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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • The car is reversed.


    • Originally posted by geluda View Post
      The car is reversed.
      Could have been moved in the story but I doubt it, not a 3D object, unless its acknowledged that it happened off screen.


      • The reversed car only appears in the renders for the interior of the guard shack and a cutscene angle for the parking lot. It could either be a mistake on the bg artist's part or it really is intentional, probably something that happens either off-screen or in a cutscene/FMV. The renders don't seem to be final anyway, there's a lot of aliasing and the background objects have been removed (no warehouse area behind the gate), probably to render them faster.

        EDIT: wait, wasn't the infection caused from a wound to the leg? Seems unlikely it happens to the leg from the window...
        Marvin gets bitten by a zombie, apparently. The window could have been broken by either a zombie or one of the characters (probably because the doors were locked) during the cutscene.
        Last edited by biohazard_star; 11-11-2012, 01:42 AM.
        Seibu teh geimu?


        • More likely than not it's just Capcom making asthetic changes, I wouldn't think too much about it.


          • anyone know if the part were leon is in the sewer section running away from the huge water pressure is in the 40% build and what caused the water pressure ?


            • Originally posted by PROTOBOY View Post
              That's amazing how did you discover that???
              I'll try do it right now!!!!
              In fact, I found this on bioflames' forum a long time ago. :

              Here is the complete process to do it (posted by member sardeljka on bioflames' forum ) :

              1. get this util: Sony Movie Converter 3.4

              2. browse CD for ROOM*.BSS files
              each *.BSS is a pack of location camera views

              3. Select one *.BSS file and split it 64 k per file

              4. rename each part to *.BS

              5. now u can open it with Sony Movie Converter 3.4 in res: 320*240

              6. u may convert it to *.AVI

              7. and finaly with VirtualDub to save *.JPG image sequense

              To split the files I use HJ-Spit

              Have fun!


              • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
                anyone know if the part were leon is in the sewer section running away from the huge water pressure is in the 40% build and what caused the water pressure ?
                What exists of the sewers in this build is a bit of a mystery. Some of the earliest footage shows the sewers, but the PlayStation Museum and the "new team" haven't shown anything so far. Complete Video 2 shows water flowing from the vent on the back wall, presumably before the corridor cutscene, then afterwards it has stopped flowing: Click image for larger version

Name:	water.png
Views:	1
Size:	240.0 KB
ID:	401960 Click image for larger version

Name:	no water.png
Views:	1
Size:	240.8 KB
ID:	401959

                There may be a water re-routing puzzle to get past an area being blocked, like in the original game. I'd guess the "Water Key" from the item list is used here, or perhaps the supposed giant crocodile bites through a pipe causing the flood. Whether the cutscene exists, hopefully. There's basic cutscene's of events before and after the sewer.


                • The good news about the puzzle items in the item list is that I'm sure some groundwork has already been laid for whatever they do/are associated with.


                  • with this method, do you get the masks as well?

                    Originally posted by Hunk91 View Post
                    In fact, I found this on bioflames' forum a long time ago. :

                    Here is the complete process to do it (posted by member sardeljka on bioflames' forum ) :

                    1. get this util: Sony Movie Converter 3.4

                    2. browse CD for ROOM*.BSS files
                    each *.BSS is a pack of location camera views

                    3. Select one *.BSS file and split it 64 k per file

                    4. rename each part to *.BS

                    5. now u can open it with Sony Movie Converter 3.4 in res: 320*240

                    6. u may convert it to *.AVI

                    7. and finaly with VirtualDub to save *.JPG image sequense

                    To split the files I use HJ-Spit

                    Have fun!


                    • What backgrounds from that factory portion are dated 21st December?

                      BioHazard YouTube Channel
                      BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                      • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
                        with this method, do you get the masks as well?
                        What do you mean by "the masks"?

                        I forgot to precise one thing, you must take the .BSS files from the Biohazard 2 Trial version (you can find it on


                        • Loving the new video, but my only real nit pick is with some of the examination dialogue used.
                          I don't know if it's a fan thing or if its because the creator used English as secondary language.
                          It's just that, some of the detail text seems a little .. cheesy? I much preferred the slightly formal sounding ones from official games.
                          Games such as Parasite Eve 2 included slightly more realistic ones, like what Aya was thinking, but it still was pretty formal.

                          PS. BTW did anyone spot Claire redfield's image in one of the BG's (new area with the locked restroom door)
                          it's on a MISSING poster on the left wall in the previous screen..

                          FOR EG.

                          The moment when she checks the shutter she says. "This shutter should keep those things out. For Now.."

                          Surely, this would sound better? "A shutter is blocking my path. The damage seems to have weakened it." or something like that?

                          Most of the office ones seem okay, but this line should be revised..

                          "most appear to be missing people or random assault cases"

                          maybe this? "most appear to be missing people and assault cases"

                          same with "This is probably a door to the restroom. The door is locked, there must be a key somewhere.." Turned into
                          "The door is locked. The plate reads 'Restroom' "

                          I mean, its obvious you need to find the key, so putting it in is useless - and Elza wouldn't know it was a restroom - having her read it on the door makes more sense.

                          I mean, not that it matters TOO much, as hell, we'd still be playing 1.5! yay ..
                          But it just would seem more ''official'' IDK.

                          Personally I'd love to help the modders out with this is they didn't mid me doing so..
                          "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                          • Parasite Eve II has the best "area examine" feature of any game ever. Aya's internal dialogue is entertaining and interesting, rarely bland.
                            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                            • The East Hallway backgrounds are recreations. Very good ones, but recreations nonetheless. The current best guess is either that hallway doesn't exist in the 40% build or had basic gray renders for backgrounds.

                              Some of the dialogue problems may be similar to what fan translations of other games have ran into - namely, having to hack/patch English over existing text. Unless "da team" has got a devtool for that. In that case, strike what I just said.

                              Strange English dialogue is a way of life with stuff that comes out of Japan. Even "official" stuff. Games, anime, manga, TV shows - you name it. You get used to it after a while. Granted, the more time that is spent on the translation, the better it is. There's release dates to meet, however, in the case of a commercial title, and you only get so much time to polish it up. Also, it helps if the ones that are doing the translating/adapting are native English speakers. It's a lot better than it used to be - but there are times, especially with certain fan efforts and many Chinese bootlegs, where ... well ... you know.
                              Last edited by RMandel; 11-11-2012, 04:03 PM.


                              • I can agree that some of the text is a bit cheesy. The part about the door saying "I can't escape" makes me shudder a little, considering there is no writing on the door at all and it just feels out of place. I'd also hope that they stay away from the z word. I mean, yeah, they are zombies, but if you say they are zombies, to me it just ruins the atmosphere. I mean, I've always assumed that in outbreak stories, zombies are not the pop culture phenomenon they are in real life and that the terminology would likely be a bit more vague and unassuming. Things, creatures, even monsters work better than zombies in my opinion.
                                Last edited by justinlrich1993; 11-11-2012, 04:00 PM.

