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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I don't think it was staged, but it certainly wasn't done correctly. And if his version is indeed the early "alpha" with a chris-like Leon model, things are getting interesting.

    I'm more interested in that version (even though its content might be very light) than I am in the 80% version.


    • Until there's actual proof by way of fresh material or a video of this guy playing 1.5 I think it's fair to assume that the entire thing was staged.

      What economically rational person would sell something like 1.5 to the first bidder? One would be more rational to create a bidding war if all he cares about is money and not taunting the 'community'.


      • What the hell happened here.....


        • Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
          But someone was kind enough to release Bio Force Ape beta while back, so why don't they just end the drama as this guy did and release the goddamn game to the public ?
          Think you might want to do a timeline check.

          BioFiorceApe was bought around the change between 2009/2010, streamed by Frank&co (owner of LostLevels) on 1up at the end of April 2010 and released to the public on the 1st of April 2011.

          So, yeah, it took almost one and a half year between it was known that LostLevels got it and it got released to the public for free.


          • "While back" is a mere wrong choice of word, but yeah i remember when it got released to the public and it was great day for beta lover such as myself to give it a try after nearly 20 years of its cancellation !
            But i have one question about this game, i just want to know who wrecked the original cartridge to this devastating state and for what purpose ?

            Last edited by Guest; 11-26-2012, 11:42 AM.


            • That's not the original cart. That's the mock from the infamous butter monster fake incident on Digitpress.

              DUR BUTTER


              • Wait wait. WTF is going on here. 1.5 alpha and final build exists outside Capcom? What have i missed? someone just bought the alpha and 80 procent build?
                Last edited by GamerTak3r; 11-26-2012, 12:07 PM.


                • Originally posted by GamerTak3r View Post
                  Wait wait. WTF is going on here. 1.5 alpha and final build exists outside Capcom? What have i missed? someone just bought the alpha and 80 procent build?
                  A sale MIGHT have took place of 1.5.
                  It happened so fast it looks pretty damn fake, but the 80% thing comes from GMANWillis saying he has it. Which you should take with a grain of nothingness.
                  After sleeping this off It's just GMANWillis trying to stir the pot I think. Waiting for more news from the Zorkman.


                  • It's a conspiracy! Why is Aleff using that phrase when people associate it with me?

                    Anyway, everyone should calm down. Unless we actually see screenshots and videos, you really can't tell if someone is telling the truth. I tend not to believe anything unless I see proof.
                    Last edited by Black~Crow; 11-26-2012, 01:06 PM.
                    I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


                    • It's basically BS until there is serious proof and not a screen shot of something that can easily be doctored.

                      It could well be a ploy to get 'The Team' to reveal something earlier than they have planned (OK perhaps this would be too much of a conspiracy). The more likely scenario is that it's some attention seeking cretin that doesn't deserve the time of day.


                      • Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
                        Anyway, everyone should calm down. Unless we actually see screenshots and videos, you really can't tell if someone is telling the truth. I tend not to believe anything unless I see proof.
                        For once, I can totally agree with you.

                        Everyone, untie your neck ropes, let go of your hardons and so forth, this isn't another "incident" - just another set of attention whores creating drama.

                        Don't feed the trolls and so forth.


                        • imho one or two builds of re 1.5 will be released in the next months

                          there is definitely something fishy going on, even if that transaction was almost certainly staged


                          • This is a serious question for anyone who collects betas:

                            How do you ensure that your data is preserved when it has been given or sold to you on a CD-R? I assume that one would just rip the ISO onto their HDD, but if the CD-R changes hands over the years, how can you ensure that it stays fresh?


                            EDIT: oh, and since our jimmies have been rustled yet again over an ASSEMbler debacle, I just want to point out that the old adage still applies here:

                            "pics or it didn't happen"
                            Last edited by Enigmatism415; 11-26-2012, 03:39 PM.


                            • *shrugs* I guess all I can do is keep myself in good health so I can play it 20 years from now.

