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  • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
    I never made any demand, you should think twice before posting some random crap like this. It's tiring communicating with people like you who obviously have issues understanding basic things.

    How the fuck do you want them to be able to create cut-scenes or dialogues that are not publicly available? I am lamenting about the lack of resource material they have at their disposition coming from the 40% build, and the fact that they don't have access to the final build to complete their mod. At the end, they will have to guess, and as I said earlier, use material coming from BH2.
    We don't know how much they know about the whole game. Maybe they have access to concept we don't have. The real 'crap-posts' are your whining. Because seriously, whining about the team guessing content doesn't make sense at the moment. You should postpone it to the day when it gets released, then you will have the right.
    Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


    • Originally posted by Alfred View Post
      The real 'crap-posts' are your whining.
      You should look at the definition of "whining" in the dictionary and stop acting like a dick. You'd do yourself and everyone else a favor.


      • The Team are doing a great work, people need to appreciate these efforts.
        Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
        ^ Lol ...


        • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
          You should look at the definition of "whining" in the dictionary and stop acting like a dick. You'd do yourself and everyone else a favor.
          Now that's dissapointing. Thought something clever and witty would come from you.
          Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


          • Oh, hey, pointless bickering. In this thread? I'm shocked.

            Don't, minions. I've just had a vasectomy. I currently know only hatred and pain.


            • lulz [don't take next 3 sentenseses too seriousely]. Rick (persian). Choose your next words carefully. This is THIA (Sparta). Would you like to fall to dark hole?
              Not because of your statemetos but rather using f*** and d***. Maybe where you come from its is freedom specho, but this is international place with international moderators [hope].

              And one with 527 post [not all of them full with additive sense to respectos] should not go as loud as given one goes.

              // Comperados Ganados.

              EDIT: and read trough not native lang double sentence: i am not being offensive here; nobody is; so why to hasstle trough the tossle?
              EDIT #2: continue using attitude you tick 6 out of 9 similarities [latter UNticked being yyber d***, again d*** and claimer of owner of 1.5 bilds] of the GMAN (or hoeva was that brick in assembly forum who got eventually bannos)

              EDIT #3:
              Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
              How the fuck do you want them to be able to create cut-scenes or dialogues that are not publicly available? I am lamenting about the lack of resource material they have at their disposition coming from the 40% build, and the fact that they don't have access to the final build to complete their mod. At the end, they will have to guess, and as I said earlier, use material coming from BH2.
              This is the most sad thing i ever read in this thread. If this would be the face of whole 1.5 fans here we would not get ****#%@! nothing.
              Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
              fact that they don't have access to the final build to complete their mod
              Blind my eyes with acid sticks , but since when this became fact? we have no clue what soever of the origins of their build. They having such rare thing , i would not be surprised if they had even the 100% build... If ya would know that in beta world there are actually obligations in order to keep level of respect, said that . it means it would be totally possible to have 'premission' to hack/fix/restourate 40% at same time also owning 80% build with the 'permission' not to leak it. i'd sure take a sniff out of it if i would be the hacker/coder of this project.

              And btw, THIS IS NOT MOD! Its a reconstruction, repair or even restauration project.
              Last edited by Marvin; 12-21-2012, 11:23 AM.
              ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


              • Originally posted by Marvin View Post
                lulz [don't take next 3 sentenseses too seriousely]. Rick (persian). Choose your next words carefully. This is THIA (Sparta). Would you like to fall to dark hole?
                Not because of your statemetos but rather using f*** and d***. Maybe where you come from its is freedom specho, but this is international place with international moderators [hope].

                And one with 527 post [not all of them full with additive sense to respectos] should not go as loud as given one goes.

                // Comperados Ganados.

                EDIT: and read trough not native lang double sentence: i am not being offensive here; nobody is; so why to hasstle trough the tossle?
                EDIT #2: continue using attitude you tick 6 out of 9 similarities [latter UNticked being yyber d***, again d*** and claimer of owner of 1.5 bilds] of the GMAN (or hoeva was that brick in assembly forum who got eventually bannos)

                EDIT #3:

                This is the most sad thing i ever read in this thread. If this would be the face of whole 1.5 fans here we would not get ****#%@! nothing.

                Blind my eyes with acid sticks , but since when this became fact? we have no clue what soever of the origins of their build. They having such rare thing , i would not be surprised if they had even the 100% build... If ya would know that in beta world there are actually obligations in order to keep level of respect, said that . it means it would be totally possible to have 'premission' to hack/fix/restourate 40% at same time also owning 80% build with the 'permission' not to leak it. i'd sure take a sniff out of it if i would be the hacker/coder of this project.

                And btw, THIS IS NOT MOD! Its a reconstruction, repair or even restauration project.
                Total agreement with everything he said.
                Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


                • I love the team and all, but let's be honest, there's probably quite a few story-related material (cut scenes and files) not yet programmed in by the time the 40% build was compiled. While I'm sure they'll try to stick to the source material and Bio 2 as close as possible, they will probably have to take some liberties with their recreation and won't be able to nail down the entire thing 100% accurate as the devs intended. Anyway don't get me wrong, I'm glad they're undertaking this project, but recreating an incomplete game will obviously require them to make stuff up.
                  Seibu teh geimu?


                  • There are some people on here and Youtube that just don't understand how much hard work goes in to reconstructing parts of this game and also they expect far to much from this team , they are doing the best they can and doing a really good job of it , but some people are expecting way to much , I say just be grateful they are doing anything at all and sharing it with us at the same time.


                    • Hey, guys. There is really no need to argue here. For whatever reason you come here, you want to have the privilege to play RE 1.5, alright?

                      We come here for the same thing, so let us put aside the differences and different expectations/demands/whatsoever, appreciate the team who sacrificed their spare time to bring a chance to us. They have done their best to meet our 15 yrs long demands.

                      Christmas is coming in only a few days, so let us just wait and see what surprise we will get on that day!
                      Last edited by w.dash; 12-21-2012, 11:56 AM.
                      ------People themselves call for camalities and blessings.


                      • Originally posted by Marvin View Post
                        Blind my eyes with acid sticks , but since when this became fact? we have no clue what soever of the origins of their build.
                        Anyone with half a brain can deduce that the most likely source is related to the curator. We know it's the 40% build. And no one outside of Kim's contact is known to possess the 80% build. It would be sooooo logical to recreate backgrounds manually (with a perspective that doesn't match) and post comparisons pictures taken from Kim's website if they had access to the 80% build. You realize that based on that your assumption they might have the 80% build is silly, don't you?

                        Originally posted by Marvin View Post
                        And btw, THIS IS NOT MOD! Its a reconstruction, repair or even restauration project.
                        You're playing with words, but yeah, let's play. Restoration is supposed to be the point. Now with all your wisdom you're gonna tell me how you are supposed to restore cut-scenes, dialogues, endings, etc. which are not even known to exist. You restore something that can be restored. If you have to make up stuffs, that's not a restoration anymore.

                        Again, since the beginning of that retarded argument I never, ever talked about the team's job at all. The only thing I was talking about is that if the end of the game lacks cut scenes and bosses, it will make it hard to create something really playable in terms of cut-scenes and scenario based on that, and they would have to rely heavily on RE2 as a basis of comparison, since the lab is pretty much similar. It is not about whining, it is not about criticizing, it is about stating facts, as well as my personal opinion which basically states that it would be great if said team had access to the final build. This build combined with their obvious skills would result in the most definitive version of the game.

                        Now, if some random people want to bitch about my opinion, that's not my problem. But when I say I'm afraid the last part of the game might feel "empty" in terms of content and events, don't come with the "betaz are great" crap. We don't share the same opinion, that's fine. I also collect betas and I love playing them. But you didn't get my point, and you didn't have to respond like that.


                        • It doesn't really matter which % version you got, there was most likely never any material for the ending. Of course it'll feel somewhat empty. People seem to be forgetting the whole "unfinished" thing.
                          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                          • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                            It doesn't really matter which % version you got, there was most likely never any material for the ending. Of course it'll feel somewhat empty. People seem to be forgetting the whole "unfinished" thing.
                            It's good to have no ending, because it leaves people some space for imaginations. And, 1,000 different players have 1,000 possibilities for what is best for them as an ending.
                            ------People themselves call for camalities and blessings.


                            • Originally posted by DZIAD View Post
                              Exactly !
                              I don't want to rain on any of this, but what if the release of this 40% build actually causes the demand for the 80% build and effectively raise it's own price in the long run? I mean think about it, if the 40% build is as desolate as is told, maybe people won't be satisfied and want the 80% build even more? I understand that at first it might bring the price down, but realistically i can only see this effecting those with the 40% build, since the 80% build might be totally different in it's own respect.


                              • If it raises the demand for 80% good, I'd rather it get more expensive and actually TURN UP than it never see the light of day. And about the labs being empty even in the 80%, no sorry, no. Inflames shots have the train, annette, the final birkin, birkin on the train, those are final things. The game's story was mostly done. It was polishing, certain rooms, certain connections that weren't done by the time of scrapping. The team can take mild creative liberties in certain things, but the labs background's BARELY changed from 1.5 to 2, so guess what else probably remained similiar? The story composition. Marvin is infected, sherry is infected. Wait and see what the team can do. I will bet you will feel like you are playing the 80% build when its all said and done. Wait for MrBZork's words that we hang on and give them a chance to wow you.

