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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • @the darkness ..

    I feel your pain *facepalm*

    I realised what could happen AFTER I posted it .. send a second one reassuring the guy that as long as the project carried on - I wasn't bothered wither way.
    And I kept using positive words to keep him sweet I hope .. Surely someone wouldn't act so babyish over a little comment.
    If he does, then I think that's just pathetic. At least, say ' No Thanks' and be happy that he owns the game so many crave.. Urgh
    "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


    • Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
      Heather strikes me as the most realistic, which feels quite appropriate given the atmosphere of Silent Hill.

      But I feel you. Aya's inner monologues are some of the most superbly crafted in a survival horror game. Speaking of Parasite Eve II, how many of its team members came from BioHazard? I recall reading a few years ago that some of them went to work with SquareSoft.
      Kenichi Iwao
      Ryoji Shimogama
      Satoru Nishikawa
      Yasuyuki Matsunami

      I think those are the only ones. There are a lot of exaggerations floating around on the Internet that the entire 1.5/BH2 team joined Square and some such.
      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


      • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
        Kenichi Iwao
        Ryoji Shimogama
        Satoru Nishikawa
        Yasuyuki Matsunami

        I think those are the only ones. There are a lot of exaggerations floating around on the Internet that the entire 1.5/BH2 team joined Square and some such.
        That certainly explains the art and gameplay change of Parasite Eve II in contrast with its predecessor. Thanks for the information.

        BioHazard YouTube Channel
        BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


        • I liked Silent HILL 3's attempt at being different, but I guess that's only because she was the game's first female teen character so they OTT'd it a little.
          Parasite Eve 2 was nice, if a little long - really made you feel like you were there.

          But I feel in the world of R.E, this kinda thing doesn't really suit.
          Outbreak strayed a little bit in places which was nice, but overall still kept its descriptions formal and proper.
          For example, some of RE4's descriptions just didn't suit the atmosphere at all.. "Hygiene is lost on these villagers" .. the slang attitude detracts from the horror.
          I think keeping it to the point, simple yet descriptive is key.. for example

          "The bookcase is full of books on medicines. Nothing interesting."
          "The flames are blocking my path. There must be a way to extinguish them." (giving a clue, without stating needing the fire extinguisher as the item to use)
          "The door won't budge. It feels as if something is blocking it from the other side."
          "A generator that regulates power to the area. Too bad. A fuse is missing." (this one uses informal thought, but in a more refined way)

          I could do this hehe .. would love to anyway - you see how different it sounds.
          "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


          • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
            Messaged the guy via Youtube about ''possibly'' helping him with this very issue on ingame examine text.
            I as much as anybody else want this project to continue and not be cancelled .. I made that very clear to him - didn't want to sound criticising and upset the dude.
            As he is Spanish, the English speech is a little off - I mearly offered assistance if he needed any.
            Shall have to wait and see.
            Being such a Resi geek, especially of the classic games - I felt maybe it would do the guy some good to make it sound more ''official'' and less 'fan-boy ish"
            I didn't say that word for word but I hope he understands what we all feel.
            I don't know but I think it's better to let them do their thing in peace.


            • Originally posted by UmbrellaSpy View Post
              I don't know but I think it's better to let them do their thing in peace.
              Kinda wish I had now *gulp*
              "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


              • I wonder if when this is released if they will release their devtools as well? I mean, if that was the case, then we could probably do our own version of all the text if we so desired. That would take some of the pressure off of the team and it could potentially strengthen the community... or divide it.
                Last edited by justinlrich1993; 11-11-2012, 05:21 PM.


                • Originally posted by justinlrich1993 View Post
                  I wonder if when this is released if they will release their devtools as well? I mean, if that was the case, then we could probably do our own version of all the text if we so desired. That would take some of the pressure off of the team and it could potentially strengthen the community... or divide it.
                  Well TBH, it would be awesome to get all the devtools - as in custom backgrounds, camera's etc - but with the layers intact so characters walk behind things on screen instead of all ontop of the BG image.
                  I doubt that very much, normally massive discoveries like this are kept selfishly to themselves..
                  "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                  • why is people always assumption i am everything? do i look like write in game dialogs? do i look like hacker of extraordinaire? have i graphics of 90s game making all over?

                    is like i suddenly am sing "you all everybody"?

                    we like support, but when is help of needed hands from others, i think best we reach out and say "hey, this is problem only talent like you fix! hlep us, now! Bien Kanobi, you is the only hope!" - unless big mistake is invisible to eye of us and we not see. then ok to open word and say "here is problems. you missed this!" and press checker of spells and make sure is good. no jaja, no commas in place of wrongs, mysterious punctuations and legendary typos of the funny man.


                    • B.Zork, by showing off the progress the team has made on this amazing project, you've done a lot for this very bitter community. I don't know if anyone has ever taken the time to really thank you for that, but I sure will. Thank you. You've done so much by simply providing information, and the fact that you've been able to take so much from this community of assholes shows your strength. Keep doing what you're doing and let this community piss and moan about every detail. We're all just biding our time until the next glimpse of information. Thank you very much.


                      • I don't think they will accept your generous offer, if they want to keep their project secure, they need to keep the team as small as possible to prevent any possible leaks about the project progress or from compromising BH1.5 owner's identity to the public by some duchebag !


                        • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                          why is people always assumption i am everything? do i look like write in game dialogs? do i look like hacker of extraordinaire? have i graphics of 90s game making all over?

                          is like i suddenly am sing "you all everybody"?

                          we like support, but when is help of needed hands from others, i think best we reach out and say "hey, this is problem only talent like you fix! hlep us, now! Bien Kanobi, you is the only hope!" - unless big mistake is invisible to eye of us and we not see. then ok to open word and say "here is problems. you missed this!" and press checker of spells and make sure is good. no jaja, no commas in place of wrongs, mysterious punctuations and legendary typos of the funny man.
                          Totally agree with what your saying.
                          I am sorry if anything I, or anyone else, said upset you.
                          Nobody really knows about your team, so we can only assume.

                          @originalzombie - never thought of it like that .. your right. Hmmm...

                          And I find if comical how justlrich1993 has changed his tune , so to speak. No offence dude
                          I for one DID thank the team - without them we wouldn't have any of this great work would we?
                          Last edited by RaccoonSurvivor; 11-11-2012, 05:43 PM.
                          "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                          • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                            why is people always assumption i am everything? do i look like write in game dialogs? do i look like hacker of extraordinaire? have i graphics of 90s game making all over?

                            is like i suddenly am sing "you all everybody"?

                            we like support, but when is help of needed hands from others, i think best we reach out and say "hey, this is problem only talent like you fix! hlep us, now! Bien Kanobi, you is the only hope!" - unless big mistake is invisible to eye of us and we not see. then ok to open word and say "here is problems. you missed this!" and press checker of spells and make sure is good. no jaja, no commas in place of wrongs, mysterious punctuations and legendary typos of the funny man.
                            Claro que tu no eres el que hace todo solo, por eso me referia a ustedes como un grupo. Cuando alguien dijo que se queria comunicar contigo o ustedes para ayudar con el texto de el juego, yo le dije que creia que era mejor si los dejaban a ustedes hacer sus cosas en paz...porque sin tener presion de nadie creo que es mucho mejor para ti y tu equipo. Es solo mi forma de pensar....

                            Of course you're not the one that makes everything alone. that's why I referred to you as a group. When someone said that he wanted to communicate with you or you guys to help with the game's text, I said that I think it's best if we let you guys do your thing in peace...because I think it's better for you and your team not being pressured by anyone. I don't know, thats just me....
                            Last edited by UmbrellaSpy; 11-11-2012, 07:21 PM.


                            • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
                              And I find if comical how justlrich1993 has changed his tune , so to speak. No offence dude
                              I for one DID thank the team - without them we wouldn't have any of this great work would we?
                              None taken! I did change my tune. I mean, I can bitch and moan all day, but in the end, one really shouldn't criticize what they don't understand, and I know nothing about the team or programming of any kind. I just hope I didn't upset anyone because that was never my intention.
                              I do have a tendency to run my mouth without thinking of the consequences... :/
                              Last edited by justinlrich1993; 11-11-2012, 05:49 PM.


                              • I think the lack of information about the team as a whole is to blame for this..
                                I mean, there very well might be an English person helping the team - but we don't know that for sure..
                                And some of the in-game text is really well done.. especially reading the police files on the walls and the MISSING Claire reference hiding in one of the background images hehe *giggles*
                                "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"

