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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Last edited by doriantoki; 10-23-2012, 06:40 PM.
There might be a chance that the modded "40%" version may end up being very, very simular to the bioflames build. So if we eventually find that bioflames build, it might not add as much as what we would have expected if we only had a 40% raw version. Who knows.
Anyway, does anyone know for sure if the bioflame build is the final beta featured in BH DC DS? Did it have voices?
Originally posted by RetroRain View PostSpeak for yourself. I don't particularly find the hunt very enjoyable. The hunt is a "necessity". If you are in the wild, and you have no food, you have to hunt to survive. If you have no friends and are lonely, and you want a girlfriend, you have to play the "pick-up game", or risk being lonely. If you don't pursue leads and deal with people and have money available, you don't get 1.5.
I could never stand that saying that people use: "They enjoy the thrill of the chase." I personally can't stand it. The necessity outweighs any fun that could from it. Without food, you die. Without relationships, you are alone. Without 1.5, you'll never play it. The work is different in any situation, but since I know how much 1.5 getting released means to so many people, I can't say waiting the last 15 years was fun for anybody. It's nice when new stuff surfaces, but it is the ultimate obtainable of your goal which matters the most.
This is not a complaint though. Since if I personally wanted 1.5 bad enough, I would have to do the work to get it. I haven't been doing that, since it was not a priority for me. If it gets released, great. If not, oh well. Maybe someday down the road.
Originally posted by Zombie_X View PostHey guys, here's my custom made survival horror subtitle for the NTSC-J cases.
Also GameTak3r, Here's the recreation you wanted. I took the image you uploaded, scaled it up in photoshop, and built the new cover over it. I hope it's what you wanted.
If the team ever gets around to releasing their modification, I shall have 1000 discs and jewel cases manufactured, and then plant them in every GameStop I can find... Maybe I'll even make a legitimate-looking price sticker that says <$0.00>. If I'm feeling really generous, I'll be sure to leave them my copy of NES Battletoads as well.
Any kind of leak will put a huge input to modding community. It's because its 1.5! There will be massive mods for PC as well.
What most people don't actually understand that one thing is old school resident evil but other thing is 1.5 atmosphere. It sets totally different level of horror and gore compared to retail. Morewhat similar to Re 1, it pushes scariness to new level. Retail is more like a drama story. Now don't get me wrong Resident Evil 2 is my favorite part over all. Heck I'd still love it even if 1.5 comes out. But 1.5 is "higher" standard in essence of survival gaming.
As we have seen our mystery team is skillful, but I am sure more "fixes" would spawn. Personally I am most interested of build not touched at all. After all its a beauty amongst beta-prototype scene. If Leonardo wouldnt complete Mona Lisas painting, would you touch it? No! It is as it is.
As of 80% build. It's value won't go down a dime if 40% build would be released. It could even go up. But the leak could cause more info coming out from 80% out there.ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies
i doubt any journalist ever played at all. i dont know where exactly this 40% ever surfaced, but by matching screens with magazines and their dates, it is pretty well said. If 80% is considered fully playable and wihtout videos (pretty much like re 2 beta 2) then i guess this 40% is just playable to half or more rooms. There are no facts though to support this theory. It might as well be called 60% build or 35%. And if we see that our secret developers have made some custom rooms, then this indicates that this build heavily missing stuff, even in the beginning of the game. But lets just pray and see....
But be it 40% or 80% or whatever, it is 1.5. Any build of this rare prototype is welcome to our community to feed our hungers.Last edited by Marvin; 10-24-2012, 04:11 PM.ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies