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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • But who is going to upload the video on Christmas?

    P.S I was kidding about the conspiracy thing Aleff I don't care if you use that image, I thought it was funny
    I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


    • I don't understand what the purpose of causing all this drama was. And GMan is at it again. What's the most telling is that the game betas that are "out in the wild" are conveniently the three builds we most talk about, when the developers themselves probably created dozens of builds. BUT it just so HAPPENS the only ones in collector hands are the alpha, the 40% and 80%. HOW CONVENIENT.

      Oh, by the way guys, I was also one of the lucky few who took advantage of curator when he was all emotional, and was able to obtain an even rarer pre-pre-alpha build that has Jill's model reskinned to look like Leon. It's UBER rare.


      • You know, and pardon for the double post, but I wanted to emphasize this; people are giving these ass hats the benefit of the doubt because one is innocent until proven guilty. I agree with that.


        And that's a big mammoth fucking H-O-W-E-V-E-R, what does the prosecution and defence proceed to do in a trial? They present evidence. GMan and these other cretins have not provided one ounce of evidence that what they are saying is true. It's all hearsay, which in an actual trial, is worth didly-fucking-squat. The prosecution, on the hand has a truck load of character evidence that throws all their dramatic mind games into question. So then what would the judge do in this situation? We have their hearsay with Z-E-R-O evidence to back it up, and a mountain of character evidence that makes them look like giant douchebag clowns. Really, it should be obvious where I am going here. They can cite innocence all they want, or that they want to protect their privacy, or whatever, but in the eyes of the public, they don't have any evidence to back up any of their claims, and are just coming off as attention seeking drama-whores with absolutely no shred of decency of credibility. That anyone is paying them any attention or heed, well, that's exactly what they want.

        Oh I see more bullshit was shovelled onto the pile;

        You guys gotta love THIA. Have you all looked into the massive ass creek of dogshit they're all standing in?

        They have to be the worst community ever.

        Innocent Nerd: "Hey I got THIS ITEM!"

        THIA: "FAKE!"


        What a bunch of trash talking haxs.

        R.I.P. THIA
        HEY LOOK MA I GOTS 1.5 AND NO EVIDUNCE. Give me a fucking break.

        You know, this isn't even about RE 1.5 any more. The anonymity of the internet has created a cesspool of these moral-less fucktards. You know what, at the end of the day, when we're all ten feet into the ground, none of this will mean jack shit. I know most people fear death, but in a sick way I take consolation in the fact that I will one day be dead and not have to deal with these self-entitled pricks. What comfort then, will a CD-R be in your cold rotting hands? That's besides the fact. The fact is that certain individuals carry on this charade, having known that, even when they do not possess the disc. I just can't. It makes absolutely no sense. Like seriously what is wrong with your brain when this kind of senseless gloating brings you some sort addicted happiness, as if you are an emotionally stunted 8 year old that can't get enough attention? The internet, man, some days, I can barely take it. And then to have the gull to call out this community? When we've been saying jack shit, maybe a mild simmer at most, regarding this latest fabricated bullshit. Just. don't. get. it. Fuck.
        Last edited by doriantoki; 11-26-2012, 09:21 PM.


        • "Greatest TR beta's" & "Mr Sippy" have the same IP. Move along, nothing to see here.


          • I feel sorry for you.

            IF ONLY you knew the reason NONE OF THIS is being released yet. IT WILL benefit the community in the long run.

            Come join the light side where there is moderation and peace. Not trash talking, and negative atmospheres. Not to mention, THIA smells like old fat black guy farts.
            Jesus, what an idiot. Really, we're all gonna sit here like hungry dogs waiting for our masters to feed us? No person in their right mind should put up with this guy's behavior, it's just sickening. Where the hell does this entitlement come from? And before any one barks back at me, "what makes you think YOU'RE entitled to play it?", I never once said that. I am just trying to shit all over his, and others,' magical make-believe land where they possess RE 1.5 betas. This kind of attention seeking does just as much harm, if not more, to the community as all the little squabbles that occur from time to time. If anything, they CAUSE the huge roving arguments. And he just expects the community to sit down and shut up and take it. Go fuck yourself. First off, the betas are the property of the original developer. YOU DO NOT OWN THOSE (IMAGINARY) GAMES, no matter how badly you think that is the case. Second, you are not the second coming of Christ, Jesus get over yourself.

            Seriously, anyone buying into this complete shit-screen, "oh, no, leave him alone! you'll ruin our chances to get the games!", WAKE UP. He has provided us with NO EVIDENCE.

            I will end this with, ALL HAIL THE TEAM™. That is where the truth lies. This is just a distraction.
            Last edited by doriantoki; 11-26-2012, 09:38 PM.


            •'re right. Doesn't mean it'll change anything though ;)


              • The team is releasing 1.5 no matter what. Let the elite few who have the game bitch and moan that it's getting leaked out. This is the way to preserve the game. Having it on disc and not using it cause bit rot.

                One things for sure though. Once released I'll make sure to make a few copies for myself. One being a master copy, another being the ISO on both CD and SD formats. solid state data will not degrade overtime, so it will site on a 2GB SD card for future storage, and possibly use. I keep any beta I have on several mediums. All my BIO1 beta's are on a 2GB SD card and on CD. What CD's you ask? Well how about Mobile Fidelity Gold discs..
                My Head-Fi Page


                • Can't wait for christmas day...


                  • For new infos, yes, but releases, no....

                    I'm sure it won't be much longer though. If anything the team should release the unmodded version first, to wet ones appetite, then later release the modded version (once they are done).
                    My Head-Fi Page


                    • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                      GManWillis sounds like a colossal, attention-seeking fuckhead. I wouldn't take anything he says at face value.
                      Yeah hes a total idiot.


                      • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                        For new infos, yes, but releases, no....

                        I'm sure it won't be much longer though.

                        Last edited by Darkness; 11-27-2012, 12:55 AM.


                        • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                          HEY LOOK MA I GOTS 1.5 AND NO EVIDUNCE. Give me a fucking break.
                          This. If you're gonna be claiming that you're in possession of 1.5, you should provide evidence to back it up (as has always been the case with every other legit and verifiable claim out there). Otherwise, you ain't exactly in a position to be complaining when people here on THIA, or in any community for that matter, are calling you out on being such a big fucking liar. If you ain't gonna be posting any images or videos, then you're better off keeping your mouth shut instead of making such a big claim. In this day and age where even your grandma's computer can run a PSX emulator and every cellphone has a camera, I find it hard to believe that these "claimers" can't even post one god damn screenshot of the game they're claiming to own. There's also the possibility that you aren't allowed to post any, but then if you aren't allowed to post about it then why are you even bragging about it in the first place?
                          Last edited by biohazard_star; 11-27-2012, 01:22 AM.
                          Seibu teh geimu?


                          • who says your not allowed though ? I mean if it were capcom would we not of heard it from them ? I mean it's not like capcom are square-enix with chrono trigger , I remember when MUGEN was kicking off and people were wondering if they were allowed to import capcom characters and I remember capcom saying they don't care if you use the sprites for mugen.

                            so if I had the 1.5 game and some dude is telling me I cant give it away or he will come after me and punish me I would have to tell him to piss off ,I hate the fact some of these people think they are in some magic circle were these " special rules" apply.
                            Unless there is official contract involved you can do what ever the hell you want with the item.


                            • It's like legalizing marijuana... the dealers are against it because it would make their illegal stockpiles worth only the plants they were picked from.


                              • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                                The anonymity of the internet has created a cesspool of these moral-less fucktards.
                                That's what's funny with Gman, we know his identity. Still, he acts like an incoherent fuckbag and keeps contradicting himself. Most of his posts are incoherent with what he says in other posts. This guy just has some mental issues, and admins at the assembler seem to think it's a good idea to keep him around. Amen to that. This guy should just get banned to oblivion until he fixes his obvious mental issues. Best thing is to ignore him, and stop quoting this racist fuck here.

                                edit: BTW, how can one be so obviously racist in his insults and not even get a temp ban over there? That's something that puzzles me.
                                Last edited by Rick Hunter; 11-27-2012, 05:12 AM.

