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  • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
    This is a serious question for anyone who collects betas:

    How do you ensure that your data is preserved when it has been given or sold to you on a CD-R? I assume that one would just rip the ISO onto their HDD, but if the CD-R changes hands over the years, how can you ensure that it stays fresh?
    In collector circles, there are a good few common practices when trading stuff like this.

    It is common practice and courtesy to not keep backups of material you sell.
    -You've sold the disc. You've sold the content.
    -If you have a backup, you delete it. No "secret" copies.
    -You NEVER keep a backup of something you've sold, but if the original medium is showing signs of bitrot or other forms for damage or injury, it's common practice to give the new owner a secondary copy mastered from your own backup before you delete it.
    -Multiple copies should only exist if there actually are multiple "original" CD-Rs/DVD-Rs from different sources (Like Disc #1 being recovered from Magazine A and Disc #2 being recovered from Magazine B). No burning multiple copies yourself and selling them.
    -Some releases have of course involved people helping recover the expenses of acquiring something as a means for getting the owner to share something he has (or compensate them for taking the risk of sharing something).

    It is also common practice to not sell digital copies of something also.
    -This is straight out piracy and thievery.
    -When you sell the "original", regardless of storage medium, you're selling a collectible. A piece of history.
    -In collector's circles, the original medium is just as important as (if not even more important than) the content on it.
    -This also technically affects the value of the physical object itself (for most collectors, anyway) and any lacking openness of such incidents also hurts trust between people and imagine having shelled out $4000 for the mantel piece of your collection, just to notice that the previous owner also cashed in on selling digital copies to a bunch of people for a dime a dozen.

    If you sit on a digital backup of something you do not own the original medium for, there are things you do and things you don't. Mostly things you don't.
    -You don't go spreading that shit around. You don't own it and you don't know who and how you're harming people if you do so.
    -Copying the data is still a crime and infrigmentation of copyright law. Leaks are also such infrigments.
    -People with legit media (or who've ever been in posession of it) are the ones put in the spotlight and "harm's way" the moment a leak occurs. Regardless of who tries to claim the fame or blame.
    -A physical medium is less problematic, as the circumstances of how private individuals came to acquire these are more tricky and in most cases, despite the discs technically being copyrighted material and even elligable for claims of containing trade secrets and what-so-ever, these types of objects are often subjected to various local "finder's keepers"-laws - so the owner is more or less allowed to do whatever he wants with this - as long as he doesn't start breaking copyright law.

    Trust is a very important aspect in this "field." Lots of hardcore collectors sit on things they don't talk about, for many and obvious reasons. Anyone who's all "PRESERVE!!!" should probably go online and try looking for some older releases of unreleased stuff ... you'd be surprised at how hard it can actually be to find downloads for some of these supposedly "preserved" titles. Serious collector's are usually very much capable of and better than the general public when it comes to taking their own meassures to ensure safe storage and backup of data on prototype material in their posession.
    Last edited by Carnivol; 11-26-2012, 04:03 PM. Reason: BOSS


    • Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
      It's a conspiracy! Why is Aleff using that phrase when people associate it with me?
      It's supposed to be a joke. But since I don't remember the meaning of it anymore, I guess it is a pretty lame one.
      Hail the heros of the revolution!


      • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
        Serious collector's are usually very much capable of and better than the general public when it comes to taking their own meassures to ensure safe storage and backup of data on prototype material in their posession.
        This is where my curiosity lies. Would it not be to the benefit of the owner that his data does not rot? After all, who in the right mind would purchase a disc with corrupt data? Sure, the physical disc itself has value, as you say, but the actual sequence of 1s and 0s comprise the developers' hard work and the company's money spent. The greatest tragedy would be seeing a beta lost forever due to a collector's negligence in properly preserving the data. The final build of BH1.5 comes to mind. Sometimes I wonder if even Capcom has taken the proper measures to preserve the data; I'd imagine they would for copyright purposes.
        Last edited by Enigmatism415; 11-26-2012, 04:21 PM.


        • After reading "Decapicitated"'s post on the Assembler, that whole affair seems to have been a scam. The guy is a well known dumbtard. Lots of noise for nothing.


          • as far as gmans claims...

            first he said the team was trying to make the 40% build as close as possible to the 80% build....

            this was true.

            now either the team has the 80% build, or gman is using that one piece of credentials to troll tall and proud.

            either way that thread was a joke. no one would ever sell when someone offers more without seeing what others were willing to pay, especially on the internet, and at a site like that. fucking silly.


            • I still can't believe these guys aren't banned from the assembler. There was a shitstorm one month ago, nothing was moderated. Now it starts again, nothing happens. Are they waiting for real scams to happen with people actually losing real money before doing anything?


              • is odd. assembler was many much better in before. moderators no tollerate stupid stuff like that.

                hi, you is lie and fraudulant? bye bye! not even coal for you this holiday!


                • ^Dot50Cal used to be pretty active back when he was a mod there (Sure helped THIA quite a lot too, having all key staff be mods/admins in various other communities)


                  • I doubt the team has any access to the 80% build, I mean Gman said it himself, but then again who knows.. For all we know, they may have access to it and are modifying both versions somewhat. I still think they only have the 40% build..
                    My Head-Fi Page


                    • This whole "early alpha" and "80%" version is pure bullshit coming from Gman and friends. There's nothing new, it's just another shitstorm.


                      • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                        (...)it's just another shitstorm.
                        RE "communnity" in a nutshell. Anyway, I'm sure that there are some members from THIA and other communnities doing all the hard work behind the scenes. Thanks for the early alpha and review build of Biohazard and the Gameboy Color RE beta. Lot's of fun trying to beat the game while messing around with the game's status flags. Specially the Gameboy Beta. I'm grateful that I got all those betas by doing almost nothing. If the 1.5 does make it to the public fileshares, I'll be very happy. Meanwhile I guess I'll just wait and read this thread from time to time.

                        And those "shitstorms" happen all the time and debating about the legit-ness of them is a little bit pointless.
                        Hail the heros of the revolution!


                        • Can't help it that people fuck with our minds when it comes to 1.5
                          We need the cycle to be broken. Come on Christmas..


                          • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                            Can't help it that people fuck with our minds when it comes to 1.5
                            We need the cycle to be broken. Come on Christmas..
                            At least he didn't scam off your girlfriend's dignity

                            Haha just joking, and I'm sure you were also joking.
                            Hail the heros of the revolution!


                            • About the loaning her part, not the amazing bj part ;)


                              • Who cares about this scammer. Our ray of hope right now is The Team. We will get more news of 1.5 from them on christmas and thats what I am looking forward to pertaining to this situation
                                PSN Gamercards

