that its omission got overlooked.

