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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Look in the popsloader folder if you see a whole list of files of different pops you should be good to go. Try 3.52.

    I never liked the new generation of CFW, I still run Dark_AleX firmware on 3.71 kernel, never could be bothered with the hassle of upgrading when I could do virtually everything I wanted besides perhaps playing some of the newer retail games.
    Last edited by Guest; 11-08-2012, 07:14 PM.


    • Urgh, I finally figured it out:

      PSPGo compatibilty
      every POPS from 3.02 to 3.52 WORKS
      Every POPS from 3.71 to 6.00 DOESN'T WORK
      Every POPS from 6.20 to actual POPS WORKS
      I can only use pops up to 3.52, all the others crash. And there's no sound... The only fix is to plug headphones ingame AFTER the playstation logo appears. If you do it before, still no sound.

      It's really time consuming and not very efficient, but at least now it's ok. Ready for 1.5

      edit: Actually I bought the GO for the huge amount of space I can have on it, and also because the battery of my FAT died. Does anyone know if we can still order official batteries? I once bought one on ebay, but of course it was some random chinese crap that stopped working after 5 minutes.
      Last edited by Rick Hunter; 11-08-2012, 07:23 PM.


      • Well I'm not really sure what else to suggest, it's been a long time since I've even messed with my PSP. You're deffinately heading in the right direction though, try heading over to a psx scene site, they can probably help you further.


        • Well no, sadly from what I read here and there, until something new comes up, I'm limited to these options. If only my fat psp still had a working battery... it was such a hurdle to find it in NYC back in 2005 when it was out of stock everywhere, good times. I wish I could still use it from time to time.


          • Does anyone have a nice zip of all the inflames exclusive images? ;)


            • Wow, if I knew THIA offered 24-hour technical support I'd have asked about getting RE(GBC) to work on my Super Game Boy.

              Originally posted by Darkness View Post
              Does anyone have a nice zip of all the inflames exclusive images? ;)
              I have one... but it has a bunch of duplicates. If you don't mind sorting through them I can send it.


              • I'd appreciate that enig.


                • The project of the Century or the Decade is becoming famous!!! ehehe

                  お蔵入りになったプロトタイプ 『バイオハザード1.5』 のプレイ動画が出現!の記事ページ


                  • ^that websites logo is in bzork's cartoon.


                    • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                      Does anyone have a nice zip of all the inflames exclusive images? ;)
                      I'm also interested in this. I've been looking for the complete collection of Inflames' build pictures and I found a THIA thread where someone asked and a responder posted a link but the link posted is dead now. I think it was mentioned that many of the pictures were scattered all over the Bioflames forums over the years but never posted all together in one place. I also remember that Alzaire's cancelled Resident Evil 1.5 section on THIA was planned to include many or all of the pictures but that never came to fruition.


                      • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
                        ^that websites logo is in bzork's cartoon.
                        Wonder what that means?


                        • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
                          ^that websites logo is in bzork's cartoon.
                          Speaking of this, did we ever find out what group/company the logo in the Halloween video represents? It's the red logo with the guns and the single portrait. The name is scratched out. But surely someone is familiar with it or could do some digging?


                          • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                            Speaking of this, did we ever find out what group/company the logo in the Halloween video represents? It's the red logo with the guns and the single portrait. The name is scratched out. But surely someone is familiar with it or could do some digging?
                            I don't want to find out. The less anyone knows about them the better


                            • Originally posted by yurieu View Post
                              The project of the Century or the Decade is becoming famous!!! ehehe

                              お蔵入りになったプロトタイプ 『バイオハザード1.5』 のプレイ動画が出現!の記事ページ

                              Holy crap, I think BZork just posted the image from that website, he didn't make that image. It makes sense now.


                              • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                                Does anyone have a nice zip of all the inflames exclusive images? ;)

                                They are all in boflames forum, just cycle trough topics.
                                ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies

