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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
    I think fan dubbing 1.5 voiceovers would actually be good, I don't think FMVs should be done though.
    I'd imagine that upon the game's release we'll see a bunch of fan dubs sprout up.


    Random, but...

    Carnivol, I'm sure that I've seen the anime with your avatar, but I can't remember which one...


    • Originally posted by RMandel View Post
      You know, it is possible for people to contribute and have nothing to do with B.Zork and "da team" - and maybe that's for the best, if you know what I mean. This is the closest we've gotten to RE15 in years, so let's not blow it on our end by acting like a bunch of six-year-olds with our hands out constantly whining for some cookies. No offense meant, none taken I hope. There's things we can do on our own while we wait for them to get done. Like I'm doing with "A Story of RE15." Sure, I've had to go off in a different direction, since I don't have the actual game at my disposal, but at least it's something. Same goes for the PMOD work by Marvin and SeiyakOu (and felixnew, to a lesser extent), Black Crow and Enig's attempts to reconstruct the game maps, c2keo and DXP's recreated backgrounds, Alzaire's archiving of info over these past few years (talk about a contributor!), all the people who have scanned magazine articles or collected images, original artwork and those funny cartoons and flash anims - even the kind folks who host this blog, and so on. If you really want, those of you who wish to join in can find something to contribute to the RE15 effort. We still need English dubbed dialogue. We still need replacement (or placeholder) cutscenes. The blogger who's doing the faux RE15 box art - I forget his name - there's another good example of a positive contribution. There's so many ways to chose from ....
      Even we need a Guide of the game, if the game gets released soon or in December, even a Guide of the Untouched game if they released too, but that comes with the game release (1-2 weeks after the game release and time to do the entire game guide)... for that job is necessary a group of people to play the 1.5 and write they completition of the game... this is possible if the game gets released... the CD-Covers, The Game Box Art (The one in this forum, the reconstructed by this memeber of here... i don't remember him, and the Original One, that is very difficult to reconstruct), the Monsters and ways to kill them, tricks to complete the game more fast, and unlockables but this are final points to get a guide and the game, etc... sorry for bad english...


      • A few of those things could have already been planned to be done by the team (custom CD covers, manuals, etc.), but as for the rest, they are gonna have to wait until after the game is released. Making FMVs and recording voice-work would entail letting more than a few people in on the whole thing. It could compromise their anonymity and the project. Assuming public fan-projects for the FMVs and voice work do get off the ground and are managed to be finished, the hacking team can simply just anonymously release an updated version/v.2.0 with those things incorporated (if they are up to standards, like the custom renders they're working on). I mean, it's not like these people will suddenly fall off the face of the earth, never to release updates to the game. They will probably implement things people make post-release, provided the stuff people come up with are actually good and fit in with the rest of the game's content.
        Last edited by biohazard_star; 11-12-2012, 12:48 AM.
        Seibu teh geimu?


        • Sorry for being random again, but does anyone have images of the Firing Range from the PSM build specifically showing the stalls?


          • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
            Sorry for being random again, but does anyone have images of the Firing Range from the PSM build specifically showing the stalls?
            No stall footage available AFAIK. Maybe wait until december? ;)
            Last edited by Darkness; 11-12-2012, 12:52 AM.


            • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
              No stall footage available AFAIK. Maybe wait until december? ;)
              Hm, well it seems to be commonly held that the PSM build was the first to implement 4 stalls instead of 8 (as the Famitsu build had). I was just wondering where the solid evidence was. Calling all experts and preservationists, could you help me out?


              • I'm pretty sure this footage of the firing range (and the trailer, in general) is recorded from the same era Curator's copy is from, maybe even from the exact same build:

                The character models and animation are the same as in Era 4, Leon model is being used as a placeholder for Chief Irons, civilian zombies in the lobby and the west hallway, 4 stalls in the firing range, etc.
                Last edited by biohazard_star; 11-12-2012, 01:07 AM.
                Seibu teh geimu?


                • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                  I'm pretty sure this footage of the firing range (and the trailer, in general) is recorded from the same era Curator's copy is from, maybe even from the exact same build:

                  The character models and animation are the same as in Era 4, Leon model is being used as a placeholder for Chief Irons, civilian zombies in the lobby and the west hallway, 4 stalls in the firing range, etc.
                  Ah yes I see now. Leon even has his telltale ERA4 pistol animation. So I guess this puts the PSM build at November 1996? To think that this disc was minted on my 7th birthday... mind = not blown but intrigued.


                  • some of us think & talk too much. not pointing finger. check mirror.
                    ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                    • Originally posted by Marvin View Post
                      some of us think & talk too much. not pointing finger. check mirror.
                      Or don't think and talk. And the year is pratically over.


                      • Remember when someone noticed that the ceiling fan was missing from the Lobby in the Halloween video? Well, if the Complete Disc and Hyper Playstation Remix videos are any indication, then the ceiling fan was officially removed after the PSM build. Its removal by the team was probably one of the many steps taken to bring the 40% build closer to the 80% build. Recall that the ceiling fan was also in the Alpha build (stationary & pre-rendered) and the Famitsu build (active & 3D).


                        • Somewhere around October-November '96 is the estimate. There are a few 1.5 rooms on the Trial Disk dated around this time frame, so you can get a partial idea of what other rooms from the factory and lab area are available in the 40% build. Although, the dates of some of the rooms we seen in the PSM footage won't match up since they have been updated by the devs in later builds.
                          Seibu teh geimu?


                          • So much to look forward to ... must ... wait ... must ... must ... nrragghaaahh ... hmmm ... cat ... yummy ... here kitty ... no dont go ... no .... ahhgggmmmrrrrrr ... must ... wait ...


                            • Originally posted by RMandel View Post
                              So much to look forward to ... must ... wait ... must ... must ... nrragghaaahh ... hmmm ... cat ... yummy ... here kitty ... no dont go ... no .... ahhgggmmmrrrrrr ... must ... wait ...
                              LOL! best post in this thread (except posts showing The Team work)
                              EDIT: Signature worthy...
                              Last edited by Marvin; 11-12-2012, 07:24 AM.
                              ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                              • Like most people have stated, I doubt very much that the team is just gonna drop the game after a few thoughtless words..
                                I think we are all just gonna have to hold in our excitement..
                                Considering some of those backgrounds are reproductions, they are amazing - the only clue was obviously the Claire poster. Good work.
                                Look forward to seeing more.
                                "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"

