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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
    Wait, who the hell is Hop Hip Toe then? Colvin? I'm confused, nothing on ASSEMbler makes any sense anymore...


    Oh, and does anyone have a source on this? It looks like it might be c2keo's work, but I'm not sure.

    It used to be someone's avatar or signature, I believe it was Alzaire but I could be wrong on that.


    • Originally posted by geluda View Post
      It used to be someone's avatar or signature, I believe it was Alzaire but I could be wrong on that.
      You're right.


      • It's one of c2keo's renders, iirc. He was working with Alzaire in recreating parts of the 1.5 RPD.
        Seibu teh geimu?


        • Originally posted by geluda View Post
          It used to be someone's avatar or signature, I believe it was Alzaire but I could be wrong on that.
          haha yes, if you examine the link, it's used in Alzaire's Bioflames signature. What I meant to ask was, who designed the background? It's not in my c2keo folder, but it looks like his work...

          EDIT: Thanks biohazard_star! Does anyone have the full collection?
          Last edited by Enigmatism415; 11-30-2012, 12:05 AM.


          • Originally posted by TheSelfishGene View Post
            1) In the most common piece of art that I think peopel are refering to (sorry I don't have it handy) it's not written in Kanji.
            2) From memory it's actually linta リンタ not linda リンダ

            Last edited by Keiichi_Master; 11-30-2012, 11:41 AM.


            • MarkGrass, haven't seen you post in ages. Everything been good? You don't know me but I've followed your work with making the PC programs for the BIO games.
              Hi! Thanks for the support, it's always appreciated!

              All is well - I was banned and bitter, for a long time (about 2 years)... putting it into perspective, I had brought the ban upon myself and grudges aren't worth the time wasted.

              If you're really interested in Bio apps, Leo has made some great modeling tools, and The Mortician has some promising work planned ahead... be sure to check 'em out! (at the re123 modding forum)

              Wait, who the hell is Hop Hip Toe then? Colvin?
              I can't speak for Joel (Colvin) personally, but I'm certain he wouldn't have any reason to troll the community.

              Does anyone have the full collection?
              c2keo didn't release everything he had developed for the Dark BioHazard modification... perhaps, Alzaire would be kind enough to share more information/material?
              I'm a blackstar.


              • Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
                I can't speak for Joel (Colvin) personally, but I'm certain he wouldn't have any reason to troll the community.
                Yeah, it was kind of a tongue-in-cheek reference

                Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
                c2keo didn't release everything he had developed for the Dark BioHazard modification... perhaps, Alzaire would be kind enough to share more information/material?
                I hope his work is released, it was truly top-notch and I am one of his biggest fans. I wish he'd return...


                btw, good to see you back!


                • Dark biohazard is in development hell for along time now, are they planning to release it one day or they decided to abandon the project for good ?


                  • Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
                    Dark biohazard is in development hell for along time now, are they planning to release it one day or they decided to abandon the project for good ?
                    I think its dead Surely we would of heard something by now , people said he got pissed off because other people were learning how to hack re2 themselves because at the time only he knew how to do certain hacking tricks with re2. Thats what I heard but dont take my word , there could be many reasons why he stopped , work , personal life , lost interest , ect.
                    shame really he put alot of effort into the project or maybe he has made it but only for friends lol. 1.5 all over again lol


                    • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
                      work , personal life
                      Bloodborne: my Facebook page and my Youtube page


                      • It's still too bad Dark Biohazard is no more... Maybe one day Dominian will finish his work.

                        Also, I never realized how the layout of the lab in 1.5 is nearly the same as retail. Take a look at this video and start at 2:40. It's maybe 100% the same dimensions in this video, just reskinned in BIO2.

                        Last edited by Zombie_X; 11-30-2012, 09:17 PM.
                        My Head-Fi Page


                        • I'm surprised you haven't realized that when we've already had the labs and factory mapped out for like half a decade now.
                          Last edited by biohazard_star; 11-30-2012, 09:58 PM.
                          Seibu teh geimu?


                          • Yeah, well I'm not dedicated to 1.5 like some people are. But once released, I will bow to it and offer up sacrifices.
                            My Head-Fi Page


                            • I will create a church of "The Team"


                              • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                                I will create a church of "The Team"
                                Zombies...zombies everywhere...

