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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Unmasked
    I need the RPDemo T_T

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  • Mikhail
    Originally posted by Coconut View Post
    No idea at all. Maybe they were planning a specialized controller during the development with movement buttons but it didn't work.

    It wouldn't be the first time that Capcom made such a contraption.

    Nah the original was supposed to be a lightgun game I think before they switched it for the better,
    maybe not in sense of 3d gun survivor but more like 3d enemies overlayed on top of 2d backgrounds always facing you head on to shoot like house of the dead.

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  • Enigmatism415
    Has anyone else noticed that the lights were on in the interrogation rooms? Compare with the darker versions:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Interrogation_Room_comparison.png
Views:	1
Size:	431.0 KB
ID:	405014

    Elza mentions something about the power being cut and thus preventing her from calling for help from the radio/communications room while talking to John just outside of these rooms. Perhaps the power doesn't only restore light to the B1 corridor, but also the interrogation rooms. After all, a one-way mirror becomes more like a window when it's bright on both sides, so perhaps turning on the lights reveals the other side.

    Also, I wonder how close you have to get to the corner of the room to trigger this cool camera angle, which shows not only the power puzzle, but also the bottom of the elevator shaft to the left (which is why I think that the power puzzle allows the elevator to start working again, in addition to lighting the B1 corridor and possibly the interrogation rooms).

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Elevator_Shaft.png
Views:	1
Size:	386.7 KB
ID:	405015

    (clockwise from upper-left: 40% version, 80% version, IGAS aerial, IGAS version)

    I also noticed that IGAS seems to have replaced a camera angle in this room:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	replaced_angle.png
Views:	1
Size:	266.0 KB
ID:	405016

    (clockwise from upper-left: 40% version, IGAS old, IGAS new)
    Last edited by Enigmatism415; 11-06-2017, 04:57 PM.

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  • Coconut
    Originally posted by Mikhail View Post
    I doubt it, maybe for the battle colosseum without backgrounds but how would it work in the main games with 2D renders?
    you could maybe aim to headshot targets on screen but how would you move your character to escape, dodge and walk?
    No idea at all. Maybe they were planning a specialized controller during the development with movement buttons but it didn't work.

    It wouldn't be the first time that Capcom made such a contraption.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	re4-chainsaw-3.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	389.0 KB
ID:	405013

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  • Mikhail
    Originally posted by Coconut View Post
    The whole panning widescreen thing was a bit of a meme I think. I personally want to see lightgun support. I know it was a planned feature because code was left over in the Biohazard Beta.
    I doubt it, maybe for the battle colosseum without backgrounds but how would it work in the main games with 2D renders?
    you could maybe aim to headshot targets on screen but how would you move your character to escape, dodge and walk?

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  • Coconut
    Originally posted by jam287 View Post
    I don't like the panning widescreen, I played REmake HD in full screen for the true experience. Would hope to be able to do the same with this. Video was good otherwise, wish we saw progress on the gameplay/enemies/cutscene triggers/etc. though.
    The whole panning widescreen thing was a bit of a meme I think. I personally want to see lightgun support. I know it was a planned feature because code was left over in the Biohazard Beta.
    Last edited by Coconut; 11-06-2017, 02:21 AM.

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  • jam287
    I don't like the panning widescreen, I played REmake HD in full screen for the true experience. Would hope to be able to do the same with this. Video was good otherwise, wish we saw progress on the gameplay/enemies/cutscene triggers/etc. though.

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  • Graco
    Originally posted by Unmasked View Post
    It's been so many years that I dont care anymore of being spoiled. Im thirsty of new content. I need to see that things are progressing.
    Well, I realize that it’s dated but they have save files and the item box working, updated/cleaned sprites, they’ve shown a multitude of revamped rooms, the event flag editor is in place, the broken weapons are useable, they’ve created and tested an unlockable Easter egg weapon, demonstrated customizable options, etc. and that was before transitioning to squeeze bomb.

    Everything else is coding work, cutscene/FMV creation, and progression trajectory testing/gameplay balancing.

    Anything that could be shown would either be more of the same in different areas, hasn’t reached that point in development, or would detract from the first play through experience by leaving less to the imagination.

    I wouldn’t mind text-only updates of development progress because I find that sort of thing interesting but I can understand why they would choose to refrain from doing those. Especially if showcasing more content/drawing more attention to this project will put it at greater risk of Capcom issuing a C&D and/or compromising anything else that is of great importance to its development that we’re unaware of for valid reasons.
    Last edited by Graco; 11-05-2017, 11:26 AM.

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  • Mikhail
    Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
    This panning widescreen mode would be optional at most; Gemini might even just be playing around with us. Nice idea, but it makes the backgrounds look terrible.
    I don't see why he wouldn't he already confirmed it on the config screen irc along with Behind the Mask.

    How does ps1 widescreen work on the psp does it use black borders?
    recently got one but silly me automatically updated the firmware to access psn for demos and purchases.
    I want to install cfw but I heard the pops emulator has issuses on the latest firmware and cwcheat.
    If I downgrade it will be a 1:1 100% copy of the original firmware before then updating it to cfw or are their compromises?
    Don't have any experience hacking the psp just ps1,ps2,ps3

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  • Unmasked
    It's been so many years that I dont care anymore of being spoiled. Im thirsty of new content. I need to see that things are progressing.

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  • Enigmatism415
    This panning widescreen mode would be optional at most; Gemini might even just be playing around with us. Nice idea, but it makes the backgrounds look terrible.

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  • Mikhail
    Camera shake in widescreen mode whilst using stairs is kinda disorientating,
    it'd be better with a slower panning.
    In-game it looks really violent too, think it'd be better slowed down and smoother
    with maybe a slight touch of motion blur if possible like looking through a lense with the edges slightly blured out
    so it gives the illusion of a hot spotlight on the character, maybe the character shadow could be exploited to include it.
    Last edited by Mikhail; 11-02-2017, 09:10 PM.

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  • Graco
    Originally posted by Northman View Post
    ZOMG! New stuffs!

    Wow, they actually added that gimmick from the Re-ReMake, where the camera follows the player.

    The staircases connecting the floors are looking really nice in action. And nice work with the masking layers.

    Chances are that they're just withholding stuff deliberately to avoid spoilers. The amount of setbacks the team has had has been unreal. First, the 2013 leak probably didn't help things. The no doubt very slow path of C-injections didn't work out as they had hoped, and porting everything over to Gemini's Squeeze Bomb engine probably meant starting everything all over again from scratch. I also recall reading from Gemini's Twitter that he had to re-install his dev system at least once, and then he ported his tools to another platform while also taking time to release Battle Colosseum to us. And this is just a small, unpaid team of hobbyists using self-made/improvised tools. All that adds up to lost time and delays. This project was bound to take a long time from day 1, no matter what.
    Indeed. One of the things that immediately caught my attention was the contents of the debug menu. Weapon placement and event flag editors are functional meaning it’s not unlikely that they have already begun experimenting with how they might intend to map the game’s trajectory.

    The engine and room collisions are the foundation for which everything else must be built upon. However, I am very curious as to how much (if any) progress has been made with the AI of Birkin’s later mutations and the baby alligators.

    Thanks for the update, Gemini.

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  • Northman
    Originally posted by DSC View Post
    ZOMG! New stuffs!

    Wow, they actually added that gimmick from the Re-ReMake, where the camera follows the player.

    The staircases connecting the floors are looking really nice in action. And nice work with the masking layers.

    Originally posted by Unmasked View Post
    Apart from the camera, i dont see much changes since the last Making Of video uploaded by BZork. I guess they didint work on it in the last year...

    Chances are that they're just withholding stuff deliberately to avoid spoilers. The amount of setbacks the team has had has been unreal. First, the 2013 leak probably didn't help things. The no doubt very slow path of C-injections didn't work out as they had hoped, and porting everything over to Gemini's Squeeze Bomb engine probably meant starting everything all over again from scratch. I also recall reading from Gemini's Twitter that he had to re-install his dev system at least once, and then he ported his tools to another platform while also taking time to release Battle Colosseum to us. And this is just a small, unpaid team of hobbyists using self-made/improvised tools. All that adds up to lost time and delays. This project was bound to take a long time from day 1, no matter what.

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  • Coconut
    Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
    Here's something that I was working on last year that I never got around to finishing. I lost motivation to work on anything after my HDD failed. I hope you guys like it. Happy Halloween!

    Yeah definitely good. Those backgrounds rival those in RE Remake and 0. Very nice work indeed.

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