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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by EvilMarshy View Post
    B rank, No wonder the time was good. How many sprays did you get through?
    I never use sprays, I used the sub machine gun on the baby G (or whatever it's name is).


    • Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
      I never use sprays, I used the sub machine gun on the baby G (or whatever it's name is).
      The thing that comes out of the chief? I think it's called the G-Imago. Or something.


      • Nope, it's the "Golem".
        Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


        • Originally posted by curse420 View Post
          The thing that comes out of the chief? I think it's called the G-Imago. Or something.

          You mean G - Embryo hehe..
          Its a parasite that Birkin uses to spread the virus more efficiently. Of course, the boss in RE2 is just one of those smaller embryo's that has escaped and grown at a rapid rate while Claire and Leon reach the sewer area..

          It also appears in Outbreak File #1.. Below Freezing Point - of course, that was another - there are multiple sprawns of the creature as in the boss fight where it vomits more at you that try and go down your throat .. Eeek!
          "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


          • Originally posted by Alfred View Post
            Nope, it's the "Golem".
            Didn't they have two end bosses, one called Golem and the other .. hmm - Salem or something like that IDK
            They didn't decide in the end I think .. Either that, or each boss was for both Leon and Elza respectively - they had one each?
            "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


            • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
              Didn't they have two end bosses, one called Golem and the other .. hmm - Salem or something like that IDK
              They didn't decide in the end I think .. Either that, or each boss was for both Leon and Elza respectively - they had one each?
              I think Salem and Golgotha were the bosses in RE1.5 not in RE2.
              Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


              • Originally posted by Alfred View Post
                I think Salem and Golgotha were the bosses in RE1.5 not in RE2.
                That's what I meant .. think I got the wrong idea LOL .. since this thread is about 1.5 ;P

                I know Resident Evil like the back of my hand hehe ..
                "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
                  That's what I meant .. think I got the wrong idea LOL .. since this thread is about 1.5 ;P

                  I know Resident Evil like the back of my hand hehe ..
                  Same here.
                  Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


                  • while we hopefully wait for the release of 1.5 what other games are you guys playing right now ?

                    I'm playing

                    Parasite eve 1 and 2 - Always play them in December Christmas time.
                    Also been playing the new family guy game which is actually really fun on my ps3
                    Blue Stinger classic and one of my all time fave Dreamcast games
                    Played the new features of RE6 and tried out the new camera
                    dragon quest 8 - just got to the part were I need to get the Venus tear love that game.

                    And to keep me in the mood for 1.5 I have been playing resident evil 2 duel shock edition and my n64 version.


                    • Diablo II- Just for the pvp because d3 blows, d2 is dead as hell though.
                      Resi ii dual shock ver- <3
                      Tales of the abyss
                      Conker's bad fur day


                      • Originally posted by Alfred View Post
                        I think Salem and Golgotha were the bosses in RE1.5 not in RE2.
                        I don't know if they were really supposed to be implemented. We've never seen any ingame trace of them, and the game was quite advanced before it was canned.

                        Actually I feel like there weren't that many bosses in 1.5.


                        • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                          I don't know if they were really supposed to be implemented. We've never seen any ingame trace of them, and the game was quite advanced before it was canned.

                          Actually I feel like there weren't that many bosses in 1.5.
                          Actually, there is a picture of Inflames's source featuring Leon and Annette fighting one of them.
                          Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


                          • You mean this picture?

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	bh2_umbtrain_25.jpg
Views:	8
Size:	93.7 KB
ID:	402106
                            My Head-Fi Page


                            • It's probably William's final transformation, similar to its "dog" version of RE2.


                              • It seems 1.5 flowed the exact same way as RE2. RPD > Sewers > Factory > Labs > Train. Eve fighting "the boss" on the train seems like a 1.5 concept that was recycled. It seems you fight "the boss" and defeat them, then when you go back to the train and try to escape, he comes back for the final showdown.. sounds like Leon/Claire B to me..

                                Click image for larger version

Name:	bh2_umbtrain_19.jpg
Views:	7
Size:	100.8 KB
ID:	402107
                                Last edited by Zombie_X; 12-20-2012, 08:16 PM.
                                My Head-Fi Page

