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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
    I did click on it but it barely doubled in size. So I downloaded it and loaded it in Photoshop, then boom, just the resolution I require. It's odd though...

    Oh and I am placing an order to get my PS2 slim modded by Jinn of Assembler.

    I also enhanced the PSMuseum 1.5 footage to be richer and no as washed out

    5:04 = this is supposed what the word BETA means ahah, zombie arms in the cell totally fail.


    • I have a feeling the team will remove the arms and will just have zombies spawn inside the cells. I think that is the easiest fix and also they should modify zombies skins to be that of prisoners. It would also be cool if they could tweak the engine to run faster, maybe touch up animations.

      I am currently uploading a bunch of 1.5 footage to my YouTube account. They are mainly there as a back-up if the other links go dead.
      Last edited by Zombie_X; 12-16-2012, 12:08 AM.
      My Head-Fi Page


      • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
        I have a feeling the team will remove the arms and will just have zombies spawn inside the cells. I think that is the easiest fix and also they should modify zombies skins to be that of prisoners. It would also be cool if they could tweak the engine to run faster, maybe touch up animations.
        noooooooo i can stand looking at that crazy scene all day long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


        • New D-2 Shelter Bunkers by DXP:

          It's so nice to see all the tofu gone!


          Also a fire version of the A-2 Elevator Hall:


          Lastly, a (purportedly incomplete) fix of his B1 Corridor:


          • Not to be rude to Mr.DXP, but those render don't look as good. Now I can't do anything like that, I suck at it, but they aren't as good as some of his other renders. The lighting is kinda weird and so is the choice of colors. Like I said, they are far better than what I can do, but I feel they aren't as good as his other renders. The Distant Memories background look awesome however.

            I'm not hating on DXP, but the feel of these if off to me. I can't place it at all.
            Last edited by Zombie_X; 12-16-2012, 11:09 AM.
            My Head-Fi Page


            • think he put alot more work into the DM ones.


              • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                I have a feeling the team will remove the arms and will just have zombies spawn inside the cells. I think that is the easiest fix and also they should modify zombies skins to be that of prisoners. It would also be cool if they could tweak the engine to run faster, maybe touch up animations.

                I am currently uploading a bunch of 1.5 footage to my YouTube account. They are mainly there as a back-up if the other links go dead.
                Perhaps they can implement zombie arms that come through shutters from RE2 or RE3.


                • I wonder if there is a realtime reloading and weapon swapping system without going to the menu just like countdown vampires gameplay mechanics ?
                  R1+L2 Reloading, R1+O weapon swap.
                  Last edited by Guest; 12-16-2012, 04:15 AM.


                  • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                    Not to be rude to Mr.DXP, but those render look like poo. Now I can't do anything like that, I suck at it, but they aren't all that great. The lighting is kinda weird and so is the choice of colors. Like I said, they are far better than what I can do, but I feel they aren't very good. The Distant Memories background look awesome however.
                    Harsh, especially when a fan of the series puts in his own effort in his own time, to say it looks like 'poo' is pretty pathetic. More reasoned and constructive criticism would be in better order, no?


                    • Cant wait for the new update today as well


                      • I'm probably being too optimistic, but I wonder if they could add in a Nightmare/Very Hard mode as a replay bonus. They seem to be capable of modifying tons of values and parameters.
                        Last edited by biohazard_star; 12-16-2012, 08:53 AM.
                        Seibu teh geimu?


                        • Yeah I would love them to add an extra hard mode (if it's possible) more zombies in the rooms that take more bullets to kill .


                          • After playing RE2 PC on Nightmare mode, I honestly can't enjoy playing the game on the vanilla Normal difficulty setting. All the enemies just seem too... easy to kill. Nightmare mode is the way to play RE2 if you want to experience true "survival horror", as zombies can take up to 20+ bullets to kill and the lickers can kill you in about 3 leg slashes. It's a shame it wasn't made available on the PS1 version of the game and the subsequent games that followed (RE3 and CVX).
                            Last edited by biohazard_star; 12-16-2012, 10:32 AM.
                            Seibu teh geimu?


                            • I own RE2 PC but have never played it. I do own BIO2 and RE2 for the Dreamcast ad Nightmare more in indeed in there. It's hard as hell and can be aggravating.

                              In MBZorks Avatar on YouTube it shows Elza and Sherry and John all walking together..

                              It looks like they are in the Factory!

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	1 (1).jpg
Views:	2
Size:	90.5 KB
ID:	402071
                              Last edited by Zombie_X; 12-16-2012, 11:35 AM.
                              My Head-Fi Page


                              • The suspense is killing me! Been refreshing his page all day waiting for an update.

