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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • It's not entirely out of the realm of possibility that these are faked, albeit an impressive one. Nothing shown so far is new, and all details we have are sketchy at best.

    I guess some of us have gone through this rodeo too many times.


    • Originally posted by Ketsui View Post
      Unfortunately i have no other information about the project, and even if i have others i cannot tell to the public. I was asked to remove those screenshots from this guy.
      I know i may sound like an asshole, but we have to wait a little more ;)
      That's okay. I understand. I won't and don't intended on acting like a rabid entitled fan boy, demanding the game like it's something that's owed to me. That kind of attitude has ruined these kinds of things too many times, so I will wait. Good things come to those who wait, as they say.


      • Good things come to those who wait, as they say.
        Indeed. Especially if you've been waiting for nearly a decade for this game to be released. More so for those who have been waiting for far faaaaaaaar longer.
        Last edited by biohazard_star; 06-20-2012, 10:56 AM.
        Seibu teh geimu?


        • Originally posted by Ketsui View Post
          Unfortunately i have no other information about the project, and even if i have others i cannot tell to the public. I was asked to remove those screenshots from this guy.
          I know i may sound like an asshole, but we have to wait a little more ;)
          Do you think the source of these pictures as well as the release informations are credible?


          • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
            Do you think the source of these pictures as well as the release informations are credible?
            As i said previously, he's a trusted guy, but i'm still a bit skeptical.
            About the screenshots:
            If you look the one with Elza and early Robert model, you can notice that was taken with an emulator like Epsxe.

            Last edited by Ketsui; 06-20-2012, 12:37 PM.


            • An emulator ... or the PC version ... We've seen lots of mods there :/


              • Where do you get the idea there is a pc version?


                • You are assuming it is 1.5 and not a mod. It could easily be the PC version modded, and in fact, I would find that to be more likely, since no one has proven that they are capable of modding the PS1 games with any real depth.


                  • Originally posted by Borman View Post
                    You are assuming it is 1.5 and not a mod. It could easily be the PC version modded, and in fact, I would find that to be more likely, since no one has proven that they are capable of modding the PS1 games with any real depth.
                    I can see clearly that it is legit. Elza's body shape does not look like Claire's nor Kendo's (John) like RE 2 version of him (I mean the character models look exactly like curators build) on the other hand the PC mods have model of RE 2 characters with different skin. BTW it doesn't look like its been photoshoped or anything. I am sure its legit and the prof is the pic with Elza's model with armor (her shape is identical to 1.5 models.)

                    I have also checked out the latest video posted by curator last year. Look closely on Kendo (John) on that vid he has no face textures.
                    Last edited by GamerTak3r; 06-20-2012, 02:38 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                      An emulator ... or the PC version ... We've seen lots of mods there :/
                      I say it's a PSX ISO emulated. Because Elza's and John's models doesn't match the ones in the retail, which everyone uses to make 1.5 models. And the background seems to be from the PSX too, because of the poor quality.


                      • Half of these backgrounds aren't even available to the public from the Trial Edition, if you think it's a mod start analysing the backgrounds and then you'll have your answer. I've tried my best to compare the helipad shot to BioFlames images and I can't see any obvious flaws that suggest to me it's a custom background. Taking the fact that the BioFlames images were taken from a hand camera causing perspective angles to be slightly off, they look pretty much identical.


                        • While I wish for this to be the real deal as much as the rest of you, I find the reasoning as for why these couldn't possibly just be a mod of the PC version to be... somewhat flawed

                          (That also includes the background stuff; I mean, if we don't have 1:1 rips of something, how can you tell whether something's a repro or the real deal...)
                          Last edited by Carnivol; 06-20-2012, 03:03 PM.


                          • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                            While I wish for this to be the real deal as much as the rest of you, I find the reasoning as for why these couldn't possibly just be a mod of the PC version to be... somewhat flawed

                            (That also includes the background stuff; I mean, if we don't have 1:1 rips of something, how can you tell whether something's a repro or the real deal...)
                            While I agree you can't analyse the images pixel for pixel, you can still get a good comparison by looking at some details that gives you an idea on just how well the designer would have to imitate the background for it to be a reproduction. I would do a deeper spot the difference analysis and post the images showing the details I looked at but I don't have a computer atm. However some of the things I'm looking at are:

                            - The wire mesh on the platform
                            - The grid work from the metal plating
                            - The shadows cast on objects
                            - Little splotches dotted around the place

                            The designer has to replicate every single detail for it to be a custom background, of course that's not to say it can't be done, but the designer only has the same images that we do to go off. That means they have to guess correct colour tone, they have to guess which splotches are real and which splotches are artefacts of compression/camera distortion. When comparing the images (I'm looking at BioFlames helipad, the picture of the helipad that was posted and the helipad from the PSM video) the only thing I can fault is perspective, which may just be down to camera angles and aspect ratio, a lot of minor hard to spot/replicate details seem consistent throughout the three images. When I look at c2keo's backgrounds I can spot differences straight away, I can not do that here.
                            Last edited by Guest; 06-20-2012, 04:53 PM.


                            • I don't doubt that the pictures are legit, but I don't really understand either why the modded pictures are so small?


                              • Good , are you all done ?
                                A little wait means no harm , Patience if you would like to have it ....

                                @Carnivol , Please don't say that Lol , it's Hilarious , No seriously , even though it will come out of a different and other place .. that .. uh ..

                                Never mind can you just wait , that ... is.
                                Last edited by Mrox2; 06-20-2012, 04:37 PM.
                                Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                                ^ Lol ...

